Light Spirit Epic Chapter 730: Wandering for the first time


Chapter 730 Wandering in the Trial

At the same time, in a deep alley in Edinburgh.

“May a sweet death soothe all. May annihilation befall everyone equally.” The voice murmured, as if reciting some kind of code.

The stone cracks in the alley, slowly revealing a light, so weak that it is almost invisible.

“Are you here? Are you not being followed?” A voice floated out of the cracks in the rocks, echoing in the gloom.

“No.” Vestad tidied up his armor and flicked the dust off it: “Although there was a little disturbance on the road, everything was normal.”

“Okay. Come on—” the other voice replied. In the darkness of the alley, a secret door gradually opened. The Knight of the Round Table, Vestad, cautiously got into the secret door, and disappeared into the night together with the person who matched him.

Light and darkness were originally a pair of existences.

They are both antagonistic and interdependent. The brighter the light, the darker the darkness below. And this gloom also exists in the organization of the Knights of the Round Table.

—A great conspiracy is quietly brewing in the underground of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

At the same time, London, King Arthur’s bedroom.

“Hahahaha! Come again!” The laughter of a group of children was heard by the King of Knights from a distance.

Arthur walked quickly up the steps and looked at Greenville, who was playing with the children in the palace, and the children in the palace.

It’s [men] because there are three children there.

One is Lian Yin’s son, Husky the dog:

The other is Howl the Leopard, son of Vivienne and Palamidis;

There is another little girl who is Lola, Kay and Frey’s daughter.

“Why is it suddenly so lively?” King Arthur walked into the hall.

“Hello Uncle Arthur!” Little Lola and Little Hal shouted in unison.

“Uncle!” Little Husky was half a beat slower, sounding particularly funny.

“Arthur, are you back?” Greenville smiled, with Frey and Vivienne beside her. The other two children were brought by the two ladies.

Frey is still wearing her usual armor, albeit with an extra red cloak. Under the thin cloak, her graceful figure was looming.

Vivian was dressed in black, and the lady’s dress tightened the lines of her body, making the woman look mysterious and noble. The lifespan of succubus is longer than that of giants, and Vivienne hasn’t aged a little over the years, she even looks younger.

King Arthur understood right away that this was some kind of tea party for the ladies. Bringing the kids over to play, keeping them busy, and the ladies taking a break and having a cup of tea along the way, really kills two birds with one stone.

“Well, I’m back.” Arthur nodded to the ladies and looked at the children at the same time: “It’s great, the children of the same age are all gathered together and have playmates.”

Vivian smiled indifferently: “Little Hal has just arrived, this little naughty refuses to stay in Turkic alone, taking advantage of the [round table trial] opportunity, he just follows his brothers by boat to Great Britain. .”

“Oh, is that so. Did Zephyr and Seglade also land safely?” Arthur asked casually.

“Arrived safely. Resting at home now.” Vivian took a sip of black tea. “They seem to have encountered some interesting things along the way. Let them report to you in person. — I’m afraid this world will be different. It’s peaceful.”

Arthur groaned inwardly. He has also encountered a lot of “interesting” things recently.

No. The world was never peaceful. It’s just that there’s been a little more stuff moving around in the darkness recently.

He sat down in his chair, keeping his distance from the ladies. When he sat down, the servants also came forward and served the king a cup of hot tea.

“Arthur, I heard you met a strange crab man today. Is everything okay?” Greenville asked casually.

“It’s okay. That guy claims to be from the Dark Continent of the East, and his crab shell…is actually an armor used to isolate Anko.”

“Do the Orientals have this kind of technology?” Vivian took another sip of tea and asked with concern: “And the biggest question is, how did he cross the wall of the world and come to Europe?”

Even though seven years ago, the World Wall was transformed into a giant transparent wall, it still exists, it does exist. There should be no creature on the dark continent that can break the wall of the world and run over. At least not yet.

“You don’t want to know how he got here.” Arthur smiled mysteriously and took another sip of tea: “He didn’t go by land or sea, he took the [Rongyan Road].”

The giantess Frey was already suspicious at the beginning of the conversation. When King Arthur said this, she was even more sure that she was right. She exclaimed: “That crab man can really move in the molten rock?!”

“That’s right. And it is active in the underground high temperature and high pressure molten rock layer.” The king of knights looked expectantly at the ladies’ watches: “He swam all the way along a certain volcanic ridge underground, and finally ended up in a volcano in Iceland. popped out. What an amazing move!”

The ladies exclaimed again in low voices.

“So, my estimate is correct. The World Wall doesn’t completely seal the Earth, it loses its effectiveness at some depth.” Vivienne pondered: “This is a bit bad. If the dark creatures are allowed to Knowing the secret, they—”

“They can’t do anything.” The King of Knights interrupted his sister’s words: “Under the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees underground, dark creatures can’t survive at all. Anzi only needs a few thousand degrees to decompose. , remember?”

Vivian thought about it, and it seemed right. She frowned, but didn’t think about it.

“But, what a smart person.” Greenville couldn’t interrupt, she couldn’t help but say: “He actually used the channel of molten rock to come to Europe. That person must be a great scientist, right?”

“Accurately, a geologist.” Arthur whispered: “If I have time, I will try to get more reports from him. Until then… Vivian, yes. Could you please help Merlin?”

“Help?” The lady smiled suspiciously: “What can I do for you?”

“I want to copy that guy’s armor.”

Although he knew that he would be opposed by everyone when he said it, the king of knights still summoned the courage to say: “I also want a set of [decoupling armor]. —In order to explore the dark continent of the east .”

Anyone present panicked at the bold vision of the King of Knights.

“Huh?” Little Husky looked stupidly at the surprised behavior of the adults, turned his head in disapproval, and continued to play with his blocks.

At the same time, on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

The werewolf came all the way here with his friend on his back.

In front of him is a simple, two-story house made of white marble. This is a B&B that is often seen in rural Great Britain.

Looking at the dilapidated compound of the stone house and the disrepaired, somewhat peeling exterior walls, Bedivere was once again puzzled. Sure enough, Captain Senezel’s old friend is not a good thing. The quality of this hotel is comparable to that of the old captain’s broken cargo ship.

Can people live in this messy environment?

El’s health is not very good, he should have found a cleaner place to rest.

There is no way. They have already arrived at the door of the hotel. Bedivere, who couldn’t get off on a tiger, had to step forward and knocked on the door of the hotel a few times.

Knock, knock. The heavy metal door knocker and door panel slammed, making a deep, deep sound.

Then the sound of human footsteps. The sound mixed with the creaking of the hotel floor, and it was getting closer.

Why is the atmosphere so terrifying. Could it be a ghost who opened the door? The werewolf swallowed and shrank in the icy night wind.

Squeak—— the door opened with a long hiss.

An old man, holding a candlestick, appeared in front of Bedivere, and the werewolf’s hair stood on end.

The rough, cracked skin of dead wood, and the hooked nose that seems to be full of unkindness is enough to scare off many people in the world. On a pair of heavy bags under the eyes, the old man’s deep-set gray eyes reflected a faint light under the candlelight, which looked even more terrifying.

If it wasn’t for the old man’s similar appearance to Captain Senezel, the werewolf would have thought he had seen a ghost and ran away immediately.

And…what’s the matter with this old man? ! What era is it, and you still come out with a candlestick? Wouldn’t it be better to use a lantern, or a flashlight?

“Oh, are you here?” Bedivere was surprised, but the other party was not particularly surprised when he saw the werewolf. Captain Senezel seemed to have informed the old man.

“You are Bedivere and… Albert, right?” The old man used the candlestick to shine the werewolf’s face, and then the sleeping tiger.

When he saw the tiger’s picture of a sick cat with pits and rashes all over his body, he was immediately displeased: “What’s wrong with this tiger? Is there some strange disease? It’s not contagious, right?”

“No, no!” Afraid of being chased away, the werewolf quickly explained, “Al was just Hair loss is a poisoning reaction. Give him some time and he will recover.”

Now that I think about it, the werewolf suddenly realizes: No wonder every hotel frowns when they see them, lest they avoid it – it turns out that Albert, the sick cat, is in the way!

Indeed, who wants to take in a sick cat? If it was some kind of plague, or a highly contagious skin disease, wouldn’t the hotel be in big trouble!

What’s more annoying than an orc in the eyes of a human? The answer is, an orc who contracted an unknown disease!

After listening to Bedivere’s explanation, the old man was still skeptical. But Bedivere and the others were introduced by the old man’s friend, and the old man was embarrassed to refuse directly. He hesitated for a moment before fully opening the door: “It’s cold outside, let’s talk first.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much.” The werewolf said gratefully, and hurriedly got into the house through the door.

He just hopes the old man doesn’t change his mind halfway through and kick him and Al out. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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