Light Spirit Epic Chapter 720: Disputes over Rongyan (4)


Chapter 720 Disputes over Rongyan

Greenville was determined.

In contrast, King Arthur is the king of Great Britain, but he is very mediocre. Those black and black pupils belong to the standard Kelton appearance. Although that face had its own peculiar perseverance, its outline lacked bright spots, like a human face mass-produced by a mold.

Why is such a mediocre person a king, while Lancelot, who has a shockingly handsome face, is subservient to Arthur and is just a knight of the round table? Greenville suddenly had this wonderful sigh.

“Your Majesty.” Lancelot stepped forward and saluted Queen Greenville: “The reason, I have heard from His Majesty the King. From today, I am your most loyal Knight, fight only for you, die only for you. Even if you draw a sword to the king, you will not hesitate.”

“And I, allow all this.” Wang said leniently.

How are you? “Greenville’s heart is full of doubts and more complex feelings at the moment.

“I never regret what I did, not now, never will. I believe in you, Greenville, my lovely queen. You will definitely point me right on the road ahead. direction;

I also believe in you, Lancelot, my dearest and most loyal brother. In the days to come, you will surely protect the queen from all dangers. —It’s settled like this. “

That’s right. That’s it, it’s settled.

Out of pure and honest heart, King Arthur decided this matter without any scruples, but Queen Greenville did not stop the king this time.

—Even if she vaguely felt that Wang made a stupid decision.

The next morning.

Albert got up from the bed and scratched his head.

He burned all night, and the events of last night became so dazed that he had forgotten all about it. (I don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky.)

The clothes that were left to dry on the other empty beds were completely dry, although there was still a slight damp feeling – that was caused by the salt in the sea water attaching to the clothes, which could not be completely removed without washing.

The tiger man touched his forehead. The fever and cold had been cured. The tiger only felt refreshed and grateful for his strong physique as an orc.

He dresses happily, opens the locked hatch, and walks out of the room.

This is the third day of the sea trip. If there is no accident, we will arrive in Great Britain this evening. Then you can actually find a hotel and take a good bath – three days without a bath on the boat, the tiger’s body already has a strange smell.

“Oh, you’re finally awake?” Before Al had taken a few steps, Bedivere was waiting in the corridor not far away.

“Thanks to you, I’m not dead yet.” Al replied coldly. He hadn’t quite forgotten about Bedivere’s malicious joke yesterday.

“Still angry? It’s stingy.” The werewolf didn’t take it seriously, and even wagged his tail happily, apparently still in the dark about what he had done with Albert yesterday: “Come and have breakfast. Although it’s nothing. It’s edible, and it’s another pile of sashimi.”

“I have no opinion.” Albert gave Bedivere another shot. Don’t eat for nothing, tigers are cats, there is no cat in the world that doesn’t like to eat fish.

But there are cats who are afraid of spicy food. The cat’s tongue is afraid of being hot, and of course it is also afraid of spicy food.

“Alas, it’s chili sauce again.” After everyone sat around the table, the black panther boy Hal grimaced at the plate of red chili sauce next to the sashimi.

“For sterilization meow. Unless you want to have diarrhea meow.” Seglade shook his head at the little black panther, this time he was absolutely going to force Hal to eat spicy food.

He blamed little Howl’s strange behavior yesterday as “eating the wrong food” — and the wrong food could only be these sashimi.

Therefore, he decided to strictly manage Little Howl’s diet today: Strictly sterilize each piece of sashimi.

“Well, today’s fish seems to be a little different?” Albert looked at the fish fillets on the plate. In addition to the snow-white fish fillets, there were a lot of orange-red fish. The fatty red meat looks extra sweet and delicious.

“Because we’re so close to Great Britain,” Bedivere said disapprovingly, snatching the orange-red fillets with his fork.

Most of the white fish comes from the most common fish in the Arctic Ocean: cod.

And that special orange-red fish comes from salmon, one of the most sashimi-friendly fish in the world. Due to the influence of ocean currents, salmon are only active in inland waters. If you can catch salmon, it also means that the ship is not far from shore.

Speaking of which, salmon meat is the best meat in meat, and it is also a very special meat. Salmon meat is most delicious when eaten raw, but when cooked, it looks like a piece of fat pork, too fat to swallow. . Therefore, the gourmets who know how to eat will never allow the unacceptable thing of cooking salmon meat, unless it is a special dish.

Albert was also a gourmet, having eaten many delicacies throughout his life. He knew that the fish meat was a good thing, and of course he would not let it go, so he hurriedly scrambled with the werewolf.

Kng-kang-kang-kang. The two knives and forks fought fiercely on the dining table, frightening the others.

“You, you need to grab meows? There are many—” Saifer was about to persuade, but found that the salmon meat was disappearing at an alarming rate. He was startled, picked up his fork immediately, and joined the war for food.

Hal doesn’t want to eat a few pieces of fish.

“What’s wrong, meow? Stomach discomfort meow?” Seglade asked with concern.

“I’m good meow. But spicy meow.” The little black panther is still coquettish. It is obviously sweet and delicious sashimi, why do you want to have that unpalatable spicy sauce?

“It’s alright, eat more meow. If you eat more, you will be numb, don’t feel spicy meow.” While Seglade said absurdly, he also used a fork to **** a lot of fish fillets, and they were all good salmon. tenderloin. He poured the fish fillets with spicy sauce and stuffed them into his brother’s plate.

Oh my god. Seeing that the surface of the golden fish fillet was glowing with the red oil of pepper, the little black panther was about to cry.

Bediver was envious: Howl’s brothers took great care of the little leopard.

(If there are brothers, it would be nice to be able to love each other like that.)

(Wait. Bro?)

(It seems to have been, but it seems not.)

The werewolf’s memory is in a daze.


(Well, no. Who is Papaloff? Do I know this guy?)

While Little Howl was still struggling and Bedivere was distracted, a commotion on the deck rescued the former and brought the latter back to reality.

At the same time that everyone turned to look in the direction of the commotion, the little black panther quickly swept all the spicy fish fillets on the plate into Bedivere’s plate.

“What’s going on outside?” The werewolf quickly grabbed him and asked as a sailor passed by.

“Oh, it’s just a group of candidates who want to get on the boat halfway. The captain is arguing with those guys about this.”

“Get on the boat midway?” The werewolf was curious, and hurriedly emptied the food on the plate.

“It’s theoretically a foul meow.” Saifer explained: “Our test starts from the moment we board the ship, although it’s not an official test. If someone gets on board midway, Skip the two-day trip, isn’t it equivalent to cheating meow? The captain doesn’t protest.”

“Is there such a thing?” Albert asked curiously: “I thought it was just a boat ride—“

But it’s hard to believe that all this has nothing to do with the exam.

“How is that possible.” The werewolf cleaned up the food on the plate and stood up slowly: “At least that ghost ship was not deliberately arranged. No matter how powerful Great Britain is, it is impossible to recruit a dark spirit. Fight with us.”

Albert shook his head disapprovingly, laughing at how naive the werewolf was. Even if there was no ghost ship incident yesterday, Captain Senezel would have come up with other bad ideas to test the candidates.

Great Britain must have some kind of partnership with the captain, and all the captain has to do is to help screen candidates and minimize the number of people who arrive in Great Britain for the Knights of the Round Table exam. Otherwise, when hundreds of thousands of candidates arrive in Great Britain every year, the small island country will definitely be crowded out.

As for what methods and tricks the captain(s) will use to screen candidates, it all depends on the captain’s heart.

It is said that one year there was a mad captain who was dissatisfied with the whole ship of candidates, and sank the ship directly, and regarded all the candidates on the ship as failing. Getting on the boat of that mad captain can only be considered unlucky for the candidates—they lost on the starting line before they even started!

And luck is also one of the conditions for becoming a Knight of the Round Table! (Why not?)

In addition to having good martial arts skills, great warriors must always be favored by the **** of luck. People who are born unlucky, no matter how hard they try, they can’t succeed!

It is ten o’clock in the morning. With half a day left, the ship will soon arrive. Today, I just hope that Captain Senezel will not come up with any new tricks. Albert was exhausted from running around for several days, and he had no time to deal with more tests.

Contrary to Albert, who is showing signs of weariness, a certain wolf is in high spirits.

Little Howl looked at the red-faced werewolf, felt sorry for Uncle Bedivere, and couldn’t help showing a face of shame.

“Are you full? Let’s go.” The werewolf Bedivere, who had eaten too much spicy food and was overexcited, wagged his tail to persuade everyone: “Let’s go to the deck to join in the fun and see who these cheating candidates are. What a great god.”

Albert was amused by the werewolf’s sudden curiosity. But it is just a few cheating candidates, it is estimated that they are the back door relying on the relationship of some dignitaries. Most of these guys are playboys, and there is no real material. Such a waste, what’s so beautiful?

After everyone solved the problem of food and clothing, they ran on the deck together to watch the new candidates.

On the deck, several crew members led by the captain had already confronted those candidates who had boarded the ship midway, and seemed to be at odds. And Captain Senezel was arguing with each other and his face was red.

Oh no, it should be said that the captain’s face was red in the arguing, and the other party, the “cheating candidate” who took the lead, had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn’t pay attention to the captain at all.

Looking again, in fact, there are not as many candidates [on the boat] as it is said in the legend, there are only two people. And these two people, Bedivere know.

It’s Tristan and Evan!

It was Tristan, the young murloc prince who took the lead in arguing (theoretically) with the captain.

I haven’t seen him for seven years, the boy is tall and handsome, with a stream of gold pouring down his head, stopping properly before reaching his shoulders, and fluttering with the wind, handsome enough to make people hate, shining enough to make people jealous.

The pair of blue eyes are more like the purest and most precious sapphire, which exudes the light of wisdom and dexterity, and even a bit of naughty when they were young.

As Bedivere has always known, murlocs (male merfolk) appear to be almost indistinguishable from humans, even as they grow up.

Unless people look closely, they can see the golden fish scales on Tristan’s skin that are as tiny as malt, as thin as cicada wings, and extremely transparent.

And if one keeps a distance, all one can see is the looming golden scales of Tristan’s reddish-white skin in the sunlight. Those who don’t know the truth will definitely think that this is a rich kid who loves to show off, and even put gold powder on his skin!

That’s a kind of handsome that can be easily misunderstood. Tristan must have been envied, jealous, and hated by countless people, especially men who were far inferior in appearance to the murloc prince. This is the fate he cannot escape no matter what.

If being handsome is a sin, then being ordinary is an unforgivable sin.

Evan next to Tristan grows up, more ordinary and less brilliant than when he was a child.

He is neither ugly nor beautiful, neither handsome nor frustrating. Just like a large number of extras recruited in a drama, you can’t remember his appearance just by looking at it. If you watch it again, you still can’t remember it. You can barely remember Ivan’s picture until you watch it 10,000 times a thousand times. The outline of the face — and you’d still confuse that outline with other extras.

Evan’s sin is that he has zero sense of existence, but when he and Tristan get together, they can perfectly set off the handsomeness of the murloc Evan’s sin is that he makes Choi Stan was even more sinful.

Together these two make for the most terrifying pair in the world, in every sense of the word!

However, when Evan’s overall sense of existence was about zero, the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose unexpectedly shined.

Bediver looked at the glasses with great confusion: Evan was originally proficient in eagle eye surgery, and his eyesight was the best of everyone Bedivere knew. Why would such a guy suddenly wear glasses?

Did his super vision decline in the past seven years? If it’s true, it’s really scary and worrisome! —Because Evan has no other advantages except those eyes!

“That’s why you can’t get on the boat!” The captain’s passionate scolding pulled the werewolf’s consciousness back from his contemplation: “You didn’t get on this boat at first. This year’s exam! I just want to get on the boat now? No way! Please come early next year!”() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas, if it is found that its content violates national laws Please delete the content of the content, and the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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