Light Spirit Epic Chapter 718: Disputes over the melting flame (2)


Chapter 718 Disputes over Rongyan (2)

A huge battleship… no, a submarine, gradually appeared in front of the King of Knights. Read the latest chapter of this book, come to the website, the latest chapter!

The most elite warships of the Mermaid Kingdom, equipped with the most advanced technology [Warp Submarine], [Spy Ship—Ice Crystal], appeared out of thin air in front of the King of Knights!

Not all submarines go underwater, and this one is an exception. It uses the most advanced subspace technology in subspace, and can freely enter and exit between reality and subspace!

[Ice Crystal] emerged from the gap in the warp, and immediately aimed its main gun at the center of Eyjafjallajökull. It condenses all the energy of the entire ship, and is preparing to strike a strong blow!

In the control room of the Ice Crystal, Captain Tristan has stood up: “Aiming correction begins!”

The first officer on the side, Ivan, who is also the artillery commander, is attentively calculating the trajectory: “Aim correction, the elevation angle is 3 degrees, and the inclination angle is 1.5 degrees. The wind direction is second-level northeast, and the field of vision is good.

—Dark blue wave cannon, ready to shoot! “

“Dark blue wave cannon, shoot!!”

The Ice Crystal roared at the captain’s order. The huge photon stream converged in the main gun of the bow, and instantly transformed into pure negative entropy energy!

That’s right, it’s not a physical cannonball, nor is it a light projectile. It’s just a magic bullet—it’s exactly the same in nature as Tristan’s proud stunt [Dark Blue Ball], but it’s a hundred and a thousand times bigger.

That’s a giant [Dark Blue Orb]!

As this sphere of pure negentropy was compressed to its limit, it burst!

The surging negative entropy energy from the cracked dark blue sphere is directly transformed into a dark blue beam (negative entropy beam), which is shot out with the potential to devour heaven and earth! !

Whoosh! ! It collided with the air and made a strange sound like a water cannon. But its power is far greater than the water column, much larger!

Dark blue waves shoot out parabolically, landing precisely in the molten rock pools of the crater!

The massive negative entropy begins to counteract the positive entropy, turning the fiery heat of the volcano into icy cold!

A huge ash cloud thousands of feet high was ejected, and it was frozen in an instant! The frosted clouds are the most bizarre sights in the world: a layer of hoarfrost on the grey-black, cotton-like structure!

The molten rock pool also freezes instantly, although this freeze is temporary!

The Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which was still furious just now, has calmed its heat in an instant! Although under the freezing of a thousand feet of frost, it is still brewing more mania, but that is the future!

“Frozen, frozen?! ​​Good stakes!” Frey looked at the frozen crater from a distance, and couldn’t help but be surprised that human (mermaid?) technology is developing so fast, and they already have the ability to arbitrarily transform nature. means up!

“It’s frozen, but it’s only temporary.” Captain Tristan’s voice came from the submarine, and there was a lot of accusation in his tone: “Your Majesty, why don’t you wait for our support to act casually? It’s very dangerous, you know? ?”

This guy is definitely the rescuer Palinlor called.

Arthur suddenly had the urge to slap Palinlor, but it was Tristan that he wanted to slap the most.

Tristan didn’t see Arthur’s angry face, and continued to say proudly: “Quickly evacuate! The effective time of the dark blue wave cannon is only a few dozen minutes. Now it can temporarily suppress the activity of the volcano, But if it goes on like this, it will spray again sooner or later.”

“You don’t need to remind me.” Arthur winked at Frey, signaling the giantess to go back to get the transport.

“Tristan, Evan, aren’t you planning to participate in [that] this year? If you spend more time here, you won’t be able to catch up with the [Trial of the Round Table]!”

“No need for His Majesty’s reminder!” Tristan’s sneer came from the submarine, “We’ve already made arrangements.”

King Arthur was silent for a while. He was trying hard to restrain himself, not to curse.

“Ahahahaha.” The young murloc prince put down the microphone, turned to his first mate with a smug face, and asked, “Did you see it? Did you see it?! — Not only did the volcanic eruption stop, but also The great King Arthur was also rescued by me! I am so handsome!”

“Yes, to our great and stinky captain.” Evan pushed the frame of his glasses along the bridge of his nose and replied absently.

At this time, a strong tremor emanated from Eyjafjallajökull.

“Again?” Arthur looked at the changes in the crater from a distance.

Not a volcanic eruption. However, something did shoot through the thick snow on the volcano’s surface.

“Huh?” Tristan turned his head and watched the thing from the submarine’s tactical panel.

A… egg?

It approaches rapidly.

Evan calculated where the thing would land, and suddenly exclaimed: “Damn it! Immediately do evasive action! Full left rudder, turn at full speed!!”

“It’s too late!” shouted the merman crew at the helm.

“The shield power is turned on to the maximum! Stop it!” Evan shouted instead.

Tristan laughed when he saw Ivan’s panicked look: “Why are you so nervous. The Ice Crystal’s armor is so thick, how could a giant egg pierce through it?”

He raised a hand: “If it really comes, this uncle will take it empty-handed——“

Touch! ! The molten rock dome shot directly through the battleship’s protective cover and smashed the blue crystal armored shell of the battleship.

The egg is not broken, but the integrity of the murloc prince is broken. Just now, he boasted that he could catch the giant egg with his hands, but now he is being held down by the giant egg and cannot move.

“Woo!! Woo (Save) Oh (me)!” But this guy is lucky, or he’s very strong. He wasn’t dead, he was still shaking his hands and feet happily under the egg calling for help.

The battleship’s strong shield and hard crystal shell minimize the impact of the dome, allowing the lucky (unlucky) murloc to save his life.

“Well, I take back everything I said just now.” Ivan walked over to join in the fun and knocked on the melting rock dome: “You are so handsome, you blocked this dome with one hand.”

Tristan extends a hand from under the egg and gives a thumbs up in agreement.

At the same time, a cargo ship bound for Great Britain.

Seglade watched from a distance at Bedivere and Little Howl on the stern deck.

He was curious as to why his brother had asked to have a long private chat with the werewolf. But out of respect for his younger brother, Seglade had no intention of eavesdropping.

About thirty yards away, at the stern, Bedivere and the Black Panther boy were sitting cross-legged on the deck, planning to have a real “knee talk”.

“Um…” Little Howl covered his head, as if disturbed by some kind of trance: “Listen, Bedivere. I don’t have much time, so I can only keep it short.”

So this wasn’t a long talk?

“I’m Hal Pavre. Do you still recognize me?”

The werewolf gave a smirk of course: “Of course I do, you are Hal Pavre Palamidis.”

“No, I’m Hal Pav. Herbalist Hal Pav, little Pav, Elephant Pav.” The little black panther said solemnly: “My father, old Pav, was killed by you. Dead, remember, Bedivere?”

The werewolf was really surprised at this point: “You…what?!”

“I don’t know what happened to my original body. I should have died in the attack in Athens to protect a rabbit.” Little Hal lowered his head and recalled: “But when I went back Come on, I actually found myself inside this little cat’s body—meow.”

“Meow?” The werewolf sneered. A “cat voice” immediately ruined the seriousness of the conversation.

“Tsk, **** it—this kid has been with those two cats for too long, and his speech has become cat-like, and even my side is affected.” Little Howl seems to be trying his best not to let Meow yourself.

“What do you mean?”

“I…sometimes can be myself as [Elephant Papho]. But most of the time, I’ll forget about this [me] and become a pure brat.” Hal Playing with his little fingers, trying to concentrate: “That’s why I said [no time]. I don’t know when I’m going to fall asleep again and can’t talk to you in this capacity. Anyway, you tell me first– —What’s wrong with me? Whose body is my body?”

“You…you are indeed dead, Paphos.” When the werewolf said this, even himself felt very strange, “[Paphos the Elephant] really died in Athens. Relatively Yes, you rescued the bunny girl named Little Black. She gave birth to you—this little black panther, little Howl. The people of Athens regard you as a hero who sacrificed heroically, and this child is also named after you named.”

Explaining to [Hal] the cause of [Hal]’s death and explaining to [Hal] how [Hal] was born makes the clumsy werewolf almost have the urge to bite off his own tongue.

“Um…” Pav took a moment to understand: “So, I really [reincarnated]. Is this [reincarnation]. What a wonderful phenomenon.”

“And you can still remember the past life?” The werewolf looked at this little black panther, and really couldn’t imagine that his “soul” was the Pavle back then.

Fate went around in circles, circled around, and returned to the starting point. All of this is [Kama (Fate) Reincarnation].

The werewolf blinked, looked at the little black panther in front of him, and tried to find similarities to the elephant man Pavu from Howl’s face. But he finally gave up. The kitten and the elephant have nothing to do with each other, except for a certain brilliance in the eyes, but that’s all.

The werewolf sighed and briefly explained: “Your mother, it’s Rabbit Hei—she died in childbirth when she gave birth to you. Your father…was Leopard. Chaos Hackett. For some reason, he eloped with Morgoth, and his whereabouts are unknown. Albert and I took over the abandoned you.”

“So, you gave me the baby me to the Palamides for adoption?” Little Howl stared at the werewolf.

“Yes. Thankfully I didn’t adopt you, otherwise I’d be embarrassed, ahahahahahaha-” Bedivere laughed embarrassedly.

“It’s not a big problem.” Puff whispered, “No, maybe I should thank you. It was you who gave me a home again. My brothers thought I was Palamidis. The couple’s biological children are very kind to me. I’m so grateful for them…I love them. I’ve been very happy for the past seven years – although I grew up being looked after by two kids younger than me, it always makes people feel Some are not used to it.”

The werewolf was silent for a while.

“I told Patriarch Tut about this privately. But he just wouldn’t believe it, thinking I was a lying child.” Papho blinked: “Indeed, who would believe in [reincarnation], Reincarnation] These nonsense?

The werewolf shrugged.

Puff changed the subject: “Speaking of which—why no one remembers you, Bedivere?”

“Because the [Fourth Miracle] has exhausted my Karma (Fate).” The werewolf sighed and briefly explained the great battle seven years ago to Pavre.

At the last moment of the war, the werewolf Bedivere replaced Arthur, offered his Karma (destiny), saved Albert and others, and greatly changed the face of the world.

The price is that his [existence] is erased from the memory of everyone in this world. No one will remember Bedivere anymore, not even his closest friend from the past.

“So meow.” The little black panther held his cheeks, trying to understand all this.

The dead are resurrected, the walls of the world become transparent, and the darkness of the world is purified. All these great changes are incredible miracles.

People in this new world may have gotten used to it, but Papho—the elephant man Papho from the old world—has not been able to adapt to these dramatic changes.

He breathed a sigh of relief: “Wonderful phenomenon. [The Fourth Miracle] seems to have changed the whole world of people, people don’t recognize you anymore. But it didn’t affect me. Because I was a baby at the time, Is it because my mind is still immature? Or…I don’t actually belong to this new world nyan?

—perhaps, for this new world, you and I are aliens—not of this new world, [impurity] meow. “

“Huh, Hal?” Bedivere felt bad at hearing more and more **** talk.

“Oops, my consciousness is about to disappear again meow…” Pavu tried to maintain his consciousness as an elephant man: “So sleepy… meow.”

“Wait! Answer me a question before you disappear!” The werewolf hurriedly asked: “Why did you know you were going to send us medicine for rescue just now? Who taught you to do this?”

You know, little Howl brought aid to Bedivere, Safer, and Albert at a critical moment, and the aid was skillful and timely.

All of this can’t be a coincidence!

“Um…” Pavu’s consciousness became more and more blurred, and he replied in a low voice: “It’s the **** of fate—“

The **** of fate? !

“Meow?” The little black panther looked at Bedivere with big curious eyes. At this time, little Hal’s eyes were full of is already a seven-year-old boy.

The [Elephant Man Papho] inside him fell into a deep sleep again.

“Uncle Bedivere, what do you want to ask me, meow?” He didn’t remember the conversation just now.

“No, it’s nothing.” The werewolf sighed in disappointment. He wanted to ask a lot, but he had no chance.

The werewolf casually touched the little black panther’s forehead: “Uncle is fine, you can go to your brother.”

“Then… okay meow.” Little Hal got up, turned and ran towards his brother. That back is the back of a seven-year-old boy, which carries the purity and joy of wireless.

“Goodbye, Papho.” The werewolf looked at the back of the little black panther and whispered, “Rest in peace. Your past should not bother you anymore. This is your new life.”

—–a better, happier life. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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