Light Spirit Epic Chapter 711: Explore the mystery of the mystery


Chapter 711 Exploring the Mysterious Ship (3)

Captain David Jones’ logbook.

? ? ? April 2nd. clear.

As if summoned by Luck, we found the thing under the sea.

Black and beautiful, it blooms with brilliance like the stars.

Such pearls are big enough for us to buy an island.

The crew members were all excited. We had a big feast. We drank a full ten barrels of ale, and the stock was basically bottomed out.

But it doesn’t matter. We’ll be home in no time. Once you go ashore and buy this giant pearl, everyone will become a millionaire, and you won’t have to go to sea in the future!

This rotten life will also come to an end. From now on, I must accompany my wife and live a happy and peaceful life.

“Pearl?” The werewolf wondered. What does this have to do with a pearl? Wasn’t this ghost ship’s predecessor a pirate ship?

He turned another page. The handwriting is faintly legible on the almost weathered pages.

? ? ? April 5th. Negative.

I’m not crazy. I absolutely saw it.

Sasha is back with me again.

She was sitting right next to my bed, looking at me with her usual mournful eyes. When I woke up, it was only a dream.

It’s scary. I think I’m going crazy. More sedatives. I wish we could get ashore soon and get out of this hellish place!

Why can’t I live in peace?

? ? ? April 15th. it’s foggy!

Our ship sailed in the fog for ten days. I don’t know why, but I can’t get rid of this dense fog, always spinning in the same sea area!

There are more and more crazy crew members, I watched the first mate cut his own throat with a razor today. He was still laughing wildly when he died, and the sight was terrifying.

Food and clean water are running out, and the crew is going crazy, dying. How should I be good?

Is this the retribution?

Sasha, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have killed you.

Seeing this, Bedivere’s heart sank.

Impossible. The dead will not come back to life, let alone come back to seek revenge for the living. All this is unscientific.

But who can explain all the paranormal events so far?

The werewolf was terrified in cold sweat, but he was a man of beginnings and ends, and since he opened his diary, he would bite the bullet and finish it.

? ? ? April 20th. clear.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! !

Forgive Us Forgive Us Forgive Us Forgive Us Forgive Us! !

I don’t want to kill you! ! I have my life, my wife and children! You and I are just fucking! !

I thought you would understand, but why do you just don’t understand, just pester me? !

Can’t that stop you from cutting off your head and throwing it into the sea? !

Sorry, Sasha, forgive me! But we are no longer in the same world, may you go to heaven soon! !

—Amen Amen Amen Amen! !

The diary ends right here. In its place were countless pages of ghostly talisman-like things, impossible to read at all.

Seeing something incredible, the werewolf’s palms were sweating. He turned to the last page and closed the note with trembling hands.

At this time, he clearly felt that there was someone behind him.

Or, something [thing].

What should I do? Did you attack it? ! Is that really a ghost? ! Can such a ferocious ghost be repelled with a lightsaber? If you attack it, what if the ghost gets revenge? !

The werewolf was scared to death, but he had no choice. The more afraid, the more I want to get rid of this fear as soon as possible. He clenched his sword tightly, slashed his backhand, and tried to attack first! !

Keng! Blocked by the opponent!

I smack, ghosts still block? The werewolf scolded inwardly.

“I swear!!” A familiar scolding voice came from behind Bedivere: “You really want to kill me?!”

“Ai, Al?!” Bedivere opened his eyes and looked back, it turned out that it was not a ghost at all, but the tiger man Albert. The werewolf was relieved.

Once he was relieved, he was completely paralyzed and fell directly into Albert’s arms: “Scared, scared me to death, Al—“

“Hehe——” Albert laughed hilariously: “So our great Lord Bedivere has something to fear.”

“Don’t, don’t make fun of me.” The werewolf is still weak, “Let’s get out of this hell.”

“How did you leave?” Albert helped Bedivere, “I was chased by some kind of weird black fog just now. I left the team behind and finally hid in this room. You want me Go out from here again? No way!”


“Can’t you just use your supernatural powers to dig a hole out of this room or something?” Albert was still in a temper, saying something that was difficult for a strong man.

No. Maybe it really can. Bedivere looked around.

Perhaps that is the best way to take the enemy by surprise and reverse the situation!

Bedivere once again drew [Magic Bow—Nare Fire] from the ring in his hand.

“After I use this move, my whole body will temporarily lose strength.” He drew his bow, “I’ll ask you to carry me and escape then, Al.”

“Haha, you never thought that I might leave you alone and run away?”

“You won’t. You are my friend,” the werewolf said sincerely.

Because of this, the tiger’s face flushed red: “You didn’t say that before—“

“I know. I was wrong.” The werewolf apologized in a low voice: “[We are not friends] I won’t say anything like this again. Even if I’m angry, I won’t say it again.—–We will never All are friends.”

In this dark and dark world, Bedivere felt for the first time in a long time how wonderful it was to have friends.

Afraid of being hurt again and deliberately keeping a distance from others, the werewolf has frozen his heart. But in doing so, he will only make himself more and more lonely.

This is not acceptable. If you don’t change, you will never be happy.

If destined to die in this place, Bedivere would rather die with friends than die alone.

Otherwise, just like that Sasha. That is so sad.

Bediver draws a full bow and aims at the ceiling.

“Wait a minute, are you sure this is good meow?” Albert stepped back cautiously.

“There is no other choice. Come on!” The werewolf has drawn a full bow, shoot!

Boom! The shock wave shot by the magic bow slammed into the ceiling of the captain’s room. There was a violent vibration, and a huge hole had been opened in the ceiling. Several layers of the ship were directly penetrated, and these wooden boards were more fragile than expected. The faint moonlight outside filtered in, which meant that the road went straight to the deck.

“It’s now!” The werewolf felt weak and had to call Albert for help.

The Tigermen have grabbed Bedivere with one hand and threw him out.

Bedivere was thrown into the air, complaining loudly: “Hey, how are you—poof!—” He was bumped on the shoulder by Albert, who was flying towards him, and flew up several times. Ten yards!

“Are you trying to kill me?!” Bedivere spat out a mouthful of blood and protested loudly, cursing while he was still suffering from a sharp pain in his stomach.

“You said you believed me. Since you believe it, don’t complain about this meow!” Albert sneered. Taking advantage of his inertia, he picked up the werewolf and continued to fly up several yards. The strength was about to end, and he grabbed the edge of the ceiling with one hand: “You go up first!”

He threw it hard, throwing Bedivere five yards up, and the werewolf flew out of the hole and landed on the deck.

“Al!” Bedivere yelled as soon as he got up, “Catch!”

He conjured another long whip from the ring — a trophy from a previous duel with a knight. He swung his whip out, using it like a rope, giving Albert something to grab.

Just as the tiger grabbed the whip, the black mist behind him was already surging. Bedivere didn’t have time to pull Albert up bit by bit, so he had to use his strength to partially madden his arms—“Grab firmly!!”

“Wow ah ah ah ah!!” This time it was Albert’s turn to be thrown into the air, the tiger flew dozens of yards, and after a certain distance in the air, landed heavily on the deck!

“Ow! Do you need this kind of power meow?! Can’t you kill me?” He complained as soon as he got up.

“We are each other.” Bedivere replied indifferently. He saw that the black fog in the cabin was getting thicker and thicker, and it had a tendency to surge up to the deck, so he hurriedly shouted: “That thing is coming! Step back!”

He and Albert took a few steps back, and several shadows jumped out of the hole in the boat.

The two of them could see the silhouettes clearly through the fog, and it was Zefei and the group of adventurers he led.

“Sefiel! Are you okay?” the werewolf asked anxiously.

“One thousand, one close!” the young Leopard Man gasped, “We were also chased by the black fog. Fortunately, we had the hole you opened to escape successfully!”

“Oh, really?” Bediveville narrowed his eyes at Zephyr.

The leopard looked puzzled: “What, what? Of course it’s true—“

Touch! Before he could finish speaking, the whip in Bedivere’s hand had already grabbed the Leopard Man’s feet, and with a strong pull, he threw Saifer to the ground!

“What are you doing meow? Crazy meow?!” Seeing Bedivere attacking his companion, Albert exclaimed and drew his weapon.

“I’m not crazy. The real Zephyr always ends with [meow].” The werewolf held a sword in one hand and a whip in one hand, and his whip was suddenly entangled by photons, turning into a purple light photon whip: “They They’re all under control.—Al, don’t hurt anyone, just knock them all stunned.”

“Humph, easy to say!” Albert waved the long sword in his hand. His sword was still the same bone sword used to deal with the silver-backed snow monkey. It happened to carry a paralyzing toxin, and stabbing the opponent would temporarily immobilize him.

“You are clearly holding a good weapon, yet you keep complaining?” Bedivere raised his sword to block Zephyr’s attack, and at the same time kicked the Leopard Man away with a sweep of his legs.

“You are!” Albert bounced off the opponent’s sword and stabbed the human candidate in the thigh. The paralyzing toxin took effect, and the examinee immediately fell to his knees!

“Obviously I have a lot of powerful weapons in my hands, but I never use them. Are you looking down on me?”

Bediver listened to these sour words, which were particularly harsh.

“It’s not that I don’t want to use it. It also depends on the timing!” He raised his sword to fly off the long sword in another candidate’s hand, and at the same time hit the candidate’s forehead with an elbow strike. The opponent fainted immediately.

The hands and feet of these candidates who were manipulated by the black mist were not flexible, and they seemed to be resisting the control of the black The two of them did not spend much effort to put the candidates down one by one.

Touch! Bedivere shot a vacuum wave, forcing Zeffer to dodge sideways. At the same time, the werewolf’s whip wrapped around the leopard’s feet. He pulled hard and threw the Leopard Man on his back!

“Ow!” Saifer threw a heavy fall and let out a mournful cry: “It hurts meow. What are you doing?”

“Hmm.” Bedivere retracted the whip, “seems to have come back. Safe, how are you?”

The young Leopard got up and covered his large, painful head. Looking at the fallen human candidates, he recalled: “I remember… being attacked by some kind of black fog, and then… I can’t remember anything meow.”

“That fog is really weird. What the **** is it?” Albert leaned in and asked.

“That fog is the real body of this ghost ship.” The werewolf Bedivere cast his eyes on the big hole on the deck: “Come on, Captain David Jones!” () “The Walking Dead” It only represents the views of the author Raven D Vickers. If you find that the content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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