Light Spirit Epic Chapter 685: In the torrent of fate…(3)


『Words**First*..Chapter 685 In the torrent of fate…(3)

The Seat of Karma transformed into a billion arms. Half with swords and half with magic. I vowed to blow Arthur away.

Arthur has transformed into another sword. The black flame sword.

The dark flame that can obliterate the gods. It comes from the [Destroyer Demon Sword – Ragnarok]. A part of it has resided in the left arm of the King of Knights. In this emergency, it was called out.

The ability to erase [existence] itself. To the **** of fate. It is the greatest threat.

As long as Arthur hits the Seat of Karma with the Sword of Extermination, the world will be turned upside down.

As if realizing that I was in danger. The Seat of Karma did its best. Attacked frantically. Hundreds of thousands of swords slashed at the King of Knights. Hundreds of thousands of magic bullets exploded beside the King of Knights.

God’s attack was unprecedented and violent. Arthur was powerless. Thousands of sword dances smashed the King of Knights to pieces. Billions of light bullets smashed Arthur to pieces again and again.

Blood and bruised.

The flesh is broken and the bones are broken. The soul is scattered.

However. The dead Arthur will be resurrected in an instant. His broken body will be reassembled in just a moment.

As long as his consciousness is still there, the Seat of Karma cannot kill Arthur as a spirit.

The pain that keeps accumulating in the body. It seems like the pain of a person dying thousands of times in an instant. It devours the will of the King of Knights without hesitation.

Anyone will succumb to this situation. Die 10,000 times. 100 million times. It’s so tragic that a soul can’t bear it.

But Arthur came back to life again and again. He went through a thousand times more pain than this. He walked a trillion times more than this.

It’s all a piece of cake for him.

The soul that will never give up. How can I give in in this little pain

The light accumulates. Arthur, who was just smashed by the giant sword. Resurrected again. Charged against the gods again.

Arthur, who charged up, swung his two swords. He blocked countless attacks. But his strength was always limited. He was about to be annihilated by the intensive attacks of the **** of fate. With one mistake, the giant sword was on Arthur’s head. It’s too late to dodge or defend.

Die again.


Touch – someone suddenly appeared. Stand in front of Arthur.

The Grand Duke Hall of the Heavenly Knight raised his great sword. He blocked the attack of the Seat of Karma.

“Um. Why am I here.” Hall himself was at a loss.

“You don’t need to know. Just fight.” King Arthur roared.

Hall didn’t say much. He shoved hard. Pushing back the great sword of God.

He’s in great shape. He’s wielding his weapon. He’s doing his best to help Arthur fight Fate.

Two giant blades swept from both sides. They will crush Arthur and Hall at the same time.

There are two more figures appearing beside Arthur. Block the attack. They are the Heavenly Knight Palinlor and the Heavenly Knight Leon Dickens.

“Your Majesty.” Palinlor asked as soon as he regained his senses. “Here is.”

“Don’t ask. Concentrate on fighting.” Arthur swung the Demon Sword of Extermination, sweeping out a black arc of fire. This black flame is very dangerous. Even the Seat of Karma had to be carefully avoided.

“Hahaha. Why don’t you call me for such a good thing.” The Grand Duke of Leon Dickens swung his sword to block the giant blade of God. Although he did not understand the current situation, he laughed contentedly.

The seat of Karma in front of him is an unprecedented and powerful opponent. To face such a powerful enemy is the dream of Leon Dickens.

The God of Fate spreads millions of arms. It shoots countless light bullets.

“Be careful, Your Majesty.” Celestial Knight Youns appeared in mid-air. In front of Arthur and others, countless entrances to the warp were opened. All the light bullets that were shot in the face were sucked into the warp.

“Although I don’t know what happened.” Yi, who suddenly appeared, pointed his gun at the seat of Kama: “Is it enough to knock it down?”

The half-dragon boy shoots countless vacuum blades. The sharp air blades shoot at every arm of the god. There is a continuous clanging sound.

Yi’s onslaught only delayed the timing of the god’s attack. It did not do any actual damage to the god. Tristan smiled contemptuously. Hundreds of ice arrows were fired. The cold ice arrows exploded on the arm of the seat of Kama. . Freeze them one by one. This is the real blocking attack.

The Seat of Karma is even more furious. More magic missiles and sword strikes are coming. Forcing everyone to keep running and dodging.

“Arthur.” Lancelot appeared. He swung his two swords. Through constant motion [Second Miracle – Creation of Quality and Energy]. He swung the two swords like two rays of light. Blade. Blocked countless attacks. Bounced countless magic. Smoothly suppressed the offensive of the Seat of Karma.

“Haah.” Kai threw a flaming magic spear at the god. The burning flame ignited the god’s arm.

More people appeared out of nowhere. Jaglow Persiva Cadore from the Knights of Pantoracken. And hundreds of other knights.

Huge shadows hovered in the sky. The evil star, Javier Spark. and other dragons also appeared.

Shaxing was surprised to see his supposedly long-dead brother, the hoarfrost dragon Xianvia. Then, he found the figures of his dead parents among the dragons – the Dragon Emperor Titans and the Dragon Queen Ayaris Also.

Xinghui Longshaxing glanced at Arthur. Then he glanced at the huge **** in the distance. He grinned knowingly: “So we are all dead. Why is this not heaven.”

“You are definitely not qualified to go to heaven. So this must not be heaven.” Xianvia poured a bucket of cold water. “The attack is coming. Be careful.”

Hundreds of billions of magic bullets were fired at the crowd. The power of the seat of Karma was fully released. He tried his best to deal with the army summoned by Arthur.

Countless people were scattered in the face of God’s attack. They turned into white light.

However. More warriors appeared. Those who turned into white light did not really die. Instead, they gathered and recovered after a few seconds. They took up their swords and continued to fight.

Those who can be named. Those who can’t be named–everyone who Arthur has ever met. Even people who have only one relationship. They are called out to help.

The situation reversed in an instant. It was originally a duel between Arthur and a god. Now it has become hundreds of thousands of undead warriors against a god.

This. This is the power of the [Void Seat]. To change the world. Let the souls that should not exist here. Summon from the void.

As long as the sincere call is made, the world will respond to Arthur’s wishes. It will bring endless help to the King of Knights.

No matter how strong Arthur’s strength is, it is only the strength of one person.

[Fate] A small gear in this huge machine. How can it compete with destiny itself.

But. Dozens. Hundreds. Countless gears.

Let every unit that makes up destiny itself turn against destiny. Let the gears turn against the machine. Let the machine of destiny go crazy – this. This is the answer given to Arthur by [Void Seat].

“You are not fighting alone.” The white wolf sword in Arthur’s hand made a voice.

Arthur felt the scorching warmth on the White Wolf Sword. He hurriedly inserted the sword into the ground.

The White Wolf Sword instantly transformed into a giant wolf. The Holy Spirit White Wolf turned his head and gave Arthur a wink. He signaled the King of Knights to get on the wolf’s back.

“Bedy, you’re right. You’ve always been right.” Arthur rode on the wolf’s back without hesitation. The extermination sword in his hand swelled into a huge column of flame.

“Help me find a way.” ordered the King of Knights. The dragon’s roar echoed in the battlefield. It reached the ears of every fighting spirit on the battlefield.

No need to say more. Understand the heart. The warriors form a dense formation. Resist the attack of God. At the same time, use various long-range attacks to open a bright road to God for Arthur.

Countless dragon flames and magic blasted the god’s shield. There was only five hundred feet between Arthur and the god.

That road. Straight to the throat of [Fate].

The giant wolf turns into white light and dashes to the seat of Karma.

“Die.” Arthur’s sword stabbed straight at the god. A very black line was drawn in the white light.

God focused on defense. A million light bullets exploded on Arthur’s last twenty yards.

“Ah woo” Holy Spirit White Wolf raises black mist. This warp black mist is one of White Wolf’s abilities. It can **** all the flying items into the warp.

Arthur’s cavalry is no longer hindered by magic attacks. In the dark mist, they are heading straight for the gods. There is nothing to stop them.

The swish white wolf jumped up. The black flame sword in the hand of the knight king also stabbed out. It stabbed at the throat of the god

Just half a second before the Sword of Extermination was about to pierce the god’s throat. Arthur stopped the attack.

The black flame of the magic sword stopped half an inch in front of the god’s throat. It could kill the seat of Karma at any time.

Arthur wins.

Faced with the threat of the King of Knights. God is not moving. God is speechless.

Arthur yells: “Say something. I know you can speak”

God is still speechless. God looks down at this tiny human. There is only contempt in his eyes.

Arthur moved his body again. The tip of the magic sword moved a tenth of an inch forward: “Don’t ignore me. Do you want to die?”

Looking at Arthur with such a tough attitude. God finally sighed.

It spoke: “Humanity. What do you want. You have reached my eyes countless times. Only for one battle and one death.

Endless cycle. The eternal soul of endless reincarnation. You are really small. But stubborn and inexplicable.”

“Yes. I’ve always been stubborn. It’s just because I can’t stand it.” Arthur looked at God with hatred. The quiet burning anger in his eyes was about to burst out at any time.” This world is not yours Toys. The creatures in the world are not your puppets. Even if you are a god, you can’t play with people’s fate at will. Impose an unfair situation on people.”

God was speechless again.

“Change back to me. Let the world change back to what it should be.” King Arthur roared. “You know what I’m thinking.”

God is helpless: “In this way, the world will inevitably undergo great changes. The distorted history is irreversible. The changed Karma (destiny) will be unpredictable. The world will eventually be swallowed by chaos. It is a blessing or a curse. No one can predict. “

“Don’t worry. That has nothing to do with you at all.” Arthur shouted: “No matter what the world becomes. No matter what form of disaster comes. I will protect this world-

What you can’t do. I will take it all down——

What you dare not do. I have done it all.

So. I order you. Give the world a chance.”

I heard Arthur’s unreasonable request. God is not moving. God is speechless.

The madness of mortals. How can it match the wisdom of gods.

But. God has no choice.

Arthur moved the Sword of Extermination a tenth of an inch forward.

If he stabs, the throat of the **** will be pierced. The seat of Karma will be affected by the endless curse of the annihilation sword. Even the single supreme **** will die. Become “never” never existed”.

“You have to do what I want. Reshape the world.

Still die. Let the godless world fall into endless chaos——


Arthur showed coercion to God. He only had one life. He beat God to the ground.

Even the God of Destiny has to submit to him. This is what the King of Knights will strive for all his life. He wants to reach the top of the world.

This is exactly.[The pinnacle of fate].() “The Light and the Spirit” only represents the views of the author Raven D If it is found that its content is in violation of national laws , please delete it, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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