Light Spirit Epic Chapter 679: Awakening to the Source of Sin (29)


Chapter 679 Awakening to the Source of Sin (29)

Same time. “K**yan**shou*(..)” originated in the body of sin. The Silver Shadow was caught up by the crisis in the constant flight.

Innumerable black blood cells flooded the sky. from the front. from the rear. from all directions. From every angle of three hundred and sixty degrees. every position. Press continuously.

And Stonehenge’s shield is getting weaker and weaker. is constantly flashing. It even appeared in the dilemma of disappearing and reappearing for a while. Under the countless collisions of the spaceship against the wall and the countless collisions of black blood cells. Even if the shield is strong. It’s almost unstoppable.

More black blood cells pour in. Just passed the protective shield that temporarily disappeared. Arthur moved [Spellbreaker] in desperation. The golden light that exploded killed all the thorn balls. But the corpses of these dark creatures do not disappear automatically. but fell powerlessly. Just a bunch of them fell on top of Arthur’s head.

“Tsk.” The King of Knights grunted. Draw the sword and sweep. The huge golden light blade of the holy sword instantly burned the corpse of the monster.

The shield reappears. Just blocked the next wave of monsters’ attack. Let the King of Knights take a breath. Update as soon as possible

“Aren’t you here yet?” Arthur shouted hurriedly. There was a hint of reproach in the words.

Bediver ignored Arthur. He doesn’t want to fight.

Endured numerous attacks. The ship is in tatters. It is a miracle to still be able to fly.

Original Sin’s body is a huge anomaly. And complex like a maze. To drive a spaceship in such a dark place to a destination that you don’t know how to get there. It’s just as hard as it gets. Bedivere thinks he has done a good job.

Just as long as they can hold it. While not giving up the last glimmer of hope. Hope to find them.

“Arthur. It’s right ahead. I can feel it.” Merlin’s voice echoed in the King’s mind. “Just hold on. It’ll be there soon.”

“Yes. It’s really [reassuring] to have a companion like you.” The King of Knights sarcastically said. With impatience. Arthur’s temper also became very bad.

He raised the scabbard of kings and slammed it into the ship’s deck. Through the ship’s tactical deck: “Beddie. Full speed ahead.”

“But. It will hit”

“Full speed ahead..” Wang repeated the reckless order again loudly.

In desperation. The werewolf boy reached out and pushed the lever. Increase the speed to the critical point.

The ship’s engine draws a long flame of light. With a lingering muffled sound. The Silver Shadow galloped forward with the last of its strength. Knocked away countless black blood cells. There was thick black smoke all over the body.

It’s so reckless. Like a dying wild buffalo. It doesn’t care what it might bump into and shatter.

Three hundred yards.

The ship is almost reaching the heart of Sin. And the immune system in the monster’s body was completely boiled. Hundreds of millions of black blood cells collided densely. It can completely crush the Silver Shadow spacecraft in an instant.

Under thousands of shocks. Stonehenge’s shield is completely inoperative. The ship was in a defenseless state.

Meanwhile. Bedivere is in the crevices of the “wall” of thousands of enemies. I saw the huge organ in front of me. That jumped. Incomparably dark. But a huge organ alive. Absolutely heart no doubt.

Two hundred yards.

But. The ship couldn’t stand it anymore.

Thousands of black blood **** crashed into the ship. Spin quickly. The thorns on their bodies stick to the ship. with its own rotation. Shred the ship’s hull.

Thousands of metal fragments were torn from the ship by monsters. The entire spaceship is disintegrating rapidly.

“It’s not over yet,” Arthur growled. A dragon roar shook the monsters away. At the same time [Spellbreaker] exploded. The golden light engulfed everything again.

Countless black blood cells died. fall. More black blood cells poured in. Make a final onslaught on the Silver Shadow ship without leaving behind. Intended to deal the fatal blow to this dying beast. So that the Silver Shadow can breathe.

One hundred yards.

Arthur laughed.

Millions of black blood cells slammed into it. But they fluttered.

They traverse the phantom of the Silver Shadow. Crowded into a pile. And the real Silver Shadow. But in another space twenty yards away.

Arthur plunged the King’s Sheath deep into the Silver Shadow. Moving [lawbreaker]. Eye-catching moments. Also moved [Mirage Phantom].

He didn’t just project his own vision. It also projected the phantom of the entire Silver Shadow spacecraft. Cleverly deceived the army of black blood cells.

Silver Shadow, which avoided the fatal blow of the black blood cells. The road ahead is almost clear. It was less than fifty yards away. It is the heart of [Original Sin].

“Die.” The King of Knights drew his holy sword. A slash. A holy sword that has just overtaken a large number of photons from its scabbard. A huge blade of light a hundred feet long was formed. Be the first to sweep towards the pile of black blood cells.

Brush. Countless black blood cells were instantly burned by the light blade.

It’s not over yet. Arthur’s lightsaber drew a nice golden arc. Keep dragging forward. The sword light slashed straight to the monster’s huge heart.

Smack swish swish. . Black blood spurted wildly. The black heart with a big cut twitched violently. .

A commotion begins within the monster’s body. It’s like the sky is falling apart. Overturned rivers and seas.

Thirty yards.

“Arthur…” Bedivere exclaimed.

“Don’t ask. Hit it..” The King of Knights roared.

Yes. Don’t die. Hit it up. In addition to hitting this time. What else can be done.

Ten yards.

Silver Shadow slammed into the monster’s black heart with all its might. The main stele of Stonehenge at its bow resembles a sharp sword. Or pickets. Seriously pierced into the black heart of the monster. .

“Wow..” The werewolf boy fled outside the cabin. During the collision, the spacecraft was crushed by its own impact. If you don’t run away, even Brady will turn into bolognese.

Bediver jumped out in a desperate manner. Underfoot is the abyss. dark ocean. Fall into it and be swallowed by the endless darkness.

Boom. . The spaceship also exploded above the werewolf boy’s head. Strong shock and heat. Accompanied by sharp metal fragments. Once hit, the meat is broken and the bones are broken.

Head and foot are dead ends. Bedivere thought he was going to die this time. A figure instantly embraced the werewolf boy.

Arthur deploys the griffon shield. Holy Griffin’s white feathers spread out. Wrap the two of them. Prevent all impact and damage.

“Ugh…Arthur.” The werewolf boy opened his eyes. This is why he is still alive.

“Beddy…you’re so heavy.” The King of Knights who survived the hardship threw out a spit. “…hold me tight. I’m going to fly.”

Bediver hurriedly hugged Arthur’s waist. The King of Knights has spread his wings and flew in the air. From the hole that exploded just now, I approached Gensin’s heart.

Black blood is still surging everywhere. The darkness is gone. No longer could stop Arthur and the others.

“Merlin. How are you.” Arthur saw the wreckage of the ship stuck in the monster’s heart. asked worriedly.

“It’s fine. I moved.” Merlin’s voice sounded in the King of Knights’ mind. “Hey. Your scabbard is actually a pretty comfortable nest.”

Arthur froze for a moment. Ignore the big mage.

Vivian will definitely be on fire when she goes back. For the first time, Gengxin may even pick up nine lightsabers to chase and kill Arthur. But worry about it later.

“Al…” Bedivere asked uneasily. “Where is Al.”

Arthur raises his holy sword. The holy sword radiated golden light. In the dark opening of the black heart.

The tiger man boy is asleep in the very center of the monster’s heart.

Wounded by countless black blood vessels. Albert seemed to be part of this heart. These black blood vessels extract strength from the tiger man juvenile. And this completely black tiger man. A black liquid was flowing all over the body. He was so filthy. The head and feet were smeared with darkness. The white fur is also dyed jet black. Almost merged with darkness.

No. Maybe the opposite. Darkness is not one with him. Darkness is the darkness flowing out of him. It’s endless. Darkness like mud. Born in Albert. It was greedily squeezed by the black blood vessels wrapped around the tiger man boy. But there is no sign of exhaustion.

El is having endless nightmares. More faster chapters to come. And the darkness that overflowed him. A continuation of this nightmare.

A creature can be so dark.

Even in the Elysian Pure Land to witness the darkness of Dragon Queen Ayaris. Arthur was still stunned by Albert’s darkness at the moment.

Albert’s life had not been terribly miserable. If he hadn’t hated and hated the world so much. I am afraid it is difficult to produce such a huge darkness.

Both hateful. Poor again. Even sadder.

Anyway with Albert. Arthur knew. A tiger man boy who has turned black to such a degree. In fact, it’s gone.

Like the original Dragon Queen Ayaris. A creature completely eroded by dark sons. In the end there is only one dead end. That is to purify the darkness with Arthur’s holy sword. Albert will still die.

Trapped in the cage of a dark fate. A lifeless Al. Seems to be waiting for a happy ending.

The King of Knights lifts the holy sword. His hand gripped the hilt tightly. Quietly trembling.

“Arthur. What are you waiting for. More chapters coming sooner. Hurry up. Get Al out of here.” Bedivere urged.

“…Of course.” Arthur agreed. He was thinking of a completely different plan in his mind. He will [save] Albert. But this salvation. Not to rescue the tiger boy. Instead, let Al free.

A sword plunges down. Unleash the golden brilliance of the holy sword. Everything will end. Albert will die. The original sin will be destroyed. And the world will be redeemed.

A sword plunges down. Arthur’s journey has come to an end. The world will once again be immersed in tranquility and peace, at least temporarily.

A sword plunges down. Happy ending. It’s time for the subtitles.

It was only Albert who died. Unfortunately it was just Albert. die one. Save the world. Why not.

Just do it.

“Beddie. Wait for me here.” Arthur put Bedivere down. Step into the heart of the source of sin.

Raise your sword. Prepare

“I’m sorry. Brady.” The King of Knights muttered suddenly.

“What. No…” Bedivere instantly understood Arthur’s plan. He screamed. But it’s too late.

Thorn. .

The Sword of the Holy King shone with a dazzling golden glow. Pierce the tiger boy’s chest. .

Same blade. It also pierced the werewolf boy’s chest. .

“Bey. Bedi…” The King of Knights exclaimed. “Are you crazy… what are you doing…”

“Ugh.” Awakened by the sharp pain of the sword stab. Albert opened his eyes.

What he saw. It was the sword of the Holy King that penetrated his chest. At the same time, it is also the sword of the Holy King that penetrated Bedivere’s chest.

“Hi… Al.” The werewolf teen looked at his friend gently. Eyes filled with sadness and pity: “I’m sorry. I… can’t save you. But I can… die with you.”

“Bedie…” Albert looked at his friend. Tears welled up already.

“I won’t…leave you alone.” Bedivere stretched out his hand with difficulty. Gently holding up the tiger boy’s face: “So…don’t cry. Okay.”

Blood spews. Bedivere’s bright red blood and Albert’s black blood continued to spill. Mix together.

Glittering. The light of the Sword of the Holy King constantly purifies all the darkness around him.

It did not appease Albert’s soul.

“Ahhhhhhh.” Albert burst into tears.

“Why meow. Why meow. Even Brady…”

I thought I had nothing to lose. Fate made him die at the moment. Lose more.

“Why meow… I’m the only one left.”

Listen to Albert’s heart-wrenching cry. Arthur’s heart was also very heavy. He had a feeling that he was being tricked by fate. He had already vaguely anticipated the fate of Bedivere. But he didn’t know that the werewolf boy would choose such a death.

For friends. Brady can give everything. Even your life can be sacrificed.

But he does. Does it make sense. .

Do not seek common life. Just want to die together.

Do this. Will the other party be happy? .

Stupid guy.

“No..” The tiger boy looked at the dead werewolf boy. Exclamation.

“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t…”

Not only was the darkness not purged. Instead, it grew at an even crazier momentum.

“Never agree. Such a world.”

Bedivere wants to use his life to soothe Albert’s pain. But I don’t know that El will suffer more damage because of this.

“Never forgive. Such a world.”

Even the soul is infected with deep grief. Albert became the most powerful catalyst for [Darkness].

The very dark one. fully awake.

“Death to all of The boundless darkness resists the purification of the Holy King’s Sword. Even the Holy Sword is hard-headed back.

Arthur stepped back with the dead Bedivere in his arms. He could only watch helplessly as Albert continued to emerge. A dark, viscous substance like sludge.

The surrounding blood vessels are drawn at high speed. The entire body of the monster. Including tens of thousands of tons of offal and hundreds of millions of tons of meat. Absorbed by Albert’s petite body. He is simply a black hole. The laws of physics have been ignored. beyond the laws of nature.

He became [God]. Has its own set of rules.

Original sin. Awaken.

No. devour the source of sin. Albert was not the fuel for the original sin. Instead, it absorbs the original sin. into a being far superior to the original sin.

Albert, the Dark God. Awaken. . () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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