Light Spirit Epic Chapter 676: Awakening to the Source of Sin (26)


Chapter 676 Awakening to the Source of Sin (26)

Arthur nodded. “K**s**first*(..)” Bedivere was already dashing on the Silver Shadow. It looks like it’s about to enter a deep pit.

A black dragon follows. It rammed the Silver Shadow’s left engine in its final frenzy. Seems to be dead together.

“Oops.” Bedivere steered the ship to dodge. But the clumsy ship had no time to avoid such a large target.

Touch. . A vicious muffled sound. It hits.

The black dragon slammed into some invisible wall. No damage to the ship. A girl floated in the air. Expand the magic shield. It was she who blocked the attack of the black dragon.

“Lotus..” Bedivere exclaimed both gratefully and uneasily.

“I summoned her from Brindisi using telepathy. Is that okay?” The Great Mage Merlin whispered to Arthur.

“Very good.” Arthur couldn’t care less. He punched a button on the control panel: “[Stonehenge] moves.”

“That’s actually the button to open the warehouse door.” Merlin poured a plate of cold water on the King of Knights’ head. Of course only Arthur could hear this.

The huge obelisk at the bow of the ship immediately disintegrated and transformed. Dozens of stones floated around the Silver Shadow. keep a constant distance from each other. The golden photons gradually seeping out from the golden texture of the stone. Begin to connect to each other into a network. Eventually it becomes a film of light. Stonehenge unfolded its golden shield. Just enough to cover the entire ship.

The girl Patimo looked back at the receding spaceship. The first update shouted: “Beddie. Go. Go help your friend. I love you forever.”

Dash as the ship accelerates. Lian Yin’s voice gradually faded away. The Silver Shadow has fallen into darkness. Go deep inside the channel.

“Lian Yin…” The werewolf boy still looked uneasy and reluctant.

“She will survive. They will all survive,” Arthur comforted. “My knights are all well-trained. The mere army of black dragons can’t kill them.”

“Um… yes.” The werewolf boy stood up from the seat. “Come on. Arthur. Let’s pick up Albert home.”

The King of Knights did not answer. What is the concept of “home” for the tiger man boy? More faster chapters to come. I’m afraid even Albert couldn’t understand it.

Arthur agreed to Bedivere verbally though. To [rescue] Albert. But if the situation gets out of hand, Arthur will kill Al.

For Albert the Tiger, who was completely consumed by darkness. die. Maybe that’s the real liberation.

Under the protection of the Stonehenge shield. The spaceship broke through a thick layer. A dark paste like fat. Enter the interior of [Original Sin].

Light shining through the golden shield. Arthur could clearly see the various internal organs of this huge “creature”. A large network of blood vessels covers each of the internal organs. They beat with the monster’s heartbeat. It was not red blood that was carried. But a deep, dark liquid.

If I understand correctly. This should be the abdominal cavity of the huge monster. If backtracking along the blood vessels. It must be able to reach the heart of the source of sin.

Albert must be there too.

It wasn’t just Arthur who thought so. Even Merlin, who merged with the spaceship in the form of a spirit body. Also thinking the same thing.

Bedivere is still stunned by the bizarre sight in front of him. He didn’t notice that Merlin was controlling the spacecraft to fly to the heart of Yuan Sin, which also saved Merlin a lot of trouble.

But the ship didn’t get far. Countless black spheres followed.

They are less standard balls. These are like piles of meat. Thirty-foot ball. There are countless spikes on it. The spikes dripped with black venom. At a glance, you can tell that the visitor is not good.

“What’s that.” Bedivere stared blankly at the black balls.

“It’s the immune system in Sin’s body. Something like white blood cells.” King Arthur looked at the disgusting black thorn balls. Suddenly imagined some kind of bug. Can’t help but shudder.

Right now. A black blood sphere collided. It hit the golden shield of Stonehenge. Immediately ejected.

“No. Is it alright?” Bedivere stuttered a little at the sudden attack. “Can the shield really hold up?”

“Should be fine. It’s Merlin’s stuff. It can withstand even a dark blast. It should be easy to deal with this little attack.” Arthur pressed the ship’s controls forward. The first update speeds up the flight speed of the Silver Shadow. “But. Just to be safe. Let’s get rid of them.”

“The question is. Can you shake it off?” Merlin’s voice echoed in Arthur’s head.

The wizard is right. This is the body of the source sin. As a monster’s immune system. There are infinitely many black blood cells. Start from all directions. It kept pouring in. The Silver Shadow seems to be a bacterium that invaded the monster’s body. It will soon be surrounded by black blood cells. cleaning.

“Oops.” Bedivere slumped down on the gunnery console: “First strike first. Fire.”

“Stop. You want to”

Arthur was too late to stop. Bedivere had pressed the trigger of the light cannon. More faster chapters to come. One of the ship’s turrets immediately fired a light projectile. Shoot at a black blood cell.

But. Here comes the problem. The light bomb hit the shield of the ship. rebound. Stonehenge’s absolute shield is two-way security. Not only can it prevent all external attacks. It can also prevent all internal attacks.

(*Note: The conventional spaceship shields are one-way. The shells fired inside the spaceship can penetrate the shield and shoot out. But this time Arthur used a temporarily modified shield from Stonehenge…)

Light projectiles bounced off the shield bounce around inside the shield. bounced back countless times. It slammed into the back of the spaceship. Fortunately, the Silver Shadow’s casing is strong enough. Not wounded by his own weapon. Otherwise it will be a joke.

“Alas. How could it be?” A huge drop of cold sweat emerged from the werewolf boy’s forehead. More faster chapters to come.

“Do you idiot think that your brain is kicked too little by donkeys. I will find dozens of donkeys to kick your forehead wildly when you go back.” Arthur cursed fiercely. “It’s going to speed up. In this case we have to run away.”

Merlin was already laughing from ear to ear. His laughter was only heard by Arthur. Brings a lot of disturbance to the King of Knights.

Bedivere had no choice but to steer the ship for a while. Avoid the interference of black blood cells as much as possible.

The spaceship was struck by numerous thorny black blood globules along the way. Fortunately, Stonehenge’s protective cover is very strong. Getting hit a few times is not enough.

But. The number of black blood cells rushing in is too many. The closer the ship gets to the heart of the original sin. The number of black blood cells updated in the first time increases geometrically. Even if the shield of Stonehenge is stronger. If you are swarmed by these thorn **** from all directions. extrusion. It’s all over even if the ship is fine. Can’t move on either.

Arthur and they’re not just in a race against time. It is also in a race against the immune system of the source of sin. They must get to the heart of Sin before they are completely surrounded by black blood cells.

With the black blood cells, the surrounding is tightly wrapped. Orientation has also become increasingly difficult. There was darkness all around. There are countless **** surging. The blood vessels of the monster can no longer be seen clearly.

“Stop.” Arthur yelled at the werewolf boy (who was still mad at the idiot Bedivere). He had already climbed out of the roof of the spacecraft control room. Run to the tactical deck of the Silver Shadow.

“What are you going to do.” Merlin’s voice echoed in Arthur’s mind.

“Cannonballs can’t penetrate the protective shield of Stonehenge.” Arthur raised the scabbard of the king: “So. What about photons of the same nature.”

The King of Knights instantly moved the [Spellbreaker] of the King’s Sheath. A burst of golden light exploded.

Stonehenge’s technology is derived from Arthur’s Sword of the King. It also draws photons from countless parallel space-times. Create a shield.

These photons from another world. have one common feature. It will be golden light.

Regardless of Arthur’s Sword of the King (sheath). Or the Sword of the Holy King remade with Broken Sword. Or now this Stonehenge. Their photons are all golden. ……unknown reason.

Arthur was thinking before moving the spellbreaker. Since they are of the same nature. Photons from the same source. Are these golden photons compatible?

The golden photons of the King’s Sword. Whether it can pass through the shield of Stonehenge. Scatter outside.

The answer is yes. Can.

The Spellbreaker’s golden light penetrates the shield. Scatter out. The golden light purifies the darkness. Kill the surging black blood cells.

Countless purified black blood cells turned back into lumps of rotten flesh. fall. Arthur and the others could see the way forward again.

“Do. Well done. Arthur.” Bedivere yelled. “How did you know it would work”

Arthur hurriedly yelled: “Don’t talk. Control your direction…”

It’s too late. Although the spaceship can see the road ahead. But the black blood cells receded too slowly. And their way forward is getting narrower.

Bediver was distracted by watching [Spellbreaker]. Totally didn’t notice. The road ahead had narrowed to a canyon terrain with fewer than two ships. The spaceship slanted to the side of the cliff.

Touch. . A muffled sound passed. Stonehenge’s protective shield “hit the rocks” first. The whole ship was hit a lot.

“Ugh.” Arthur quickly grabbed the edge of the ship’s tactical deck. so as not to be thrown off the ship.

“ There is a low growl from Bedivere from the boat.

“You idiot.” Arthur cursed again.

It’s getting worse and worse. The golden shield of Stonehenge kept flashing. It seems to disappear at any moment.

“Merlin. Didn’t you say that Stonehenge is an absolute defense.”

“Yes. As long as you put them on the ground. Not on the ship.” Merlin was still holding on: “The impact just now damaged the center control boulder. The output of Stonehenge has become ineffective. stable.”

“Tsk.” Arthur grunted. Glancing at the black blood cells that were still chasing after the spaceship: “I hope we can survive.”

“Who the **** are you talking to, Arthur”

“Shut up. Concentrate on driving your ship.” The King of Knights roared. The werewolf boy’s words were suppressed. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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