Light Spirit Epic Chapter 674: Awakening to the Source of Sin (24)


Chapter 674 Awakening to the Source of Sin (twenty-four)

Under the order of the Roman emperor, the battleship group, which was previously arranged in a shield shape and surrounded the [Silver Shadow], immediately changed its position.

They quickly formed a straight line, rushing to the front, and even caught up with the mermaid battleship group.

“Fire!! Hit me hard!”

—–10,000 cannons fired, dazzling flowers. At all costs, just to destroy the enemy!

The Roman fleet poured all its ammunition on the enemy, and billions of explosions began to explode in order to blast the way deeper into the dark abyss.

But there is a limit to the bombardment of battleships. They quickly run out of ammunition, and even the main guns on the battleship melted due to the high heat, bending down like withered grass, unable to shoot more shells!

Arthur frowned, still not understanding what the Roman emperor’s reckless fury was all about. Hasn’t the battle formation been disrupted?

Before the King of Knights could ask the doubts in his heart, the leading battleship rushed out at full speed, hitting hundreds of black dragons at extreme speed!

Before the black dragons, who were smashed to pieces by the huge kinetic energy, had time to burst into meat sauce, the battleship had already exceeded the critical point of the internal engine.

Thunderbolt, lightning, roar, glare.

A Dreadnought-class battleship exploded with a violent and relentless crack!

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! ——The high heat swallows the darkness, and the blast wind blows away the turbid fog! The battleship sacrificed itself and opened up a vast space with a radius of about five hundred yards centered on the explosion!

This is the tactics of the Roman Emperor! Detonate the entire battleship, make the battleship the most powerful bomb, and blast a way out in the dark!

“Oh my God!” Bedivere looked at all this, his eyes widened in surprise, “Bombing his own battleship! The Roman emperor is a lunatic! How many people were on that battleship? How many people died? How many?!”

Arthur is silent. At least the warship that exploded just now had a thousand crew in operation.

Controlling the warships to fire and attack, to control the warships to move, change formations, and even self-destruct with such precision, it is simply impossible to do without a large group of skilled crew.

All that died were Rome’s finest soldiers. And they died just to cover King Arthur’s intrusion into the darkness.

Most of the Roman armies did not know the origin of [Original Sin], much less the significance of the battle. They didn’t know the inside story, but under the order of the Roman emperor and under the instigation of King Arthur, they voluntarily sacrificed their lives.

Loyal soldiers don’t ask whether an order is correct or not. They just trust their king with all their heart. Rome has such a loyal army, it is no wonder that the Roman Empire is strong today!

In addition to sighing, Arthur also felt that he owed a lot to the world. Born only for [revenge against God], the selfish knight king was guarded by thousands of loyal men.

If human beings can understand the truth so deeply, then the world does have hope.

The first battleship had just driven less than 500 yards with a big explosion, and the second battleship had rushed forward and continued to detonate!

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! ——The high heat ignited the dark sky, and the black dragons affected by the explosion instantly turned into powder. Even outside the blast range, countless black dragons were ignited by the high heat, screaming miserably and fleeing! Even if it is a body composed of carrion, it is probably not a pleasant thing to be burned by the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees!

Arthur glanced at the rest of the fleet. It turns out that the ice diamond shield set up by the Icelandic fleet is not only used to open the way, but also to block the heat of the explosion and protect the progress of King Arthur’s Knights. In this way, the fleet of Rome can explode itself and blow up a **** road!

—— Ice and fire, destruction and protection, this fierce battle describes all the characteristics of the world.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth warships kept rushing up and self-destructing, while Arthur’s fleet maintained speed and kept moving forward in the way of life, and only two kilometers away from the source of sin.

Bediver watched the tragic battle, his heart beating wildly, but tears were quietly seeping from the corners of his eyes. All these sacrifices are necessary, although cruel, but inevitable [karma].

——Humans choose to sacrifice in order to survive. This is their ultimate struggle against fate.

Sacrificing thirty warships, the distance between Arthur’s fleet and the [Original Sin] body has also been reduced to one kilometer.

However, the distance of this kilometer feels extremely far away. The density of the Black Dragon army has broken through common sense.

The monsters are not flying in the air at all, but are densely clustered together, using their flesh as a shield to guard their master – Yuan Sin. Countless squirming rotten flesh piled up the entire space, leaving no gaps. This disgusting scene was like the scene at the lowest level of hell, so ugly it was indescribable!

Even if the Roman battleship relied on self-destruction to clear the way directly ahead, the surrounding dark army was still overwhelming, narrowing this “channel” every minute and every second. The turbulent wall of flesh is oppressing, and it will annihilate Arthur’s fleet at any time and flatten it! Even if the warships bombarded with all their strength, there was no way to drive back these dense dark legions!

At this moment, the merfolk’s fleet changed again. They were also lined up, and in turn broke off for Arthur’s fleet.

One of the blue crystal warships suddenly disintegrated, scattered into countless blue crystals, and scattered to the surrounding black dragon army!

Brush! ——-The black dragon that was hit by the blue crystal shards was instantly frozen into ice cubes, the freezing spread at a high speed like a highly poisonous, and quickly frozen into a circle, paving a barrel-shaped block on the road in front of Arthur. outer wall”!

It has the hardness of a diamond, and the constant cold makes this “wall” thicker and thicker, and it is more than 300 feet thick in an instant! Although it is an ice wall composed of the carrion of countless black dragons, there are billions of beautiful ice flowers inside the wall.

Born from something dark and ugly, this eternal wall of ice is so beautiful, yet so strong and unyielding at the same time!

——Who said the world is only dark and hopeless?

No matter how dense the dark armies are, when they are frozen, they will not be able to penetrate this eternal ice wall and obliterate Arthur’s fleet! Of course, the disintegration of the battleship by the mermaids also means that they will fall into the dark world and become the snacks of the black dragons!

Almost the same as the self-destruction of the Roman battleship, the mermaids also used suicide attacks, just to cover King Arthur’s fleet!

“Even the mermaids…!” Bedivere couldn’t stand it anymore, and almost wanted the Silver Shadow to charge up with all his strength and fight the darkness to the death!

Arthur’s hand grabbed the werewolf boy’s shoulder tightly: “Be patient. We just need to do our part and don’t let their sacrifices go to waste.”

Bediver suppressed the anger in his heart, clenched the control stick of the spacecraft with trembling hands, and continued to move forward according to the original plan.

More Roman battleships open the way by self-destruction. More Icelandic warships paved safe routes by disintegrating themselves.

The victims are over a thousand, over ten thousand, over one hundred million, and all of this is just to give the world a [future]. And Arthur’s fleet is only half a kilometer away from the shell of the original sin!

“King Arthur—” The voice of the Roman emperor came from the communicator intermittently.

“We —enough to help—, it’s — for one’s sake.—Good luck to you!”

The last five Roman battleships charged forward at the same time and exploded! The huge potholes they blasted in the dark torrent exposed the shell of [Original Sin] under the cover of darkness!

It is dark and boundless, but there is a very evil dark light;

It keeps ups and downs like a heart, telling the transformation of one of the vicious things;

It is as indestructible as the wall of the world, but it is ten thousand times more evil and twisted than the wall of the world.

Break through it, and humanity has its only hope.

Destroy it and the world will have a chance to breathe!

However, it’s not going to be easy. To achieve anything, you have to make huge sacrifices. If you want to save an entire world, the price must be too great to estimate!

Seeing that the source sin was exposed before the fleet, countless black dragons were shocked and hurriedly surrounded them, trying to protect the shell. Without giving the Black Dragon army this chance, fifteen merman battleships had already rushed forward, and before they could disintegrate, they collided directly with the boundary of the metal wall.

Fifteen battleships made a muffled sound, like a muffled moan before sacrifice. In the ears of Arthur and others, it became a cry of sacrifice.

Brush! ——–The breath of ice is scattered everywhere, and the negative entropy close to absolute zero can freeze even death. They miraculously join together to form a ring of frost!

With the last sacrifice of the mermaid fleet, a huge ice ring was formed on the exposed shell of Origin Sin, blocking the boundless darkness! As more black dragons rampaged headlessly, the ice wall not only did not shatter, but instead thickened, sticking these dark creatures and freezing them even more firmly!

“A—King—Go! Give this—world, a future!” Even Queen Lilith’s voice was gradually swallowed by this dark storm.

The raging darkness has grown wilder, but they are gone. The purpose of Arthur and others is about to be achieved!

The remaining Icelandic warships disintegrated at the same time, blasting around Arthur’s fleet, forming the final protective ice wall!

Only Arthur’s fleet is The Knights of Pantoracken are at their command! ——” The King of Knights jumped out of his seat a few times, climbed onto the tactical deck of the Silver Shadow, and used his dragon roar to spread the order across the battlefield: “The general attack begins! ! “

The white light shines, repelling the boundless darkness.

Fifteen temporary knights of the round table activated the Holy Spirit White Diamond in their hands together, and fifteen dazzling white lights flew out of the diamond! The Holy Spirit Crown above Arthur’s head was also shining fiercely, and three white lights appeared at the same time!

Eighteen Holy Spirits appeared together, hovering in the sky. They are about to gather all their strength and make a final onslaught on the shell of [Original Sin]! !

The world held its breath at this moment, listening only to the king’s order.

The King of Knights took a deep breath, raised his sword, and roared at [the world]: “Kill ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah —-! “() “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas, if you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing healthy and green. Read the platform. 【】,thank you all!


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