Light Spirit Epic Chapter 662: Awakening to the Source of Sin (12)


Chapter 662 Awakening to the Source of Sin (Twelve)

All images disappear. Arthur returned to the Crystal Hall. Stand in front of [True Magic Mirror—Reltherilnit].

The light in the mirror gradually fades. A palm-sized crystal pedestal emerged from the magic mirror.

Wait until Arthur finds out about it. It has been held in the palm of the King of Knights.

“This is —.”

“My God.” Holy Spirit Crown exclaimed. “The base of the Holy Grail. It’s hidden in such a place.”

“The Holy Grail.”

“Take it. This is Morgan’s farewell gift for you.” Uther the green knight said. Arthur looked at Uther subconsciously. Half of the green knight’s body has been turned to stone. The petrochemical is spreading towards its upper body.

“Of course. More and faster chapters to come. Only the base is not enough.” The emerald knight Iglyn also said with a chuckle. “Go find it. Find the remaining pieces of the Holy Grail. If you have the whole Holy Grail, the world may be saved.”

“Why.” Arthur looked at the woman who had petrified most of her body in doubt: “Morgan can’t wait to let the world be destroyed immediately. Let everything in the world die. Why would she leave this kind of thing to me.”

“Hum hum hum. It’s gambling.” Uther sneered beside him. The petrification had spread to his neck. This made Uther’s voice hollow and vague. Almost indecipherable: “Game too easy to win. No meaning at all. World too easy to destroy. Not worth destroying.”

“Just do your best to fill this Holy Grail.” Iglin’s jaw was petrified. “Is it hope that finally fills the Holy Grail. Or is it despair——“

The two said in unison: “We will wait and see.”

The two emerald knights are finally completely petrified. Turned into two lifeless stone statues. Totally dead.

And their voices—supposed to be Arthur’s parents’ voices—are forever in the memory of the King of Knights.

Waiting for us. is hope. Still desperate.

Such a stupid question. Do you need to ask.

Arthur puts away the base of the Holy Grail.

Even at the last moment of life. Nor will I give up hope.

—[hope]. is my only wealth.

When Arthur returns to the Silver Shadow. Bedivere’s surgery is complete.

The werewolf boy with the murloc prince. were placed in a survival pod to rest.

Merlin runs out of magic. It has been turned into a stone statue. Won’t wake up for a while.

Exhausted, Evan and Constantine lay on the ground with their backs to the sky. Fatigued to the extreme. Dozing off.

“Can’t sleep yet. Get up.” Arthur kicked Evan to wake up.

“Sleep a little longer…five minutes will be fine…” Evan rubbed his eyes. Reluctantly, he stretched his waist.

“Lazy bone.” Arthur kicked Evan again: “Going back to Brindisi. Go and fly the spaceship.”

This time. A group of golems just happened to carry the stone statues of Vivien and Palamedes past. Go to the ship’s warehouse.

Evan got up helplessly. Looking at the statue of Zun stone far away. seems to understand something.

“Mission… failed?” he asked.

King Arthur assumes a brooding pose. Thinking: “Maybe not. It looks like it is now. The wall of the world opened. But it closed again. Morgan is gone. The wall of the world should not be threatened for the time being. Anyway. Let’s go back to Brindisi first. Okay. Is it?”

“Okay…” Evan struggled to get up. Constantine, who also kicked the side, said, “Get up too. If you want to sleep, you have to set the spaceship to auto sail before going to sleep.”

“You devils.” Constantine opened his eyes slightly in protest.

Five minutes later. The Silver Shadow spacecraft was launched. The propulsion of the engine is reversed. Pull the bow out of the big crater it knocked out. More faster chapters to come.

“Oh. My God.” Constantine marveled at the infinite depth of space. The space has changed again. From the tropical rain forest just now into a grassland.

“It’s changing.” Arthur grunted.

“Probably some kind of system to prevent intruders.” Evan said absently. I fiddled with the ship’s control stick twice. Let the boat go down. It almost flew close to the ground.

“What are you doing. Don’t waste your time. Get out of here,” urged the King of Knights.

“No. Wait a minute.” Evan used his eagle eye technique to see everything within five kilometers. Put the boat in front of a small hole in the ground. The robotic arm that operated the spaceship suddenly shot. Clip something back from the ground.

The thing was carried into the control room of the ship by the conveyor belt of the robotic arm. First update Arthur was curious what that was. He leaned over to take a look.

Look at this. The King of Knights is both surprised and sad—

That’s a hand.

Based on guesswork. This skinny one. Orcish arms covered in white fur. It should belong to Rabbit Ryder. The **** of this arm wears [The Lord of Time and Space—Andrew Lalot]. It is the best proof that this arm belongs.

“So. The rabbit died too.” Arthur couldn’t help feeling sorry. Although he doesn’t have a good opinion of rabbits.

“It’s hard to say.” Evan looked at the front of the rabbit’s arm. The incision in the shoulder part did not appear to have been cut by a sharp blade. It has a black membrane on its cross section. Seems to be some kind of subspace interface.

“And a faint pulse.” Evan grabbed his arm. “Although I don’t know where the rabbit’s body is. But maybe he can be saved. I can’t leave any of my companions behind. Right.”

“Yes. You can’t leave Ren and a companion.” Arthur nodded perfunctorily. “Go back and let Merlin check. Maybe this rabbit can be rescued.”

The spaceship flies towards the exit of the warp. The scene at that time terrified Constantine – the [Skidplatney’s Ark] blocking the exit was crawled with countless dark creatures. At the moment is in a struggle.

“Arthur. Help them. They are good people,” implored Constantine. “We received a lot of help from this group of elephant people when we were in the Turks.”

“Understood.” The King of Knights had already leaped from the elevator in the control room of the Silver Shadow. Jump to the tactical deck of the ship.

Above the broad deck of the Ark. The Elephant Patriarch Tut was wielding a meteor gun to drive away the enemy. These dark creatures shattered under the shock wave of Eternal Neil. But there are too many of them. The attack is too ferocious. Even Tutan, who was holding an artifact in his hand, could not deal with them one by one.

“The third main gun is damaged. The hull armament is completely off the assembly line.” cried the Elephant Man in charge of the pilot in the bridge. “Lord Patriarch. I can’t hold it anymore. Abandon the ship.”

“Hmm. You bastard.” Tut was too busy. There was simply no time to answer the crew’s requests. A dark creature like an eagle flew over. Missed from Tut’s attack. Throwing on the arm of the elephant man. Violently tore off a piece of meat.

“Ugh.” The Elephant Patriarch grabbed the monster furiously. Throw it on the ground. Then make up for it. More faster chapters to come. The monster was immediately trampled into a mass of black flesh.

But Tut’s drastic action also had consequences. There was a sharp pain like an electric current in the person’s already injured back. He sprained his waist again.

“Ooooooooooooo.” Tut’s body twitched because of the pain in his lower back. while he hesitated. Dozens of dark creatures have already jumped on the Elephant Man. A bite.

Tutan struggles. But he knew it was too late. The dark creatures were about to tear him to shreds.

Draw. . A dull sound. With the golden light sweeping.

Pounced on Tut. Dark creatures about to swallow human flesh. Suddenly stopped. They no longer bite hard. Instead, they fell to the ground and died.

“Hmm.” The elephant man followed the golden light curiously. The first update saw King Arthur hovering in the air. The king was swiftly waving the holy sword in his hand. The holy sword radiated a thirty-foot-long golden blade. Sweep through the army of dark creatures.

The giant blade is very transparent. It can be understood as a very thin beam of photons. But it is this thin cloud of photon beams. The [darkness] has been purified. where to scan. Wherever swarms of dark creatures fell.

Tutan realized immediately. The golden light that swept across his body just now. It is the light blade of the holy sword. It killed the dark creatures. But it doesn’t hurt.

“I owe you a favor. King of knights.” Tut shouted.

“Yes.” The effect of the giant light blade has passed. Arthur raised the scabbard of the king in his hand. Activate [Spellbreaker].

Touch. A giant light covered the sky. The golden light hit the dark creatures. Centered on Arthur. All monsters within a radius of thirty feet are purified.

Slightly dispelled the monster army. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. Turn your head.

He watched as he was bitten all over his body. Bloody Tut’s patriarch. He waved his hand and said, “If you want to repay me, just sign a peace treaty with me. You are a reasonable person. You must know the meaning of doing so.—Those who are willing to pursue peace are my allies.”

“Of course. King of knights.” Tut had long intended to make peace with humans. See what King Arthur said. Just have a smooth sailing. “I will sign a peace treaty with you when I go back. But now. Please help us first.”

Arthur smiled knowingly. A halo rose from the crown of the Holy Spirit above his head. A huge Holy Spirit was summoned from the halo. Condensed into a huge sphere in the air.

[Holy Spirit—White Star] instantly transformed into thousands of turrets. Towards this space shrouded in darkness. Fire violently. .

—Like the sun. Emitting endless rays of light.

Tens of thousands. Hundreds of millions. Trillions of light bullets poured out frantically. Smashed into the army of dark creatures. White light drives out darkness. Bomb the darkness to a pulp.

The dark creatures would have lost their commander (Morgan). Just follow instinct. The battle formation is loose and disorderly. I was bombarded by this powerful Holy Spirit again. Of course there were a lot of casualties.

The lingering dark creatures are escaping trying to escape from the killing fields. Arthur laughed wildly. Turned into a golden light to free in the battlefield. It slashes the enemy troops in the air with great speed.

“Weapon system is back online. First. Second. Fourth. Fifth main gun available.” cried the Elephant Man in the bridge.

“What.” Tut hesitated. “Knight King. What kind of magic did you use. ——All guns open. All bullets fired. Kill all these dark creatures. Not a single one is left.”

Skidplatney’s Ark uses all available turrets. Shooting frantically. Its attack supports the King of Knights. Kill dark creatures faster. The corpses of a large number of dark creatures fell like raindrops. Sink into the sea of ​​snow and ice in the Northland.

The summoning effect of [Holy Spirit—White Star] has also passed. disappeared into the void. And Arthur’s holy sword also split the head of the last dark creature.

War on the World Wall. With the help of the King of Knights. it is finally over. () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!


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