Light Spirit Epic Chapter 660: Awakening to the Source of Sin (10)


Chapter 660 Awakening to the Source of Sin

Same time. ♀ On the square at the top of the boulder. Bedivere fights thousands of dark creatures alone.

He transformed into a giant wolf. Tristan with a severe back injury. Running around in the square to avoid. Every now and then I grab a claw. Repel the monster in front of you.

However. The werewolf boy who was seriously injured. Most of the stamina has been lost. Keep fighting like this. His wound will be completely open. will die of hemorrhage.

“Beddy…enough…enough. Run away.” Tristan took it all seriously. He was so angry that he couldn’t help but persuade: “Quick…leave me. Run away alone. I can’t help you in battle. At least I can help you hold the enemy back.”

“Shut up. You know I’m not going to do that.” Bedivere took a leap. The first update fell on the back of a dark monster. The giant wolf grabbed. Rip the monster’s head in half.

Other monsters continue to swarm. The silver wolf spat out a mouthful of blood. The stitches on his chest snapped. The wound also bloomed beautifully.

“Ouch.” The pain distracts Bedivere. He could no longer maintain his beastly transformation. Lost his balance and stuck his head on the ground.

Sweep brushes brush brushes. His body slid on the ground. Drag out bloodstains all over the place.

The group of monsters became more excited when they smelled the blood. Followed by the blood. While frantically licking the blood on the floor.

“Damn….” The werewolf boy quickly grabbed the photon whip he grabbed from the previous battle. Half kneeling on the ground. Raise the whip.

Light whips swing. Sweep over the monster. Sweep these dark creatures to pieces.

But the dark creatures didn’t flinch at all. They keep coming. Always be ready to tear up Bedivere as a feast.

The werewolf boy wielded his light whip even more frantically. The light whip rotates extremely fast. One by one, the monsters that keep coming up are sent flying. Take advantage of the whip’s length and repelling power. The werewolf boy can temporarily resist the attack of the monster army.

The monsters see their attack blocked. He hurriedly circled around the werewolf boy. Observe Bedivere’s actions from outside the attack range of the Photon Whip.

“Ugh…” Bedivere’s vision blurred. The wound on the chest is tearing. Bleeding.

“Bedi…” Tristan, who was lying on the side, tried to use an ice wall magic to assist the werewolf boy’s defense. More faster chapters to come. But dying, he couldn’t concentrate at all. Not to mention using such complex magic.

“I think this is our end.” Bedivere sighed softly. The light whip in his hand is still waving. But the frequency of waving has obviously slowed down.

“I just wanted to say…I could die here. It’s a good choice.”

“Yeah. Can’t live together…I wish to die together.” The murloc prince replied in a low voice. There were tears in his eyes. “Beddie. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Having you as a friend. It’s been an honor of my life.”

The werewolf boy was silent for a while. He put away the photon whip. Draw out [Magic Bow—Nare Fire].

He draws a full bow. Concentrate your last vitality in the magic bow.

Blood gushes from his wound. The splattered blood was quickly sucked away by the magic bow. Condensed into an arrow of blood.

By consuming the user’s life force. The true power of the magic bow is awakened.

This is covered in blood. With blood as arrows. Blood is the string. A magic bow with blood as soul. This is the true form of the Fire of Nare.

“Tristan. Goodbye.” The werewolf boy whispered. At the same time, let go of the hand that draws the bow.

The moment when Li Xian’s **** arrow flew out. Immediately divided into tens of thousands of blood droplets. The blood droplets are scattered at nearly the speed of sound. The first update was scurrying in this space.

Magical. The blood droplets moving at high speed splashed wildly. Penetrates the surrounding enemies one after another.

They are minimal. And the most lethal “bullet”. Punch holes in enemies at nearly the speed of sound. ♀Cut the meat and mince the bones. Each blood bullet absorbs energy from the target at the moment of impact. Continue to accelerate by the absorbed energy.

They bounce infinitely across this vast space. Crazy destruction of all individuals regarded as enemies.

Soon. This rain of blood bullets surpassed the speed of sound. It runs at high speed on a nearly circular track. and continue to spread out. It was a whirlwind of blood. Chop all targets within range.

Dark creatures can’t even defend themselves. It was cut into countless minced meat. More than three thousand dark creatures were quickly smashed. The first update was so shattered that it was impossible to act at all.

“B…Beddie.” Tristan looked at Bedivere, who was sitting still.

The werewolf boy used all his strength. Severely lacks photons. He lost too much blood. Weak as if drained.

A lot of gray hair fell out of Bedivere. The shriveled body of the werewolf boy also collapsed weakly.

“Bedie…” Tristan screamed hysterically.

Crack. The entrance to the stone pillar not far away opened a crack. very quickly. It opens completely. The lift rises slowly from the bottom.

Arthur just finished packing Uther the clone. Went up and kicked Uther. Make sure the emerald knight is dead.

“The white phoenix actually came out to help out. It seems that she has deep feelings for you.” The Holy Spirit Crown laughed at the King of Knights.

“Yes. Thanks to her. I have one less Holy Spirit to use today. I really hope the Holy Spirits will follow my lead next time. Don’t make up your own mind.”

“A. Arthur.” Tristan had just seen the King of Knights rise from the elevator. Then he shouted: “Come and save Bedi. Beidi has already——“

Wait for Tristan to finish. Arthur has rushed over. He knelt down to check the werewolf boy’s injuries: “Beddie… wake up. What the **** happened.”

“He…he needs medical attention.—hold me up,” Tristan said.

Arthur brings Tristan to Bedivere. The murloc prince concentrates. More faster chapters to come. It took a long time to create a puck: “Use ice to stop the bleeding from his wound first.”

He puts a layer of ice on the scar on Bedivere’s chest. Thought this would be useful. But the King of Knights looked at everything. The wound was actually no longer bleeding.

Bediver’s blood has drained. Currently in ischemic shock.

What the werewolf teenager really needs is a blood transfusion. lots of blood.

If you can’t give Brady a blood transfusion within five minutes. The werewolf boy may not be saved.

And in the harsh conditions of the battlefield. Where can I find blood transfusion equipment? Even if it can be found. Where should I go to find the blood source? .

Just as the King of Knights is desperate and helpless. A spaceship is approaching the boulder at high speed.

“Stop it. It’s about to hit.” Constantine exclaimed.

“I’m going to hit it.” Evan ignored Constantine’s advice. Instead, push the accelerator stick of the spacecraft forward. The Silver Shadow cranked up its engines. He hit the top of the stone pillar even more vigorously.

Touch. . The sharp bow of the Silver Shadow pierced through the top of the stone pillar. Rush into the high-altitude platform.

“Cough cough cough cough cough.” Arthur was choked by the stirred up smoke and coughed for a while: “What idiot did it.”

“Arthur.” Evan leaps from the broken bow: “We’re late. Is everything okay?”

“Not good.” Arthur hugged Bedivere’s icy body. “Does that ship have a first aid kit? Get Brady in there.”

“Oh. My God.” Evan looked at Bedivere and Tristan on the verge of death. More faster chapters to come. “There is a cryostat.—I’ll carry Tristan.”

“Never mind me. You can just take care of Brady.” Tristan struggled to his feet. Be brave in front of Evan.

“Idiot.” Evan simply picked up Tristan and walked into the spaceship.

After the big explosion of the flame avatar. Merlin got up from the ground.

He activated the Magic Shield at the last minute. Save yourself from death. even so. Physical injuries are still unavoidable. He was also nearly buried in the dust from the explosion.

“Bah. Bah.” The Great Master crawled out of the bunker in embarrassment. While spitting out the sand in your mouth and nose. “Damn the green knight. Caused me so much trouble.”

Ellie is out of sight. It is estimated that it has been involved in the big bang. Shattered to pieces in the heat and pressure.

Can actually compete with a “god” like Merlin. The Great Master still felt horrified when he thought of this.

The [Dark Spirit] created by Morgan is terrifying. If this thing is mass produced. The world will inevitably end.

—We must try our best to eliminate Morgan. Otherwise it will be too late.

Merlin doesn’t know yet. Morgan has fled to the other side of the World Wall.

Everything is “already” too late.

—touch. . A loud crash sounded above Merlin’s head. interrupted the Master’s thoughts.

He looks up. I saw that the Silver Shadow spacecraft was like a drunken fool. Dive into the top of the stone pillar. The remaining half of the stern was exposed.

“It’s okay with Arthur.” Merlin calculated the distance. Made a teleportation. Immediately transfer to the rear of the spacecraft.

He flies in through the opening the spaceship rammed. Made a few laps in the spaceship. Follow the voice to the medical room. Just happened to see Arthur and others put the seriously injured Bedivere and Tristan into the freezer.

“Merlin. Just in time. Operate on Brady.”

“I.” The Great Mage shook his head. “No. I just had a fight with that woman. My body is about to petrify. Now my hands and feet are stiff. I can’t use spells.”

The big wizard glanced at the shriveled Bedivere: “And the little wolf also needs blood transfusion. There is no fresh blood. He can’t survive the operation.”

“My blood for Arthur said quickly.”My blood type is O. should be able to—“

“Don’t be naive.” Merlin interrupted the King of Knights. “That kid is a werewolf. Human blood is not compatible. You want to give him a blood transfusion. Another werewolf of his blood type must be found…or at least an orc.”

Everyone present casts despairing glances at Merlin: Except for Bedivere. Neither are orcs.

Right now. Tristan, the murloc prince, said, “I’m a merman. Is the blood of a merman okay? I’m a-shaped blood. I heard that Bedi is ab-shaped.”

Merlin thought for a moment. Suddenly he figured something out: “I do a little trick with magic. Maybe it’s possible.

—However. I will be petrified if I use magic again. Who will operate on this child then? “

“I…I’ll do it.” Constantine on the side hurriedly said.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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