Light Spirit Epic Chapter 658: Awakening from the original sin (8)


Same time. On the lift platform of the boulder column. The fierce battle between Arthur and the emerald knight Uther. still going on.

The King of Knights draws a sword. The sword light is a golden arc. Sweeping at Uther’s lower limbs with the momentum of cutting flesh and bone——

Encounter enemies of unknown strength. Better to weaken his mobility first. Uther’s voice sounded in Arthur’s mind. His father taught him when he was young.

Keng. Uther swung his black blade to block. Bounce the sword of the holy king. Great timing for blocking. Arthur was amazed.

The emerald knight swung the tower shield of his left hand at the same time and slapped the king of knights in the face. Forcing Arthur to lean back. took a half step back.

See Arthur losing his balance. Uther took advantage of the situation and stabbed a sword. Straight to the heart of the King of Knights.

Brush la la la la la. Arthur raised the King’s Sheath. Instantly summons a Griffon Shield to block. The black blade slid across the shield.

By the reaction force of the block. The King of Knights turned back. Let’s move away first and then——

Too vulnerable in mid-air. The best way is to strike first. The father’s voice resounded in the boy’s mind again.

The flip has not hit the ground. Arthur has reached out and pinched a dragon flame and threw it at Uther.

The Emerald Knight raises his shield to block. The fireball exploded on the shield. Turned into a dazzling fire. Countless scattered fireballs fell on the ground. Light up the battlefield—

Distract opponents with blindfolds. Find a breakthrough quickly.

Uther, distracted by the flames, hesitated for half a second. The king of knights has already rushed forward with his sword raised. The holy sword slashed diagonally towards Uther’s right arm with the sword. I plan to disarm Uther first.

Uther’s reaction was lightning fast. The blade has been raised to block the attack. He struck out a sword. I plan to fight Arthur’s holy sword with the black sword.

Cut. The holy sword of the King of Knights completely penetrated Uther’s defense. Slash on Uther. But that’s just a virtual image made by [Mirage Phantom]. Swipe across Uther’s right shoulder without causing any damage at all—

If the enemy is well defended. Just break his defenses first.

Arthur’s body had already dodged to the left of Uther. Knife up and down. With one blow, Uther took off the shield’s right hand.

“Humph.” Uther grunted. Backhand draw a sword. Forcing the King of Knights away: “Very good. You have improved a lot.”

“Shut up. Don’t speak to me in a father’s tone. You impostor.” Arthur squeezed the dragon fireball again and threw it at Uther. This time, the fireball was very “heavy”. The highly compressed air mass fell parabolically from the sky.

Lost left arm. Uther, who has not had time to regenerate. Had to dodge first. He stepped back sharply. Hope to get out of the attack range of the dragon fireball.

Arthur had already expected his opponent to do this. Another small dragon fireball has been pinched. Throwing at the big fireball that fell in the air——

Surprise win. Can defeat the enemy.

Touch. Two fireballs collide. The small fireball that came first smashed the big fireball into pieces. Hundreds of small fireballs burst out. Fall like raindrops. Blocked Uther’s retreat.

I thought it was just a little fireball. No particularly amazing attack power. Uther didn’t dodge. Swing the black sword to deflect the oncoming fireball rain.

But. Uther, who was busy dealing with the fireball, looked away from Arthur. Just for a moment. But let the king of knights take advantage again.

Arthur retracts his blade. Rush to the front of Uther. Instantly unsheathed the knife. The sword drawing technique [Double King Blade] was activated.

A powerful attack is nearly unstoppable. And Uther has no time to dodge. Can only block with a sword. How much damage can be blocked.

His black sword collided with the holy sword of the King of Knights. Broken instantly. His arm collided with the holy sword again. Also broke instantly. The incomparably fierce sword slashed towards the chest of the black armored knight. Cut open its breastplate like jelly. straight to the flesh.

But. Uther who blocked the attack with his sword and arm. suffered a huge impact. He was shoved out by the force of the impact. The holy sword that was supposed to slice open Uther’s heart. Only a wound about an inch deep was left on the emerald knight’s chest.

Uther breaks his arms. The whole person flew out. It was about to hit the wall. But it stopped halfway in the air.

A pair of black wings extending from Uther’s back. Let the black armor knight have the ability to control the air.

“Well done. Arthur. You’ve really grown a lot. Tactics are getting more and more complex. Unpredictable.” Uther said as he danced in the air, regenerating wounds. His arms grew out first. Forgo the complex shape of the arm. Hardened directly into two five-foot long black knives: “Okay. I’ll come to meet you with all my strength. Let you know the gap in our strength.”

“I can’t ask for it.” Arthur spread his wings too. His backpack immediately transformed into the Wings of the Holy King. Auxiliary wings for flight. “Always let you watch me [grow]. It’s really hard for you.”

Their battle changed from land to air. From two-dimensional to three-dimensional. From fierce offense and defense to life-threatening fighting.

The king of knights has a blink of an eye. rush to the opponent. The holy sword fell synchronously.

Uther twisted his waist to avoid the path of the holy sword. The two knives in both hands are drawn in a cross shape.

Arthur folds half of his wings. Block the slash of the two swords with the extremely hard feathers on the wings. At the same time, turn around abruptly. Backhand slashed a sword.

Swipe – The Sword of the Holy King slashed from Uther’s chest. But was avoided in time. The tip of the sword only scratched a flower mark on the black armor.

“It’s not over yet.” The King’s Sheath in the other hand of the King of Knights stabbed straight out. Originally it was just a sheath. There is no attack power. Arthur had an idea. A [Holy] enchantment is wrapped around the sheath. Thus. Even a blunt blow. Can also use [Holy] to inflict critical damage on the Green Knight.

Saw a deadly white glow from the scabbard. Uther hurriedly blocked. He sacrificed his left arm. Towards the scabbard. [Holy] immediately destroyed the Emerald Knight’s left arm. But the trajectory of the attack has also changed. The scabbard grazed Uther’s shoulder.

Same time. Uther’s right hand also stabbed out. The sharp blade penetrates the belly armor of the King of Knights. A hole was poke in Arthur’s left lower abdomen.

“Ugh.” Arthur gritted his teeth. Swinging the sword of the holy king, it fell. With the holy King’s Sword attached, Uther’s right arm was cut off immediately.

“It’s not over yet.” Uther, whose arms were chopped off, opened his mouth. A dark light emanated from the depths of his throat.

Aware that something is wrong. Arthur quickly deployed the Griffon Shield to block.

Touch rumble rumble rumble rumble. A dark ray of light hit him. Slip off the sides of the Griffon Shield. Arthur watched it all. Can not help but shocked. The attack in front of him is—

“[The Third Miracle]” exclaimed the King of Knights. “You actually know how to use the third wonder”

[The Third Miracle – Photon Creation]. This is clearly the unique talent of Knight King Arthur.

Once a day. Can [create something out of nothing]. Create a large number of photons that do not exist in this world.

When Arthur collects these extra photons. Attached to the blade and released. Can create amazing power. “The ultimate slash”.

The [Giant Light Slash] used to be used on normal lightsabers. And the [Heaven and Earth Slicing Sword] used on the Sword of the Holy King. They are all moves based on the [Third Miracle].

This move. It is theoretically impossible to imitate.

But. The beam cannon that the emerald knight just released from his mouth. That power and the amount of photons. It is indeed equivalent to [Third Miracle].

Uther also uses the [Third Wonder]

The King of Knights withdraws his shield. Face off against the opponent at a distance of more than ten yards.

“Oh. What a look of surprise.” Uther flapped his black wings and floated in the air. Sneered disapprovingly. “This is the [Third Miracle of Darkness] replicated by the power of the shadows. If shadows can multiply indefinitely in an infinite number of parallel universes. Well. Borrow a few shadows from other parallel universes. Of course it is possible–

Although. The borrowed dark son can only stay in this world for a short time. It will soon be annihilated in time and space. “

The king of knights frowned uncomfortably: “To even make such a thing. That madman Morgan. Do you really want to destroy the world that much?”

“Hmph. The world will be destroyed. I don’t care.” Uther, the green knight, sneered. His hands that should have been [divine] severed. By a pair of black. Replaced entirely by the Astral Arm composed of Dark Sons. “But look. It’s infinite power. How wonderful.”

“Arthur. Don’t you want to be like this. Obey Anko. You can have infinite power. You can become infinitely powerful.”

Uther’s ethereal arms transform into two dark blades. They shone with the most wicked black light.

Uther’s dark swords quickly grew enormous. The two-hundred-and-thirty-foot-long dark blade swung through the space at high speed. Chase Arthur very embarrassed.

“Ahahahahaha.” Uther laughed frantically: “Are you still worried about fighting against God. Fall into darkness. You can have the power to defeat God. Why hesitate”

Completed. Uther’s mouth widened. Three consecutive dark beams are ejected.

Arthur’s [Third Wonder] can only be used once a day. But Uther’s [Dark Third Miracle] has almost unlimited use. One wave after another. The king of knights was unable to fight back.

“Ugh.” Arthur had just avoided the black blade’s attack. Immediately, he was shot by the black light that came rushing in. There is no time to hesitate.

The Gryphon Shield unfolds in an instant. Blocked the oncoming huge black beam cannon.

But. The Griffin Shield is only valid for a split second.

The moment the griffin shield disappears. The black light blade fell from the top of the knight king’s head. Arthur had to set up the holy sword to block.

The huge impact knocked the King of Knights to the ground.

“Ha ah.” Uther has synchronously thrown a ball of darkness composed of condensed shadows. The black ball exploded on the ground. turned into a cloud of black mist. Shrouded the king of knights.

“Give up. You can’t win.” Uther sneered. “The number of dark sons I can call is infinite. You have already lost to me in terms of the source of power.”

“Damn” Arthur held his breath. Avoid breathing those shadows. But he knew. Even without inhaling. Anko was still able to get through his wound. even skin. into the human body.

Arthur’s stomach throbbed. Just got stabbed by Uther. The wound has been infected by Anko.

His skin is gradually eroded by darkness. Countless mottled black spots appeared on his body.

Some strong hypnotic effect begins to disturb the mind of the King of Knights.

His consciousness was gradually replaced by a craving. to strength. Sick thirst.

“Arthur” sounded in the head of the King of Knights.

“Beddie.” The King of Knights opened his eyes.

The figure of the werewolf boy loomed in his hallucinations. He was smiling at the King of Knights.

Arthur finally understood. That’s Morgan’s strategy. Copy his father out. Use Uther’s appearance to gain favor. Just to lure the King of Knights into darkness.

Arthur used his last strength. Pinch out a dragon fireball. exploded around his body. Make a huge fire field.

“What. Surrounded yourself with flames. Are you crazy?” Uther watched the blazing fire from a distance. “You want to burn yourself to death.”

The King of Knights sneered and stood up. The high temperature decomposes the surrounding dark particles. Even the dark child who invaded the body of the knight king was gradually cleared. “I can’t die. How could I die because of this little fire.”

He squeezed out more dragon fireballs and blasted them to the ground. Let the fire burn more violently. The knight king with dragon blood on his body can resist high temperature. The flames couldn’t really burn him. But his body was inevitably burned.

“Thank you. My mind is finally clear.” Arthur raised his holy sword. His mind became clearer than ever. Anzi couldn’t control him at all: “Fake. You are really unforgivable. You are as shallow as Morgan. Thinking that Anzi can give you unlimited power-

You are wrong. Big mistake.

The king’s roar stuns the world the so-called power. You have to fight for it with your own hands.

Rely on others to give alms. Gain power by cheating. Such **** power. I don’t care. “

Uther’s face was instantly enveloped in infinite darkness. “Very good. Then you die.” He held up two dark swords. Launched [The Third Miracle of Darkness – Creation of Dark Sons].

“It’s you who will die.” Arthur gripped the King’s Sword tightly. Also launched [Third Miracle – Photon Creation].

“Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.” User’s dark double sword flowed with extremely evil darkness. Turned into a 2,000-foot greatsword and swept towards the King of Knights.

“Haaaaaaah.” Arthur’s holy sword burst into golden light. Turned into a 3,000-foot giant blade and stabbed Uther.

Golden light meets darkness. Intense conflict with each other.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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