Light Spirit Epic Chapter 640: Attack on Youyu (10)


Chapter 640 Attack on the Netherland

At the same time, on the outskirts of Fort Brindisi, in the chaotic battlefield between the Roman army and the undead army, a golden light fell from the sky.

As soon as Arthur landed, he immediately slashed with the Sword of the Holy King in his hand. The [Holy] attached to the sword changed the golden light of the holy sword to ru white. This white light almost kills the undead in one blow. Wherever it swept, dozens and hundreds of undead warriors fell into pieces. Down.

“Arthur?!” Evan was killing the enemy a hundred steps away, and was surprised to see the King of Knights coming to help the battle, “Mage Merlin didn’t call you—” “It doesn’t matter, it’s just a warm-up before the real battle. It’s just movement.” Arthur quickly replied, “Don’t stop. Haven’t you figured out the location of the succubus?” “Well, soon!” Evan rushed to the densely populated area, the butcher’s golem on his back He slashed and killed the spirits continuously with his sword, and the double spears in his hand also shot out countless vacuum waves, slicing the necromancers into pieces.

Beep! With a harsh electric jump, the golem seemed to have resolved the result.

A blue light shoots out of Evan’s backpack and points to a small hill a hundred yards away.

“There!” the half-dragon boy shouted, “I’ll open the way!” He raised his pistols and blasted hundreds of shots in front of him. The light gun fired extremely slow light bullets, and hundreds of light bullets slowly gathered together to form a huge light ball.

Evan waved his dual spears, and the infinite vacuum blade of the spear head slashed towards the light ball. [;Thesis Academy] The enchantment on the short sword instantly interfered with the light ball, bursting out a powerful vacuum blade storm, shooting straight towards the destination hill!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! Thousands of vacuum blades swept past, and the necromancers along the way were cut into minced meat, leaving an unobstructed avenue.

“It’s now! Go!” “Thanks!” Arthur dashed toward the hill.

Before arriving, he raised the King’s Sheath.

[Spellbreaker], activate!

A giant golden light exploded in the night, smashing the scenery within hundreds of yards. ♀ It can break all kinds of [methods], and it is a piece of cake to break the low-level eye-covering methods such as illusion.

After the golden light, the evildoer has nowhere to hide.

A snake-tailed witch, an extremely coquettish witch, sneered at the king of knights: “Hey, hey, hey, King Arthur, are you coming to play with me so soon? The dinner party is far from over!” “Shut up, you monster. “The king of knights held up the holy sword, “If you don’t want to die, release the control of these undead, and leave obediently! Otherwise, I will tear you apart!” “It’s useless, these undead were killed by me. Death order, even if I don’t exist, they will continue to attack Brindisi. Queen Morgan ordered me to stop you, I already have the consciousness of death.” “Oh, is it Morgan again?” The face of the king of knights Without a trace of emotion, he had already guessed the mastermind behind the incident, “As Morgan’s abandoned sons, you really worked hard.” “Well, maybe not.” The succubus smiled slyly, “Come out, my Sisters!” There was a sudden roar on the ground, and six strange purple lights burst out from the soil, immediately surrounding the King of Knights.

The seven succubus laughed wickedly: “We decided to kill you, not hold you back. Bring your head back to see Queen Morgan, Her Majesty will be happier!” “Oh, so it is. .” Arthur grabbed the holy sword.

“Die, King of Knights!” The succubuses cast magic together, releasing a purple-black poisonous mist. The poisonous smog is overwhelming, surrounding King Arthur!

“Innocent!” Arthur spread his wings, a golden light flashed, and the King of Knights had already flown into the air!

“Your Majesty, keep your stamina!” The Holy Spirit Crown on King Arthur’s head quickly reminded him.

“Understood. There is no need to use ruthless tactics to deal with these chops.” Arthur raised the sword of the holy king in his hand, rushed to a succubus, and the holy sword suddenly fell!

The succubus raised both hands and waved its hardened claws like a weapon, trying to block the attack of the King of Knights!

The sword of the holy king passed through the succubus’ claws with an unstoppable force, then passed through the witch’s body, and slashed it with one sword!

The succubus hasn’t figured out what’s going on, but another sister beside her has been cut in half!

Arthur’s figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of the succubus who was cut in half. It turned out that the one who attacked just now was [Mirage Phantom], and the one succubus that Phantom Arthur slashed was the other one! The defenseless succubus died instantly under the blow of the king of knights!

“Deal with one first.” The king of knights grinned, the holy sword in his hand swayed, and the black poisonous blood of the succubus was swept away. “Who are you going to kill next?” The remaining six succubus He was furious, his body hardened with countless spikes and blades, and he was about to fight King Arthur.

Brush! But another succubus was pierced through the chest by a sword.

“Don’t forget I’m here!” Ivan drew his lightsaber from the enemy’s chest, and the sword was attached with [Holy], emitting a white brilliance.

I was hit in the heart with a backstab by Evan. The succubus was also killed instantly, leaving only five witches left.

Or, four.

Let’s pick up the girl’s treasures

Another succubus was attacked unsuspectingly. When she tried to move, her body broke into countless pieces and scattered on the ground. This is the [Declaration of Death] of Grand Duke Hall—Under the high-speed sword strike, the opponent does not even know how he was killed.

“How can such a good thing be without my share?” Hall retracted his sword, the [Holy] of the lightsaber was lifted, and it was turning from white to emerald green.

“Hall, don’t get in the way! The remaining succubuses are not enough for me to warm up!” King Arthur said dissatisfiedly, “Go back and kill the spirits, this is an order!” “Forgive me, Your Majesty!” Huo Er raised his sword and attacked another succubus, and while fighting the witch, he easily talked to the king of knights, “Your Majesty needs to reserve every ounce of physical strength that can be reserved, and you must not spend your energy on this kind of miscellaneous soldiers! “Ivan also attacked another succubus, the butcher golem on his back slashed at the succubus with dozens of blades, and the sacred lightsaber in his hand kept stabbing, suppressing the succubus. The strength to fight back: “This kind of scum, let us solve it!” “Who is the scum—!” Before the succubus could finish speaking, his throat was pierced by Ivan’s lightsaber.

There are only three of the seven succubuses left under the siege of the knights. Seeing that the momentum is not right, the remaining three quickly gathered together and instantly merged!

They transformed into a gigantic black serpent-like monster covered in spikes and tumors. Green poisonous gas was constantly exuding from those spikes, and the tumor was splattered with disgusting venom and pus.

The aggregate of the succubus hissed harshly, and its words were extremely indistinguishable: “The plan has changed. King of knights, let us hold you with our last strength!” Arthur sensed that things were not going well, He hurriedly rammed into Evan at high speed: “Get out of the way!” “Ow! What are you doing—” At the same time that Evan was knocked out, Arthur had already used the reaction force of the collision to steer, rammed into Hall, and knocked the Heavenly Knight Also crashed!

“Wow!” As soon as Evan landed, the small hill twenty yards in front of him experienced an earth-shattering mutation, and countless tentacles protruded from the ground and stabbed into the sky!

The knight smashed Hall into the air and wanted to rush into the sky, but it was too late! Hundreds of tentacles have grabbed the feet, wings and arms of the King of Knights!

These tentacles like the roots of plants are constantly squirming, and they are getting tighter and tighter, and soon they are tightly wrapped around Arthur, making the King of Knights lose the strength to struggle! The outer tentacle wall stretched higher and higher, covering the sky and forming a hemisphere, completely enclosing the King of Knights in it!

This is a trap. The succubuses had already buried part of their bodies on this small hill, and set up traps to await the arrival of the King of Knights. When Arthur came to this small hill, his fate of being caught by a trap was already decided!

“Damn…!” Arthur was still struggling, trying to touch the King’s Sheath around his waist to activate [Spellbreaker]. But his hands were wrapped so tightly that he couldn’t move half an inch!

“Come on, King of Knights, don’t be shy!” The witch gradually approached Arthur, and the venom from the tumor was about to splash on the King of Knights. “This venom may not be enough to kill you, but it is enough to make you lie down. It’s been a few months.” After being hit by this terrible poison, Arthur would not be able to move for a while, even if he survived the disaster. When he wakes up, the world may have been destroyed, and there will be no world to save!

“Don’t even think about hurting Your Majesty!” The Celestial Knight Hall charged forward with his sword and slashed at the huge tentacle formation. The tentacles stabbed several times, forcing Hall to raise his sword in defense. The lightsaber in Hall’s hand collided with the tentacles, but the tentacles could not be cut off. It can be seen that the hardness and flexibility of the tentacles are amazing!

“Arthur!!” Ivan also attacked the tentacle formation from the other direction. The butcher golem on his back swung the machete wildly. ! They twisted into a ball, blocking all invaders like a hard city wall!

In the tentacle prison, the succubus has gotten very close to Arthur, and is about to use a poison needle to inject the venom directly into the vein of the King of Knights!

At this extremely dangerous moment, a white light plummeted from the sky and directly penetrated the tentacle formation! Albert wielded the indestructible Demon Slicing Sword, slicing the tentacles like slicing vegetables, and instantly reached the center of the tentacle and landed next to Arthur!

“What? What are you doing—” The succubus thought that the tentacle formation was unbreakable, but he was surprised that Albert could easily pass through it!

Within half a second when she was so surprised that she couldn’t react, the tiger-man boy had already slashed out with his sword, severing the tentacles that wrapped around the King of Knights!

As soon as Arthur’s left hand can move, he immediately reaches out and grabs the King’s Sheath around his waist and activates [Spellbreaker].

The golden light flashed, and the tentacle array was disturbed by [Spellbreaker] and lost control. The black tentacles spread out and drooped weakly. Even the succubus was blinded by the flash, and his hands covered his eyes in pain!

“Ha!” Al rushed over, and the magic sword in his hand slashed the Succubus’ arms, causing the monster’s door to open wide!

“Die!” King Arthur also rushed forward, the sword of the Holy King in his hand has transformed into a ten-foot-long light blade. He raised his sword and dragged it diagonally upward, splitting the succubus in half vertically!

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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