Light Spirit Epic Chapter 637: Attack on Youyu (7)


Chapter 637: Attack on the Netherland

The huge flame tornado stirred the airflow, and with strong suction, swept the surrounding snow butterflies in one after another. ♀

These magical creatures, composed of only two thin sheets of frost, could not bear the scorching of the flames at all, and evaporated in an instant, leaving not even a drop of water.

And the fire tornado also instantly warmed the surrounding air and swept away the original cold!

Not only Snow Butterfly’s offensive, but also the cold offensive was completely cracked. A magic trick used properly can turn the battle situation in an instant!

The fire tornado magic not only cracked Tristan’s plan, but also kept pushing forward, with the intention of hitting the ice wall and destroying this ice prison!

Tristan finally formed the ice prison, how could it be possible for the opponent to destroy it at will? The murloc prince rushed out as a matter of course, and a dark blue ball had been squeezed out of his right hand.

He threw the terrifying negative entropy magic ball with absolute zero into the firestorm with a violent throw!

The dark blue magic ball explodes at the moment it touches the target, offsetting the positive entropy and replacing it with negative entropy. The high temperature of thousands of degrees dropped to hundreds of degrees below zero in an instant!

Brush! The fire tornado freezes instantly! The hydrogen-oxygen mixture, which was burning vigorously, immediately solidified in the ice of absolute zero, forming an extremely gorgeous swirling icicle! It is actually a condensed tornado, with a unique spiral pattern, in an inverted tower shape, gathering toward the center point, and under the influence of negative entropy, it continuously absorbs the surrounding water vapor to harden and thicken, and it will become hard in a few seconds. like diamonds.

In short, the firewall’s offensive was stopped. However, Tristan’s location is also revealed.

Viscount Raymond sneered slyly, hundreds of floating turrets were fired at the same time, just about to blast the murloc prince into **** in one fell swoop!

Seeing that the situation is not good, Tristan immediately hides behind the icicle: “Give this thing back to you!!”

He stretched out a finger to the icicle, and when he touched the icicle, he also cast an orbital acceleration technique. The powerful kinetic energy propelled the icicle and flew forward, hitting Raymond! If the icicle as hard as a diamond hit Raymond, it would be enough to crush it! This act of turning defense into offense, turning a disadvantage into an advantage instantly, even Tristan secretly praised his cleverness in his heart!

Raymond had to prioritize the icicles. ♀He commanded the turret to shoot frantically, aiming at the icicles and bombarded indiscriminately! The icicles that hit head-on are constantly shattering into countless ice slag, and the volume is getting smaller and smaller!

Clap! The icicle completely shattered five yards in front of Raymond!

The icicle about fifteen feet high is actually just a broken bottom, and the giant pillar about ten feet long on its upper layer naturally collapsed and fell on Raymond’s head!

Raymond was about to roll away, but found that his feet were frozen in ice! In desperation, the Viscount could only command the floating battery to form a shield formation and block it diagonally upwards!

Wash la la la la! ! The icicle slammed into the light shield group and shattered gorgeously, like a shower of ice ridges! A figure took the opportunity to rush in front of Raymond, and the silver spear pointed straight at Viscount Raymond’s chest!

Raymond had already anticipated that his opponent would hide behind the icicles and attack, and was prepared. He shook his body, barely avoiding the edge of the spear with a slight movement, and the lightsaber in his hand stabbed out and stabbed into Tristan’s arms!

Brush! The lightsaber pierced the heart of the murloc prince impartially! everything is over!

Huh? wrong! It doesn’t feel like being stabbed in the body, but rather like being stabbed in a hard block of ice! ?

Raymond was startled and wanted to withdraw his sword to defend, but it was too late. The scene in front of him swirled and flew away, and he seemed to be knocked away by some kind of impact.

Raymond hit the ground, rolled several yards, and finally stopped. He was about to get up and continue to fight back, but he saw a scene of despair.

He saw his own body.

It wasn’t his body that hit him, but——

His head.

His head was cut flat by the light blade, and he got out a dozen yards! What caught Raymond’s eyes, standing in the distance, was the Viscount’s own headless body!

Tristan is standing behind Raymond, his lightsaber has just slashed, but he still hasn’t fully recovered. ♀

The one in front of Raymond is indeed a fake dummy made of ice, only the spear in its hand is the real one! Not only did he make an icicle to suppress Raymond’s actions, but Tristan also made an ice statue and pushed the ice statue to slam into Raymond; the murloc prince himself went around behind the Viscount and struck a triple attack!

What a sound that strikes the east and west, and the reality and reality contrast each other!

Raymond admires Tristan very much, he was perfectly deceived by the murloc prince, and should have conceded defeat and stopped struggling.

However, in order to solve this enemy, in order to help his Queen Morgan, the knight made one last fight before his death——

That’s right. The floating turrets are mind-controlled, and they still operate under Raymond’s instructions. Even if Raymond has only one head left, he can still control the turret, let the turret aim at the murloc prince, and fire together!

“What?!” Unexpectedly, and without the crystal dragon scales on his body, Tristan was bombarded by hundreds of light bombs with little protection!

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! After a storm of light bullets, Tristan was covered in blood, and countless blue smoke floated from his body.

Crystal Dragonlin, which was one step late, only saved Tristan from death. They kept falling off after the bombing, shattering into pieces as the murloc prince fell.

“Bastard!” Murloc

Rebirth is very simple

The prince cursed in a low voice, losing consciousness. The surrounding ice wall was lifted at the same time, turned into a large number of ice chips, and shattered to the ground.

Viscount Raymond smiled contentedly, finally closing his eyes and dying forever. His floating turrets also fell to the ground and lost their function.

A figure approached the murloc prince, who was seriously wounded and dying, and extended his hand to him.

Brindisi, Rome, evening.

Arthur wiped his sword and armor, ready to strike.

Merlin maintains the scabbard and backpack for King Arthur, keeping the equipment in perfect condition.

“I still think it’s better to leave early.” The King of Knights sat on the wooden chair, shaking his feet uneasily. “I have a bad feeling that something happened to Beddy and the others.”

“They will turn bad into good.” Merlin comforted the king, “We don’t fight uncertain battles. If we want to attack the wall of the world, we must be well-planned. They are not stupid, it makes no sense. Don’t even think about such a trivial matter and run to your death.”

“I hope so.” Arthur shook his feet more violently, wiping the armor with more force.

Merlin sensed the king’s unease and tried to say something to distract Arthur. He looked around and saw that there was no one else in the research room, so he lowered his voice and said, “What that female leopard said is really interesting. Humans can actually be reincarnated.”

Arthur stopped and glanced at Merlin, as if looking at some kind of foreign object that should not exist in the world: “You are also a similar existence, why do you care so much about reincarnation?”

“You don’t understand, Your Majesty.” Merlin smiled mysteriously, “You humans didn’t have [souls] originally. Human thinking is produced by the continuous evolution of chemical substances in the brain, and memory is burned. Physical carrier on the cerebral cortex.

When a person dies, he dies, and as soon as the brain ceases to function, thoughts and memories return to nothingness. This is the common sense of life, the normal state of beings. “

“So, what happened to Deanna?”

“She calls herself a reincarnator, and her thoughts and memories are transferred from one body to another, which would not have been possible unless——“

Arthur hurriedly interrupted Merlin’s words: “Unless, she is the same existence as you, a light spirit?”

“Well, no.” Merlin categorically denied, “If she was of the same kind as me, I would have sensed her existence. So no, she and I are two completely different beings.

It is undeniable that she also has a carrier that can break free from sexual constraints and carry thoughts and memories. That carrier is probably also a group of photons.

But she’s not like me, she can’t get out of her ** and travel to other time and space in the form of pure photons. The way she reincarnated was very passive and could only rely on the help of God. “

Arthur was thinking, and was silent for half a second before asking, “So what?”

“No ‘so’. That’s all.” Merlin shook her head lightly, “Her soul—let’s call it [Light Soul] for now—its existence is very unstable, in the It is uncontrollable to reincarnate in any era and in what form. This kind of unstable reincarnation is very risky, and each reincarnation may cause a loss of memory or a defect in the spirit body itself. If you reincarnate many times, you will eventually step up The same fate as the ancients.”

“[Soul Decay]?” The King of Knights continued in a low voice.

The Great Master shrugged helplessly: “The ancients even had better techniques to transfer their light souls from one body to another. Their bodies are inherently immortal, plus It is because of this [the decay of the soul] that such a powerful ancient man died in the end.

No matter how immortal the ** is, if the soul is lost, the ** will only be left with an empty shell.

No matter how to escape, the light soul belonging to Karma will eventually return to Karma’s flood. This is the law of everything in the world, and no one can defy it. “

The King of Knights was silent.

There is such a person in front of Merlin who defies fate and denies death.


Arthur, who had awakened his superhuman analytical abilities, gradually understood the ins and outs of his “life experience” from everything he knew.

He has escaped death countless times, reincarnated from one time and another to another, and he is probably the biggest, worst, and most shameless [reincarnator] in history.

An indomitable soul.

A soul who constantly sings against the Seat of A soul who does not know how to bow to fate and vow to fight to the end.

When and in what form his fate will end depends only on Arthur himself.

Should he choose to live on until [Soul Decay] comes and leaves him an empty shell?

However, why does Arthur, who should gradually become an empty shell, keep awakening his emotions and humanity, from an empty soul to a complete [human]?

What makes his situation so peculiar?

One mystery was initially solved, but more mysteries were born. Hit the lake of truth with the stone of reasoning, not only a truth, but also countless ripples behind it.

Just as the King of Knights was bewildered, beacon flames erupted outside the city, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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