Light Spirit Epic Chapter 631: Attack on Youyu (1)


Chapter 631 Attack on the Netherland

At the same time, the North Pole, inside the [Wall of the World].

“Hmmmm.” Tristan climbed up, clutching his aching forehead, and looked around while secretly rejoicing that he didn’t die.

The interior of the World Wall is an unbelievably huge space. It has a towering pillar every hundred feet, and it is also covered with crystal gems for lighting. These illuminated pillars are supposed to light up the space.

However, this space is too large, the space of the infinite deep tunnel can swallow all the light, and even with this sufficient lighting, the surrounding is still very dark and empty.

The murloc prince turned to look, behind him was the Silver Shadow, and the Skidplatney Ark with half of the hull stuck to the wall and the other half left outside.

Only then did Tristan understand that there was no wall where they crashed into just now, just a fake wall made of a hologram. It is no wonder that they slammed into the wall, but did not feel the touch of hitting the wall, but flew through the wall and flew into the interior of the wall of the world.

By the way, what about the rabbit?

Tristan looked around for Ryder, only to see Ryder the Rabbit Man landing dozens of yards away, his head stuck in the sand. Half of his body was buried in the sand, only his buttocks were exposed, and he was shaking his buttocks violently, trying to break free from the sand.

“Hehe, look what we found? A lone rabbit!” Tristan walked over and couldn’t help poking the rabbit’s tail.

“Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!””Hehe, this is a rare opportunity, let me poke a few more times!” Tristan played with the pom-pom-like rabbit tail mischievously.

“Um woo woo! Woo woo hoo um!””Um, is this a begging attitude? Then I won’t help you.” Tristan continued to play with Ryder.

“Um!” At this moment, a big hand grabbed the rabbit’s tail and pulled up Ryder like a radish. ♀

“Stop playing, we’ve got a job to do!” Palamedis said dispassionately.

Unexpectedly, Ryder kept shouting: “Ow! Oo! Let go! It hurts, hurts, hurts!!” “Oh, sorry.” The leopard warrior let go of the rabbit’s tail and laughed at the same time: “No wonder he likes to poke your tail so much. This fluffy ball feels really good, hehe.” “Shut up!” Ryder scolded, still spraying sand from his mouth.

Speaking of which — sand?

It was just a quick glance just now, and I didn’t pay much attention to it. Tristan looked at the environment again, only to find that the place they were in was an endless desert composed of gray-white silica sand.

The infinite vastness of dark space, and the infinite stretch of white desert, all within the walls of the world? It’s all crazy.

“This should be a warp.” Vivi stepped out of the spaceship safely, wearing a rare pair of black light armor, “The interior of the World Wall is undoubtedly a solid structure, but we rushed in. The entrance is connected to a vast subspace.” “And at the end of this space, is the control room.” Palamidis looked at the boundless silicon desert in the distance.

“Time is running out, let’s go. The ship’s engine has crashed, and even if the golems are ordered to repair at full speed, it will take hours. We have to walk.” “Will it be that easy?” Midis drew his weapon, and his pair of photon claws glowed purple: “I’m afraid the enemy won’t let us pass easily, right?” Tens of thousands of enemy troops emerged from the sand. They have been in ambush for a long time, waiting for everyone to come and cast their nets.

“There is no way, let’s fight a **** path.” Vivian also showed her weapon.

Nine lightsabers were drawn from the belt around the woman’s waist, seven were wrapped in hair, and the other two were held in the woman’s hands. Nine purple light blades shot out from the hilt of the lightsaber, illuminating the woman’s face from all angles.

At this moment, Vivian has no hesitation. Once indifferent to the world, she began to make her last effort for the person she loves.

“Boy, let’s get started,” she ordered.

“Fire support begins.” Constantine, stationed on the Silver Shadow, controls the ship’s batteries. The ship’s turrets can still function despite the engine failure and can no longer fly.

Thousands of turrets turned to the front, firing thousands of scorching beams across the desert! Huge explosions sounded one after another, blowing the dark army into pieces!

A road leading to a deep distance, a road paved with corpses, appeared in front of everyone! The silica sand dissolves under the heat and turns into a smooth glass floor, as if welcoming the warriors.

“It’s now!” Vivian yelled, “Come on!!” Vivian, Palamidis, Tristan, Bedivere, and Ryder, the five rushed out together, struggling under the hail of bullets Forward!

Countless enemy troops swarmed around these five people, but they were scorched by the scorching rays of the Silver Shadow! Constantine did his best to cover his teammates while drawing the enemy’s attention to the Silver Shadow.

Palramidis leads the charge, wielding his two photon claws frantically, tearing up all the dark creatures oncoming!

Vivian ran in the middle of the team, but her hair was manipulating seven lightsabers, sweeping frantically at mid-range, suppressing the left and right enemy forces ten yards away!


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Tank on the left flank, Bedivere guards the right flank, one shoots with ice arrows, blocks the ice wall, and the other shoots with a bow, while swinging his bow like a spear, smashing enemies that get too close!

Ryder walked at the end of the line. As the queen, he carried a large number of sticky grenades with him, dropping several of them every time he walked. The sticky grenade that explodes on the ground creates a sticky path and sticks the trailing monsters to the ground!

The group marched forward in this fashion, and within half a minute they had traveled hundreds of yards! Until they got farther and farther out of range of the Silver Shadow battery. Without the firepower assistance of the spaceship, the enemy’s offensive suddenly became fierce!

“Damn!” Tristan was getting a little tired from casting magic, “Isn’t there yet? How far?!” “Come on!” Vivien monitored everything from her mini-navigator, Their destination should be less than a thousand feet ahead of here!

However, in front of them is a large enemy army, at least 30,000! These monsters, which were eroded by the dark son, were almost left with a vague human shape, surging everywhere in the white desert, and the black and white formed a sharp contrast!

“No way, it’s so crowded, we can’t rush past!” Palamidis shouted, “Go around!” “There’s no time!” Vivian turned her head and looked at the dark army behind her. The crowd is trying their best to catch up with Vivian and the others!

Can only rush forward, even if there are so many dark monsters in front of them that it can be described as a mountain.

“Cover me!” Bedivere stepped forward and began to draw his bow. [Magic Bow—The Fire of Nare] Accumulates energy rapidly, if you can draw a full bow, you should have the opportunity to blast away the monsters in front of you and find a way to survive!

Tristan also walked up to Bedi and used magic to make a giant ice skateboard. Once the shock wave of the magic bow explodes the passage, everyone can take the skateboard and gallop out to escape the danger!

However, did it go so well?

Touch! ! Something suddenly appeared from the ground, startling everyone! An earthworm lurks in this desert, waiting for an opportunity to emerge!

“Wow!” After all, Ryder is not a soldier’s material. Everyone else dodged, but the rabbit couldn’t avoid it, and was bitten by a leg insect!

“Ryder!!” Tristan put down his work and rushed over desperately, before the worms escaped into the ground, and stabbed with a sword!

The lightsaber in his hand has already been enchanted with ice, and the extremely cold air pierces the body of the worm, instantly freezing the giant worm!

“Bastard!!” The silver spear in Tristan’s other hand stabbed at the same time, and the tuning-fork-shaped spear head produced high-frequency vibrations at the moment it touched the enemy, shattering the giant insect! !

A large amount of ice debris flew out, and Ryder’s body fell weakly to the ground, raising a cloud of sand.

“Rabbit!” Tristan hurried over to check on Ryder’s injury. The two legs of the rabbit can be described as horrific. They have already been densely packed with teeth of giant worms, like the mouth of a meat blender being smashed into blood!

Ryder was pale, and the blood loss had brought him to the brink of shock. “You guys… go!” “I won’t leave you,” he said laboredly. Tristan tore his sleeves, trying to wrap the rabbit briefly.

But Ryder pushed him away: “Don’t, leave me alone… I know what’s going on with me, I can’t feel those legs anymore.” The rabbit turned to look at the surrounding enemies. The pursuers behind them were only thirty yards away, and they could catch up in no time.

“I’m a burden, leave me, and you can move on.” He stroked the ring on his hand, which glowed red, “Run, I’m going to open the [Void World].” “No! You I’m going to die!””…I’ve died a long time ago, and I’ve died countless times.” The bunny boy stared at the murloc prince, “I’m a person like me, I should die. But you have always been loyal to me. , pull me back from the brink of self-destruction.” Tristan listened quietly, as if these were Ryder’s last words, and it was the murloc prince’s responsibility to listen.

“I…I just want to say, thank you, thank you.” Ryder pushed the murloc prince away. “If there is an afterlife, I really hope to be friends with you again.” [The Lord of Time and Space—Andrew Lalot] began to make a strange roar. The gems of the ring turned from blue to **** crimson, and burst into a burst of red light.

Bunny Ryder, whose vision began to blur, and his body began to shouted with the last of his strength: “Run!!” At the same time, Bedivere also drew a full bow. , the huge energy gathered by the magic bow suddenly released, turned into a strong shock wave, and swept the dark army in front of you! The darkness was blown away by the impact, and a hundred-foot-long “dark tunnel” appeared.

“Come back, idiot!” Vivian’s hair also curled around Tristan, taking the Murloc Prince to the ice skateboard!

“It’s about to sprint! Hurry up!” Palamidis was in charge of the way in front of the ice skateboard. He took out the meteor gun Gengnir, and the gun head rolled up a strong thunderstorm, forming a temporary temporary Kinetic barrier.

Vivian cast an orbital acceleration technique on the ice skateboard at the same time, the powerful momentum magic propels the skateboard, and takes the group of people on the skateboard, desperately rushing into the tunnel composed of dark creatures! The kinetic energy barrier smashed all the remaining soldiers and debris in the way, protecting the group of people to rush forward!

At the same time, the ring in Ryder’s hand also completed a circle. Once the red circle is drawn, the infinite void in it opens.

()() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D. Wixas. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!


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