Light Spirit Epic Chapter 618: Fighting on the Frontier (12)


Chapter 618: Fierce Battles at the Border (Twelve)

The King of Knights felt that something was wrong and vomited a mouthful of blood. It was a poison that could kill a village of elephants with a tiny bit of it. Even Arthur, who possessed the power of succubus and was particularly resistant to poison, might not be spared.

Dizzy, he slams to the ground.

Albert just walked a few yards away when he heard the King of Knights behind him fall to the ground and turned around in surprise.

The Grand Duke of Palinlor has come behind El, with a murderous aura that sends chills down his spine: “Boy, what did you do to King Arthur just now?”

Al replied in a trembling voice: “I…I didn’t even do anything…”

Palinlor squeezed the tiger-man boy’s neck with one hand and lifted El up like a kitten. At the same time, he approached to check on King Arthur’s condition: “You’d better pray that His Majesty will be safe. Otherwise, I will I must kill you and bury you with Your Majesty!”

Albert had just returned from the gates of hell, and was immediately involved in another century of trouble.

At the same time, the Turkic Everglades, in the lounge of [Skidplatney’s Ark].

“Ugh…” Bedivere opened his eyes and found Rabbit Ryder lying beside the bed, looking at the werewolf boy with worried eyes.

“Are you awake? Are you alright?” Ryder hurriedly asked, “You are borrowing Brady’s body, don’t force it.”

“No…” The werewolf boy got up, the pain in his abdomen and chest pierced by the sharp sword seemed to be vaguely felt, “I am Bedi.”

The murloc prince Tristan, who was also waiting by the side, carefully scrutinized the werewolf boy with a curious gaze.

After a moment, he seemed to see a certain feature in Bedivere’s eyes, and immediately understood that it was the real Bedivere: “You… exchanged back? But how the hell–”

Now it’s Bedivere’s turn to look worried: “I did something bad to Al, I just hope he doesn’t die because of it.”

The werewolf boy was still synchronizing the memories of El’s side, and his thoughts were a little confused.

But he quickly got to the point of the situation and singled out the question: “Bad news. I’m afraid Arthur won’t be here to help us. He’s in Prague, and he’s been delayed by a big battle. I’m afraid that battle. It will take a few more days.”

And it was the idiot Bedivere who caused this troublesome situation. He didn’t say anything about it.

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s go and attack the wall of the world by ourselves.” Palamidis also rushed to the lounge for this matter. “We will leave in two hours. Rabbit, if you don’t go, get off the boat now and arrive at the Elephant people hide in their villages.”

“No. I’ll go with you,” Ryder said.

Palamidis looked reluctant, but he seemed to have a hunch: “It is better for non-combatants to retreat.”

“If the wall of the world is really opened, there will be no more safe places in this world.” Ryder nervously touched the ring in his hand, “Let me go with you. Maybe it will be of use to me. place.”

Palamedis was afraid that the rabbit would say this. The battle on the World Wall is likely to be very dangerous. Then there will be bullets everywhere, and the rabbit will only become a burden.

But Bedivere put his hand on Ryder’s shoulder, seemingly supporting Ryder the Rabbit.

This guy, Bedivere, has always been the person Palamides is the worst at dealing with. Because the werewolf boy’s relationship with King Arthur was so close, Palamides, who swore allegiance to King Arthur, had to listen to Bedivere in theory.

Moreover, he still has a lot of human debt to pay.

“You’re going to kill this rabbit.” Palamides warned Bedivere in a solemn tone.

“Even if I die, it’s my choice,” Ryder said.

(Just want to really choose one’s own destiny, not follow the crowd.)

(Even if the price is so high.)

Palamides shrugged helplessly. Since Ryder insisted on going to death, he had no reason to stop the rabbit.

Vivian’s voice came from the communicator beside the big cat’s ear: “Palamy, I have put the children in place, and now take the great-great-great-grandfather to the ruins.”

“Very well, hurry up,” Palamedius replied.

“Um…” His wife spoke hesitantly, as if hesitating: “The children are also awake. Would you like to talk to them?”

(Do you still need to ask this kind of thing?)

“No.” Palamides closed his eyes and smiled indifferently, “We will come back alive. At that time, I will have a good chat with Syfer and Seglade about everything that has happened these days.

When I chat with them now, I always feel as if we are parting from life and death, so it’s better not to. “

There is silence on the other end of the communicator.

A moment later, Vivian’s sigh came from the communicator: “Okay. [We’ll talk about everything when we get back.]——I’ll tell the kids that.”

“Please.” Palamidis agreed in a low voice. Although the big cat tried his best to hide his face in the darkness of the room, Bedivere could vaguely see the tears in the corners of Palamides’ eyes.

He’s clumsy and stupid, he’s not strong, not very strong. But he has always been desperate for his own sons.

What a person can achieve is not what he does for himself, but what he does for others, for the people he loves.

Anyone who can do this can be a hero.

At the same time (?), in a cave.

“Boy, what are your last words?” The red fire dragon grinned, looking at the young man in front of him coveting.

The young man was dressed in a servant’s sackcloth and looked shabby, but his face was strangely calm, and he didn’t seem to be afraid of the terrifying beast in front of him: “If you can win, I’ll talk about it.”

In an instant, the battle between the boy and the dragon begins.

The boy dashed towards the dragon while avoiding the fireball fired by the dragon. The dragon swept out a blow with its tail, powerful enough to shatter the bones of the boy’s entire body.

This end sweep was interrupted in the middle. There was a lightsaber out of thin air in the boy’s hand, which slashed the dragon’s tail into the air.

“So that’s the case, you are not only avoiding my attack, but also taking the opportunity to choose weapons?” The red fire dragon grinned and grabbed it with a pair of sharp claws.

The young man is very sensitive, constantly turning over and dodging under the dragon’s onslaught. Every time the dragon’s attack slid away from the boy’s side almost at the moment of hitting, and every blow almost hit, but failed to hit.

They fought for nearly half an hour, and the dragon began to look tired. When the boy saw an opportunity, he immediately raised his knife and slashed the dragon’s left arm.

“What?!” When the red fire dragon was shocked, his right arm was also chopped off.

The boy jumped to the dragon’s chest, raising his sword to pierce the dragon’s heart.

Not to be outdone, the Red Fire Dragon had already opened its mouth of blood, ready to tear apart the fragile body of the young man.

“Do it?” Long threatened. “The moment the tip of your sword pierces my heart, I will also use my last strength to bite you to death. In this way, you will not escape death.”

“I’ll pierce your heart before you bite me,” the boy said. “In this way, you will not escape death.”

The dragon and the boy faced each other in silence for a quarter of an hour.

“Just compare your patience with me.” Long said again, “I can stay awake for decades, not eat for hundreds of years, and stand still for thousands of years.”

“I don’t need to compare my patience with you. When I’m too tired to hold on any longer, I will pierce your heart with a sword and die with you.” The boy said.

“Stinky boy…!”

Then, they confronted each other in silence again.

In the end, the giant dragon couldn’t bear it anymore: “Okay, you’re ruthless. You’re just trying to protect yourself, and I actually have nothing to do with eating more or less. Today I’ll let you go.”

“Oh, let me go?” the boy said.

“Yes, I’ll let you go. Thank me. It’s not worth it to put together the strength I’ve cultivated for tens of thousands of years for a nobody like you.” Long said.

The young man’s sword tip is closer, “You want to say that your life is more valuable than mine, right?”

“Yes, my life is more valuable than yours.” The dragon said, “How can I say that I am a creature much higher than your human beings.”

“Really?” The boy’s eyes suddenly turned blood red. “So, it must be embarrassing to be defeated by a creature far inferior to you?”

“What a brazen kid. You really thought you could…”

The young man bit his finger instantly, drew a circle on his chest with blood, and said something in his mouth: “ELIS DAK ELIMUS…”

“What? This is the ultimate ——“

“Do you recognize this spell?”

“No! Impossible…! How could a mere human kid use the ultimate magic nuclear fusion technique? You want to bluff me?”

“I’ve seen it in my father’s library It’s also the only ultimate magic that can be used without preparation. It’s no big deal, just give my soul. Die. But you can’t escape from here alive either. Everything will be wiped out.”

“No matter what it is when you live, when you die, it is the same death. There is no particularly honorable death, and no particularly vile death. How high do you think you are, stupid dragon?”

The boy’s hand never stopped, and he was about to complete the spell.

“Stop, stop!” Long shouted hurriedly, “Are you really crazy? Aren’t you afraid of death?!”

“I don’t know other emotions except anger. Of course I don’t know fear.” The boy said, “You are unlucky when you meet me today.”

The boy completed the magic circle.

Boom! ! A huge explosion exploded in the cave, and the boy and the dragon turned into ashes together.

The boy named Arthur died.

No, there is something wrong.

Arthur opened his eyes and found himself in a makeshift tent, next to a tiger man dozing off.

Everything just now was just a dream?

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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