Light Spirit Epic Chapter 579: Due to Tianyuan (8)


Chapter 579: Duel against Yu Tianyuan (8)

Rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The dazzling golden light completely engulfs everything around it, and dyes the pure land of Avalon, the earth, and the solar system with golden yellow!

The golden light lasted only a second. After the light——

Arthur was surprised to see King Oser standing in front of him, holding the sword of the Holy King firmly with both hands like iron pincers.

“Just this attack power?” King Oser sneered, “I can go next with my bare hands.”

It’s not that the triple king blade’s lethality is too weak, Arthur knows it very well. It’s just that the opponent is too strong.

King Oser gathered the power of many holy spirits in his hands, and he condensed this powerful power into a layer of film and wrapped it between his palms.

The photon concentration of this “Holy Membrane” surpasses Arthur’s triple king blade. What a terrifying power.

This is the combined power of all the Holy Spirit in Avalon.

Arthur, even with the assistance of the Holy Spirit White Wolf, there is still no chance of winning against these millions of Holy Spirits!

“Zero.” King Oser sneered and read the countdown, “Time is up. You should die.”

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ——The Holy Spirit Steel Dragon roared, sending Arthur and the Holy Spirit White Wolf flying at the same time.

While Arthur flew out at a high speed, he saw the figure of King Oser sneaking into the forehead of the Holy Spirit Dragon again.

Immediately afterwards, the steel giant opened the armor plate of its entire body, revealing hundreds of thousands of turrets from the gaps in the armor.

Arthur has fought something similar before, and he knows what the Iron Dragon wants to do next.

That’s a very bad move. In particular, when it was used by this huge steel monster that was three thousand feet tall, it was even worse.

Hundreds of thousands of turrets on the steel dragon of the Holy Spirit recharged rapidly, emitting a dazzling light. It only took a second for them to get ready and then fire at the same time! !

That is the ultimate attack of the Holy Spirit Steel Dragon——[Infinite Starlight].

Hundreds of thousands of glowing bullets shot out from the entire body of the Holy Spirit Steel Dragon, completely obliterating the entire world!

Under the control of King Arthur, who is proficient in using light magic, these hundreds of thousands of luminous bullets rushed towards Arthur at an astonishing speed and fierce momentum! They will keep chasing the boy until the end of the world!

Arthur flapped his wings rapidly, weaving through the slits of the photobomb storm. He kept launching the Griffon Shield to block the light bullets, constantly swinging the Sword of the Holy King to deflect the rain of bullets, trying his best to survive under the siege of hundreds of thousands of light bullets!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—However, more light bullets were fired from the Holy Dragon’s body. His attack didn’t stop, and every second fired more than 100,000 light bombs, and each light bomb flew towards Arthur!

No matter how agile the teenager is, how fast the reaction speed is, how amazing the maneuverability is, and how good the stamina is — it is impossible to avoid it all the time!

The sky is already full of light bombs, and they are so dense that there is almost no space for people to pass through!

Arthur dashed and hid in the last safe space.

However, the airspace around him had already been completely annihilated by the rain of light bullets, and the rain of bullets was so dense that it was completely glued together, and there was no gap between the light bullets and the light bullets.

They are just constantly expanding photon blocks, and they are constantly engulfing that small piece of space with their amazing expansion speed, and they are about to crush Arthur!

Just when Arthur was desperate and overwhelmed, a white shadow penetrated the only gap under the boy. It’s the Holy Spirit White Wolf!

“Beddie? Stop and run——“

Ignoring Arthur’s shouts, the Holy Spirit White Wolf spun in a high beam, and his tail drew black mist after another. Create a small living space with the white wolf!

The light bullets are still coming like a storm, and the white wolf is constantly casting space shields! This is a war of black and white, the occupation and anti-occupation of space, the wrestling of space-time engulfment and anti-engulfment.

Arthur knew very well that the Holy Spirit White Wolf alone would never be able to compete with King Oser. How does one Holy Spirit fight against a combination of hundreds of thousands of Holy Spirits? !

Soon, the Holy Spirit White Wolf became tired. His movements became sluggish, and the space shield he cast became less and less.

After all, the rain of bullets was only aimed at Arthur, and the white wolf could use his space shield to escape and save his life.

However, where there is a Lord, there is also a Holy Spirit. The character of the white wolf is the same as that of Bedivere. In order to help his friends, he can even sacrifice himself.

Arthur looked at the gradually weakened Holy Spirit White Wolf, but seemed to see the figure of a werewolf boy who was fighting.

(Beddie, enough is enough.)

(Hurry up and escape!)

None of these words could be said. If you say it, it seems to be an insult to Bedivere.

Just when Arthur was in a daze, the Holy Spirit White Wolf found that he had exhausted the ability of the space shield and was too tired to release more black mist.

He turned his head and rushed towards Arthur, his mouth widened, and he swallowed the knight.

The surrounding black fog gradually dissipated, and the rain of light bullets that filled the entire world also pressed down, and in an instant, the Holy Spirit White Wolf was crushed into meat sauce.

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! !

Billions of light bombs collided, huddled together, made a thunderous muffled sound, and then detonated together!

The amazing photon explosion surrounded the entire Avalon Pure Land, like a white sun, squeezing all the creatures into pieces and burning them into coke!

After the light passed, only a small amount of charcoal black flesh remained in the fell to the barren ground——the remains of the Holy Spirit White Wolf.

Where’s Arthur? The boy was swallowed by the wolf before the white wolf was killed. He should have perished together with the Holy Spirit White Wolf?

The Holy Spirit Steel Dragon sighed.

(Too weak.)

(The true savior is not such a thing.)

(It was just a farce in the end.)



A black spot in mid-air, almost invisible to the naked eye, gradually disappeared.


A boy reappears and appears in this world.

Arthur looked around in amazement, and immediately understood what was going on.

The White Wolf swallows Arthur with the last of his strength. The Holy Spirit White Wolf created a warp in his body and hid the knight in it.

The final blow blasted the Holy White Wolf to ashes, but Arthur, who was in the Warp, escaped the deadly bombing unscathed.

Even at the last moment of his life, White Wolf did not forget to use his own strength to protect his companions.

Bediver is such a fool.

“Beddie——” Two lines of hot tears rolled from the boy’s eyes. He set his eyes on the remains of the white wolf, and his heart was also full of anger.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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