Light Spirit Epic Chapter 573: Due to Tianyuan (2)


Chapter 573: The Showdown with Yu Tianyuan (2)

The sword of the Holy King of total transcendence, with a terrifying dazzling golden light on the blade.

The photons that flowed in from another world were compressed into chunks with astonishing density. They are so dense that they give the illusion of looking at a block of matter – it looks like a layer of golden glowing crystal condensed on the sword of the Holy King.

Just before being hit, Arthur’s blade hit the giant beam.

With a flash of golden light, the giant beam was thrown out by Arthur’s Sword of the Holy King and disappeared at the end of the sky!

Arthur deflects a beam attack hundreds of times larger than himself with his blade!

That’s not some deep magic. Its principle is extremely simple: just because the photon compression of the sword of the holy king in Arthur’s hand is higher than that of the opponent’s photon flame.

When two groups of photons collide, the one with low concentration is always knocked away by the one with high concentration.

Now Arthur uses the blade to bounce back the beam attack, and the principle is exactly the same as when King Oser bounced off Arthur’s attack with a light magic shield!

At the moment when the photon flame was ejected, the steel dragon of the Holy Spirit was still in a daze. He thought he could really end the opponent’s attack, but he was blocked like this, feeling incredible and stunned, and it was a matter of course.

Arthur seized the tenth of a second and stabbed with his sword! His holy king’s sword was still overtaking, and a strong stream of photons burst out to form a hundred-foot-long blade of light, stabbing straight into the throat of the Holy Spirit Steel Dragon!

Crack! !

No use! The sword could not pierce the throat of the giant dragon. The moment it pierced into the mouth of the giant dragon, the dragon closed its mouth and bit the blade of light with two rows of photons filled with extremely sharp dragon teeth!

Arthur was startled, didn’t expect King Orser to bite his teeth?

The Holy Spirit Dragon slammed its head, intending to throw the sword knight along with him. Arthur had already put away the giant light blade, but he was still implicated by this force and flew up hundreds of feet!

The Holy Spirit White Wolf was not idle, but seized the opportunity to swoosh, and the instant burst of power finally overwhelmed the steel giant, pushing the dragon back!

Arthur, who leaped into the air, was also ready to shoot. The Sword of the Holy King slid out of its scabbard, and the strong blade of light emitted a dazzling light.

[Double King Blade] A sun-like radiance was drawn in mid-air, slashing straight to the throat of the steel dragon! The dragon was losing its balance and fell backwards, and it was about to be beheaded!

The steel dragon immediately opened its mouth and spewed dragon flames. The high-speed and high-pressure photon stream generated a strong thrust, which pushed the dragon to the ground and fell to the ground.

The light blade of the Sword of the Holy King swiped under the dragon’s neck like this, scratching a few flower marks on the dragon’s jaw, but it did not really cause serious damage!

The huge beam of light extends all the way to the sky, forming a special scene!

“Oooooooooo!” The Holy Spirit White Wolf saw that the dragon fell back to the ground, so he seized the opportunity to swoosh again! He suppressed the dragon, and his sharp teeth gnawed at the dragon’s throat at the same time!

Pop! The dragon swung its tail and swept away the white wolf, dissolving the wolf’s fatal blow!

At the same time as the wolf was knocked into the air, Arthur raised a huge light blade and slashed across it, smashing the dragon’s tail into the air!

“Ah, ah, ah!” The steel giant turned its head and spit out a photon flame, and the huge beam shot overwhelmingly, engulfing Arthur!

The giant light passed, but Arthur flew out from behind the Holy Spirit Griffin shield unharmed, and stabbed a sword at the same time! The golden light blade composed of the sword of the holy king pierced the left eye of the dragon!

Keng! The dragon blocked the blade of light with his left hand.

Whistling, Whistling! Dozens of vacuum blades attacked the right side of the dragon, and the Holy Spirit White Wolf launched a continuous onslaught as soon as it landed, and it matched perfectly with Arthur’s attack!

铿铿铿铿铿——The Holy Spirit Dragon quickly waved his right arm, blocking the combo of the vacuum blade. The extremely sharp vacuum blade slashed on the arm of the giant dragon’s metal armor, causing only a very small amount of scratches.

While the dragon was busy dealing with the white wolf, Arthur had already spread his wings and soared higher into the air, throwing a huge ball of dragon fire.

The fireball fell from the sky, accelerating and expanding, forming a flame tornado. It **** in the surrounding air and burns it, making the fire intensify as the core falls!

As soon as the steel giant finished dealing with the white wolf vacuum blade’s combo, he looked up and saw this flame vortex. It took a sharp breath:

Roar! ! ! ——-

The powerful dragon roar shook the surrounding air, creating an omnidirectional shock wave. The vortex of flames that was still falling was immediately dispersed by this shock wave, turning into a huge rain of fire, falling from the sky!

However, Arthur had already figured it out.

He used another dragon fireball, throwing the fireball and hitting it hard with the Sword of the Holy King!

Amplified by the power of the holy sword, the fireball plummeted from the sky at a higher speed, and exploded in the middle. The formed fire tornado stirred up the surrounding air vortex!

Shattered by the dragon’s roar, the rain of fire scattered in mid-air was sucked in by the fire tornado, forming a larger fire storm with countless fireballs flying around! Such a strong tornado has strong stability, and ordinary dragon roars cannot be shattered at all!

The steel dragon took a deep breath again: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

He spit out the compressed dragon roar from one direction, resisting the power of the fire storm with a powerful wind bomb!

The time is ripe!

A golden light shot down from the center of the flame It was Arthur who used all his strength to stab with a sword!

A silver shadow also swooped up from the foot of the Holy Spirit Dragon and bit the dragon’s throat! That was the Holy Spirit White Wolf who used all his strength to take a bite!

The synchronized attack from the top and bottom made the Holy Spirit Dragon hesitate for a moment. In the next moment, he immediately swept away the white wolf with his tail, and at the same time, his claws came out, intending to tear Arthur and the flame storm apart!

Whoosh! The claws were burned by the high heat in the vortex of flames, but the steel dragon didn’t care. As long as he could defeat Arthur, what was this little injury?

But he was deceived again! The moment the giant dragon’s claws touched the young man’s figure, the shadow disappeared.

It was a mirage phantom created by Arthur. It was just an illusion to rush into the flame tornado and attack the dragon! The real Arthur is still higher in the air, and is now diving down at a higher speed!

Whoosh! ——The golden light blade expands continuously in the boy’s hand. The speed of the blade’s extension is matched with the speed of the boy’s falling, and it stabs the dragon with amazing momentum!

The giant dragon just hit the air with a single blow, and the claws that were scorched by the high heat were temporarily unable to recover. It was too late to spit out the photon flame, so he had to watch Arthur approach!

Pop sand! ! ! The light blade of the Sword of the Holy King pierced the dragon’s forehead firmly, and then pierced through the back of the neck! A golden beam of light was nailed to the dragon’s head like a nail!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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