Light Spirit Epic Chapter 555: Sneak into the Dark Abyss (18)


Chapter 555: Sneak into the Dark Abyss (18)

“They belong to different gods and are held by different gods, but they can be used in common on this device. This has proved my hypothesis to the greatest extent.” Tut said to himself. , “The gods traveled through time from the old universe to the new universe. In order to increase the probability of survival, they were divided into several batches.

While they can travel through the time of [Silence], they cannot control when and where they reach the new universe. As a result, each arriving team has a billion or even tens of billions of years of error.

In fact, the chances of these teams meeting again in the same plane are pitifully small. “

“So they occupy their own time and space, and they are kings, oh no, gods.” Argus interjected coldly.

“That’s probably what happened. This is the origin of various ancient myths. At least one of the plausible explanations.” Tut agreed.

“Well, you have proved the connection between various ancient myths and the god-human race, proving that each myth may have the same origin. So what? What do you want?” Palamidis said impatiently.

“I want to know the truth. I want to know why my own people were made.” Tut became serious, “I’m fed up with the foxes’ nonsense and tired of the one-sided words of others.

I want to find the answers to all of this myself, discern with these eyes, and hear with these ears.

Over the years, I have chosen to be numb and take the easy path, which is why I let the tigers and foxes do whatever they want.

It was a werewolf boy who opened my eyes to the reality of this world. In order to live up to his expectations, I can only do this, dig the [truth] out of the dusty history and take a good look. “

The Elephant Patriarch stared intently at Argus: “Don’t you want to figure this out?”

“I’m not the patriarch—not yet,” Argus whispered.

“Then take what you saw today in your heart, and tell your patriarch when you have a chance. You — the Griks — also have the right to know all this, It is an obligation to know all this.”

Too naive.

Just [know], but nothing will change. Argus muttered to himself.

Whether the purpose is legitimate or not, the orcs will still fight the human to the death. This is a war for living space.

Even if [the truth] told them that this was an unjust war, I believe that many orcs would still have the cheek to kill humans.

Snatch whatever you can to keep yourself alive from the predicament. Then, people will step on other people’s corpses, claiming that they are righteous, and justifying everything with all kinds of big truths.

Anyway, the dead can’t crawl out of the grave to reason with you, and the rhetoric of the surviving party will always become the truth.

(Since we can fabricate the truth, what truth are we looking for?)

(Why are you so naive and insist on finding the [truth]?)

(What is the benefit of doing this?)

Just as Argus was puzzled, Vivian approached the stone tablet: “I can try to decipher the data here, but I’m afraid it will take a long time. Do you really want it?”

“Please, Lady Goddess,” Tut said.

(He’s serious. He’s crazy and confused.)

(Who will stop him!)

Argus’ hand slowly moved towards the scabbard at his waist, with murderous intent in his eyes.

(Killing the old man will save you worry.)

(What truth, who wants to know!)

“Be careful!” Palamedis suddenly attacked, and a dash knocked Argus out.

“Ugh?!” Leopard Man quickly got up from the ground, thinking that his killing intent was seen through by the other party. He drew his weapon and was about to attack.

“That thing is still behind you! Get out of the way!” Palamidis yelled.

“Wh—” Argus has not yet reacted, his left shoulder has been penetrated by the black crystal.

The impact was very large, and the Leopard was knocked out. Before landing, Vivian caught Argus with the hair net woven from her hair.

Argus now has time to look back.

The one who attacked him just now was the [Guardian] he had encountered before.

“Why is it attacking us? Is it crazy?!” Palamidis grabbed the two fist-like implements around his waist and pulled hard. A pair of photon claws are attached to the hands of the leopard warrior.

“I’m afraid it was stimulated by the activation of the relic just now.” Vivian also drew nine lightsabers from her waist, holding the sword tightly with both hands and seven locks of hair, ready to attack at any time.

Only Argus knew the reason – the [Guardian] sensed Argus’ killing intent on Tut just now, and decided that the Leopard Man was an intruder, so he launched an attack.

It was his fault.

“You’re hiding here, we’ll get rid of it right away.” Vivian placed Argus between the stone tablets, taking care of her husband to fight with her. Tut also rushed forward with a gun and fought with the guardian.

It was Argus’ fault. This mess is left to someone else to clean up.

Thinking of this, the Leopard Man couldn’t help clenching his teeth. He was so hard that he almost bit his lip to the point of bleeding.

Touch! At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

Arthur swept out a sword, and the blade of the White Wolf Sword raised a huge vacuum blade and swept towards King Arthur’s abdomen.

King Oser raised his spear and slashed, forming an icicle in the air. The icicle and the vacuum blade perfectly overlapped, blocking the fatal blow.

At the same time, King Oser had already cast light magic on his opponent. The group of highly concentrated photons turned into six incomparably sharp thorns, each of which circled an arc stabbed at Arthur from six different directions!

Arthur raised the White Wolf Sword and drew six swords with his backhand. The black mist rose, covering the space around Arthur’s body. The thorn spear conjured by light magic was immediately swallowed by the warp.

Photons are extremely small particles. Warp can swallow flying props as big as ice arrows, of course it is more than enough to swallow photons!

[Space Shield] can nullify all of King Other’s attacks. This is the Holy Spirit White Wolf specially created for Arthur to restrain King Oser’s ability.

“Tsk!” King Oser couldn’t help groaning, and at the same time stabbed several shots. The incomparably sharp Holy Spirit Unicorn spear is surprisingly powerful in melee combat, and does not need to rely on shooting ice drills to kill the enemy.

Arthur swiftly twisted to the left and shrank to the right, dodging all the attacks. The spear only left frost marks on the boy’s armor.

Arthur sneered. He won’t suffer in melee combat. He unleashed both swords and started a counter-attack in the interval when King Oser finished his fifth shot. The White Wolf Sword stabbed Oser King’s chest violently, and the Holy King’s Sword swept across the King’s waist and abdomen!

King Oser raised his spear to block. Unexpectedly, the spear blocked the body of the White Wolf Sword, and a small vacuum wave hit the tip of the sword, but it slid across King Oser’s neck. King Oser didn’t care about the wound, and raised the big shield conjured by light magic with the other hand, blocking the sweep of the Sword of the Holy King, and thus avoided the fate of being cut in half!

Touch! The sword of the holy king collided with the shield of light, and both of them bounced off at the same time.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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