Light Spirit Epic Chapter 546: Sneak into the dark abyss (9)


Chapter 546: Sneak into the dark abyss (9)

The [Ice Crystal] rubbed the whale golem’s forehead, and the photon flames sprayed from the bottom of the ship burned the golem to the ground. At the same time, it gliding with the help of the giant whale’s flat and slippery back, soaring into the sky!

Pop sand! The submarine flew out of the water and flew hundreds of feet in mid-air. The dozens of killer whale golems that followed behind the Ice Crystal couldn’t stop, they slammed into the head of the giant whale golem and exploded together!

At the same time, Ryder, the rabbit man in the boat, also lost consciousness, and the flickering particles flew out of his mouth. It was his breakfast today…

“Oh, it’s so dirty…” Evan kept scolding, sometimes he would rather his eyesight not be so good, then he can see less things he doesn’t want to see.

“Focus! It’s not over yet!” Tristan reminded.

How could a mere explosion kill that whale golem. The giant beast in the deep sea has already turned its head, facing the submarine Ice Crystal, taking a big breath!

Whoosh! Huge air pressure and water currents **** everything around. The Ice Crystal, which had just fallen into the sea, was immediately affected by this suction, and was gradually drawn into the violent vortex centered on the giant whale’s mouth!

If it goes on like this, in less than a quarter of an hour, the Ice Crystal will fall into the mouth of the giant whale again, and be torn into pieces by the unstable force field in the huge black hole (in fact, it should be the entrance to the warp)!

“Quick, quick, full speed ahead! Can’t go any faster?!” Evan exclaimed.

Tristan gave a wry smile. If you think about it, you know that the Ice Crystal, a medium-sized submarine with a displacement of only 700 tons and a speed of only 60 knots, is impossible to get rid of a monster that is dozens of times larger than itself and has a displacement of 10,000 tons!

Everyone can now see the true face of the Whale Golem on the ship’s visual module. It was so big that it almost completely blocked the entrance of the Dardanelles to the Strait of Marmara, horrible! If the Ice Crystal did not fly over the head of the giant whale just now, but tried to circumnavigate from both sides, it would definitely be crushed by this behemoth!

And now, it stirs the ocean currents and absorbs the atmosphere, as if to **** up all the seawater in the Marmara Strait! Even the sea level is dropping at an alarming rate!

“Damn things.” Tristan thought about it, and then he had an idea, “Reload [Bombs] now!”

The mermaids in the control room immediately began to operate, silently and quickly. The submarine’s barrel full of dense machinery was filled with a solid cannonball engraved with incantations.

Although the Ice Crystal was still struggling to resist the current, it was less than a hundred yards from the giant whale’s mouth.

“Left full rudder. One hundred and eighty degrees!” Tristan ordered.

“What?! Are you crazy?!” Evan screamed hysterically. In the face of the devour of the huge monster, how can anyone not turn around and run, but turn to meet them? !

Tristan has new plans of his own. The fish-head-shaped bow of the Ice Crystal opened a huge cover, revealing the ship’s main gun from the position of the “fish mouth”: a huge barrel with a caliber of 120 feet.

The submarine is only fifty feet away from the giant whale’s mouth!

“[Bomb] reloaded,” a merman reported, “ready to fire.”

Tristan is silent.

“Hey, whatever you’re going to do, hurry up!” Evan urged impatiently.

“No, wait.” Tristan looked calm.

They were in a rough sea, and the whole ship was swayed by the violent current, and it was impossible to aim at all.

There is only one chance. A life and death decision. Have to look at it and shoot again! The murloc prince clutched at the main gun’s launcher and kept aiming patiently.

Thirty feet away from the mouth of the whale, everything was shaking like the end of the world, and it was dark and dark, and the whole scene was covered by the violent waves.

“Now!” Evan shouted. Tristan simultaneously pressed the main gun’s trigger.

Swoosh! —— A low muffled sound exploded in the hull. It was definitely not a very loud voice, but it made everyone’s heart skip a beat.

The solid projectile fired from the muzzle was initially pressurized by a powerful photon explosion, and then accelerated four times by kinetic energy magic to reach an astonishing speed.

It shoots straight into the mouth of the Whale Golem, which has only one portal to the [Singularity] warp.

The incantation on the cannonball explodes when it touches the singularity, making it effective.

The magic overflowing from the [Bang Bullet] ripped apart the warp inside the giant whale.

The full name of [Bangbu] is [Space-Hangbu Warhead for Time and Space Warfare], which has almost no actual lethality, just a counter magic.


Another second of calm.

The giant whale’s blood plate stopped sucking in more water, and some just calmed down.

In the next second of calm, something began to swell inside the Whale Golem.

“Full speed back, shields open, output concentrated on the bow!” Tristan gave orders in a barrage of cannons, each order being concise. These orders are life and death.

Freed from the shackles of the ocean current, the [Ice Crystal] sped out like an arrow off the string, and in the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of feet away from the giant whale.

The giant whale golem swelled up at an alarming rate. It had already doubled in size. It didn’t look like a whale, but more like a pufferfish that was provoked and swelled.

“Be careful! It’s going to explode—“

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! A huge flash of light blinded everyone’s exploded! “Evan stubbornly finished half of what he had said, although no one could hear it——the loud sound of the explosion was making everyone tinnitus.

Bedivere (Albert) covers his wolf ears hard. He is probably the most afflicted of these people. Who is the werewolf’s hearing so good?

The surging ocean current annihilated everything in the world, as if another sea appeared on the earth out of thin air, intending to bury the world.

The sea current with a large number of metal fragments hit the protective cover of the bow of the [Ice Crystal], making a noise like a ghost cry, which is truly terrifying. The ship was even more swept up in the current, so it had to follow the current and rammed in the Marmara Strait.

“Shields…the whole ship…distributed!” Tristan ordered with difficulty, but he finally bit his tongue and his mouth was full of blood.

The shields evenly distributed over the hull do their best to block the impact. Despite this, the submarine has been in close contact with the hard and sharp reefs on the bottom of the sea countless times, and the blue crystals of the entire ship are screaming in agony.

This is the true destructive power of nature, the perfect embodiment of natural disaster-level power.

No matter how sophisticated ships and superb technology humans (mermaids) have, facing this absolute power, they are still like a speck of dust in the vast universe, small and powerless, and can only move with the waves , entrusting his life to luck (Kama).

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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