Light Spirit Epic Chapter 539: Dive into the Dark Abyss (2)


Chapter 539: Sneak into the Dark Abyss (2)

“So quiet, what is the engine of this thing made of, why is there no sound?” Pasiva asked curiously.

Tristan ignored Pasiva. The structure of the submarine was a military secret of the Mermaid tribe, so he wouldn’t tell outsiders.

Seeing that Tristan didn’t say anything, Merlin couldn’t help but analyze: “I’m afraid there is no engine at all, the whole ship is controlled by runes, and when receiving the command, they release momentum magic together to propel the whole ship. forward.”

“Is that okay?” Pasiva was stunned, “Brick by brick… every part of this ship is a propeller?”

“It’s not just the thrusters,” Merlin studied the runes on the walls of the submarine. “The structure of these runes also seems to affect the lift of the boat. There are at least three sets of magical runes, including Creation magic, momentum magic, and the most basic defensive enchantment…”

At this time, Tristan finally couldn’t hold back. If Merlin goes on like this, the secret of the submarine will be revealed, and it is still in front of this large group of Pantoracken knights.

“Well,” Tristan excused, “why don’t you wait in the lounge? We’ll let you know when we’re about to arrive.”

Merlin had planned to give a long speech, explaining to Pasiva the principles of the entire submarine. Being interrupted by Tristan like this, the Archmage was of course displeased: “Okay. See you later, young people.”

“Wait, Master Mage——” Pasiva stuck to it like a bee saw honey, and strode out of the control room.

“Hoohoo, I’m saved.” Evan looked bored. He was deeply afraid that Merlin would keep nagging there, but he didn’t dare to interrupt because he was afraid of offending the Archmage. Tristan did what Evan wanted to do but was afraid to do, and the half-dragon boy felt a vague sense of gratitude in his heart.

“Don’t look at me. Go and rest,” Tristan said.

“Uh, I’m staying here. My eagle eye might be able to help keep watch along the way…”

Tristan had a serious face: “It’s still safe now, go and rest. You will be summoned before you reach the Romani territory.”

Being ordered like this, Evan couldn’t help but be full of fire. But this is really Tristan’s ship, and only the murloc prince can be heard here. Evan suppressed the fire in his stomach and walked to the exit of the control room: “Okay, I’ll go to sleep for a while. Remember to call me in case of emergency.”

Tristan waved for Evan to leave quickly, which made the half-dragon boy even more angry, and left with great strides.

The murloc prince quickly glanced at the rest of the control room, including Constantine, Elaine, Ryder, Renine, and Bedivere.

“This operation will go well, won’t it?” Constantine asked uneasily.

“Yes.” Tristan set his eyes on Lian Yin. The girl Patimo was looking thoughtfully at Bedivere next to her.

“We have two mages who can use teleportation. If there is an emergency, we will teleport and run away together.” Tristan said, which seemed to be an answer to Constantine, but was actually trembling with fear. Elaine the polar bear said.

“So, get ready, don’t leave the lotus half along the way, okay?” Tristan was worried about Constantine and Elaine, two guys who were completely incompetent. If it wasn’t for Evan’s insistence, the murloc prince would not have planned to let these two teenagers on board.

“He’s right, everything will go well.” Lian Yin tried to comfort the two teenagers with a soft tone, “Now, will you go to the lounge with me? I think you’ll love mermaids. The blueberry cake we serve, it’s delicious.”

Renine winked at Bedivere and led the two boys out of the control room. The control room quickly quieted down, leaving only a group of mermaids focused on controlling the submarine, and the idler Bedivere.

“I think, I should go too…” Seeing the seriousness of the atmosphere here, Bedivere hurriedly tried to escape with his tail tucked.

“Beddie,” Tristan called out, “Would you like to come and visit the ship’s power room? I’ll take it with you.”

“Well, didn’t the mage just say that this ship has no power furnace…” The werewolf boy asked suspiciously, he had a bad premonition.

“Anyway, come with me.” Tristan had come to Bedivere with a stern face, as if he didn’t intend to let the werewolf boy go.

“Okay, okay…” Bedivere had no choice but to agree, seeing that the situation was already difficult.

Tristan made a “this way please” look and walked towards the left exit of the control room. The large “No Entry” sign on the door glowed faintly red and seemed to warn Bedivere.

The werewolf boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva and followed suit.

At the same time, the Germanic most eastern line of defense, Prague.

“What? How many people did you say the enemy had?!” Celestial Knight Palinlor reacted in surprise, no less than the other two German generals, they all thought they had heard it wrong.

“,000…” the messenger repeated tremblingly, “and they are all elite soldiers driving golems…”

“It’s pure nonsense. If the orcs had so many troops, they would have already taken them out and swept the Shining Territory, why are they still standing there for so long?” one of the German generals said disdainfully.

“No.” Palinlore had just put down the telescope in his hand, and he handed it to the general: “You’d better take a look at this.”

The general accepted the telescope dubiously and looked out from the castle walls.

About 500 kilometers away, a large group of black things is surging.

That’s a crew of wolves, giant ape and scorpion golems. The number of wolf golems alone exceeds 200,000, not to mention those 100-foot-tall giant ape golems standing half-length on their knees, using their legs and forearms to move slowly.

These golems are enveloped in a black air, and the whole body exudes an evil aura. They are not something that ordinary soldiers can fight against, and each golem needs a well-trained knight to solve it.

With the current strength of Germanic forces, it is obviously impossible to deal with such an army of golems. Even if the entire Germanic army was dispatched, it is estimated that——

“We are dead.” General German exclaimed, the telescope in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and the lens had shattered.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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