Light Spirit Epic Chapter 537: The duel against the Holy King (8)


Chapter 537 The duel against the holy king (eight)

Arthur uses normal dragon flames to create a high-temperature fireball. It exploded to the ground, and the resulting flames would ignite the gas fields underground!

Touch! The fireball hit the ground and exploded.

Boom! ! Tens of thousands of flames immediately poured out from the ground and continued to spread outward, enclosing all the ground within a radius of one hundred feet! Thousands of fire pillars spewed out with the explosion! The high heat also melted the rocks on the ground into a semi-lag state, and sharp stone chips and scorching lava foam splashed everywhere!

[Flame Dragon Land] (Ignitum Terra)—— Arthur uses the dragon flame to arrange the combined magic. Use low-temperature dragon flame **** to lay traps in the field, and then ignite these traps again and again. Its destructive power is amazing enough to burn everything within its attack range to ashes!

Admittedly, Arthur doesn’t have much talent for using magic (he has never been formally trained in magic). Without the assistance of the evil star, the magic that Arthur can use is limited to the two types of low-temperature dragon flames and ordinary dragon flames.

However, the reasonable use of dragon flames can also make untouchable changes and reverse the disadvantage in an instant!

King Oser is in the center of [Great Magic—Flame Dragon Land], completely surrounded by flames. Countless pillars of fire exploded beside him, about to burn King Oser to death!

A white light flew in from the outside and merged with King Other.

Arthur continued to watch in the air, the fire was so hot, he couldn’t get close to see what happened, so he had to wait for the magic to pass.

[Flame Dragon Land] burned for nearly ten minutes before it was completely extinguished. In this scorched rubble, King Other stood unharmed on an ice wall.

He holds a strange weapon in his left hand, which should be a long spear. The long spear has a translucent shape like an ice cube, and the slender conical spear reveals a cold air.

Arthur didn’t have to think about it to know that the spear was responsible for the huge ice block under King Oser’s feet. The question is, where did that gun come from?

“The first stage of the call of the Holy Spirit: [armed by the Holy Spirit].” King Oser raised his spear to demonstrate to Arthur, “Boy, you can force me to be armed with the Holy Spirit. You have some skills.”

Arthur’s eyes quickly glanced at the surrounding group of Holy Spirits. I see. They were summoned by King Oser, not only to watch the battle, but also to rush over to support King Oser at any time and become the king’s equipment!

There were tens of thousands of onlookers of the Holy Spirit, all of whom seemed to be under the command of King Oser. If these Holy Spirits can be armed, it means that King Oser can use 10,000 different weapons! Who knows what powers these Holy Spirits have? !

“Don’t worry, I’ll use this gun to fight you, and I won’t call another Holy Spirit.” King Oser saw through Arthur’s mind and explained, “Is it fair? You also have the Holy Spirit Griffin turned into The shield. The conditions are the same.”

The same? Not so. Arthur cursed inwardly. Although his Griffon Shield can provide absolute defensive capabilities, it is a momentary thing after all.

King Arthur would have been wielding the Holy Spirit ice spear, neutralizing all of Arthur’s dragon flame attacks.

This is cheating at all!

Gollum—Thundering thundered from Arthur’s belly. He just remembered that he hadn’t had breakfast today. Do not. It’s past noon now, and he hasn’t eaten both breakfast and lunch.

The young man put away his wings and landed on the ground, full of complaints: “Stop fighting, I’ll go eat.”

“Stop fighting?” King Oser was a little surprised.

When Arthur spoke, his stomach was full of fire: “No more fighting, I have already entered and exited the magic weapon, or I was deciphered by a Holy Spirit you randomly summoned. There are tens of thousands of Holy Spirits for you in Avalon. Sent, how could I possibly win!”

King Oser was stunned for a while: “Then what do you want?”

“Teach me how to use that thing. That way we’ll even out. The Griffon Shield can’t be used to attack at all, and it’s not up to me to decide its shape. I need something that can be used as a weapon. Armed by the Holy Spirit——“

King Other hesitated for a moment.

“The knights of the round table will be taught this technique, right?” Arthur guessed boldly, “then I’m not qualified enough to learn it?”

“Okay.” King Oser thought for a while, and felt that Arthur’s words were reasonable, so he compromised, “I can teach you. But it’s useless if you learn it. The Holy Spirit you subdued will either turn into thoughts and be quilted. You absorbed it and became a part of that phantom; or it was parasitic in the sheath of the king and could not be used directly.”

“Oh, of course I will have the Holy Spirit available.” Arthur looked disapprovingly: “Of course there will be.”

Both the Holy Spirit White Phoenix and the White Wolf stopped by Arthur’s side, seeming to be friendly to the boy. They are the Holy Spirits of Greenville and Bedivere, and of course help Arthur.

“Okay.” Seeing this, King Oser didn’t argue much, “This is not in line with the rules, but I will teach you. If this is the fairness you expect, let you be on fair terms. The next defeat is convincing.”

Arthur sneered. It’s a shame that King Oser dares to say anything fair. The tens of millions of Holy Spirits who were watching there were all under the command of King Oser. Under such conditions, how could there be any fairness at all?

“Okay…where do I start teaching?” King Oser thought for a while, he didn’t seem to be good at teaching people this.

“Let’s start with the meal.” Arthur walked towards the cabin.

At the same time, Brindisi in Rome.

“So…” Tristan looked at the people present in front of the submarine [Ice Crystal], “Let’s go?”

“Wait a minute.” Archmage Merlin turned to look at Bols, the dragon man golem: “It’s enough for you to send it here, go back quickly.”

“Master Mage, you know I won’t go back.” Boles said abruptly.

“What?! But you—” Merlin was displeased. Bols carries the complete key to the Wall of the World. If this key falls into the hands of the orcs, the consequences will be disastrous. How could Bols be allowed to take part in such a dangerous operation deep behind enemy lines! ?

Boles lowered his voice so that only Merlin next to him could hear: “That boy is the last dragon man. I can’t let him go into danger and stand by. Sorry, Master Mage, whatever you say. Can’t stop me.”

“You know very well what will happen if [the key] falls into the hands of the Hungarians.” Merlin lowered his voice and said, “Are you crazy?”

“I’m probably crazy. My logic loop can’t seem to think with sensible logic anymore. But that’s the only answer my intelligence core has given, protecting that child is a priority over anything else. high.”

Merlin quickly glanced at Elaine the white bear who was not far away, and then sighed: “He has nothing to do with you, you are not Papalov, how many times have I said this? Even so, Does your logic loop still come up with such an answer?”

“Perhaps this is fate,” Bolles muttered in a low voice.

To his creator, Archmage Merlin, Bols, the dragon man golem, has always been respectful and obedient. This was the first time he had disobeyed Merlin’s order and took the initiative to do something he wanted to do.

And it’s for a white bear man (dragon man) boy who met by chance.

The mage made this golem himself. He knows better than anyone that the logic circuit of this golem is As long as enough analysis data is given, it will definitely not make a wrong judgment; When there is no reason, the logic circuit of the golem will tend to conservative algorithms, and everything is based on safe actions, and will never make such a bold decision.

Boles is not a living creature and cannot be influenced by a living creature’s emotions. His act of disobedience this time must have a huge deep meaning.

——Is it fate? Is it really fate that drives things forward? Is [Kama’s Reincarnation] really so powerful that it can even sway people’s thoughts?

Boers isn’t even human, he (it) is a golem…

Thinking of this, Merlin stopped arguing, he compromised.

“Follow me. If anything is wrong, I will use teleportation to escape, and you and that kid should follow me obediently.” Merlin said in a tough tone, this is the greatest he can do Give in.

“Understood, Master Mage. Thank you very much, Master Mage.” Boles replied in a low voice. His words gave Merlin an illusion for a moment, thinking that this golem really had feelings and a soul.

But in the next second, Merlin began to laugh at his own stupidity. As the creator of the golem, Merlin knew that it was impossible for him to create a soul out of thin air.

[The Fifth Miracle—Soul Creation] is just a rumor, even [God] can’t do this kind of thing.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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