Light Spirit Epic Chapter 531: The duel against the Holy King (2)


Chapter 531 The duel against the Holy King (2)

At the same time, the [Silver Shadow] spacecraft also landed outside the castle of Brindisi.

“Wow, there has been a fierce battle here.” Palamidis jumped off the deck of the ship and looked at the broken outer walls of the castle, where there were already dead bodies.

Roman soldiers are busy retrieving the corpses of human soldiers for burial, while the corpses of orcs are piled up and burned. They were startled when they saw such a **** cat jumping off the unfamiliar spaceship, and hurriedly raised their weapons to prepare for battle.

“Calm down, we are not enemies!” Palamidis shouted, raising his hand to show no hostility.

Bedivere and Ryder also got off the boat. When they saw the werewolf and the rabbit man, the Roman officers and soldiers became more nervous and surrounded them with long spears.

“You are doing me a disservice, back me up.” Vivian got off the ship with Greenville turned to stone, and shouted loudly: “We are the Knights of Pantoracken, here are the The wounded are in urgent need of treatment, could you please summon Archmage Merlin?”

“Archmage Merlin?” The Roman general Selnas who was defending the city had heard the news and rushed over, “He is in the city, but he is not something you can see at will. Before you prove your identity— —“

“Well, they are our people.” Grand Duke Hall came from a distance with a pair of men and he shouted before he even got close, “I know that **** panther, he belongs to His Majesty King Arthur. Knight.”

“…Okay.” Cernas withdrew his weapon, winked at the soldiers beside him, and the soldiers immediately went to give orders.

Hall came over and looked at Vivian’s spaceship. The spaceship was obviously scratched and damaged by the intense artillery fire, and many areas appeared to have been temporarily repaired.

“You seem to have had a tough fight,” Hall said.

“Yeah.” Palamidis also looked at Grand Duke Hall. The Celestial Knight looked terrible, his armor was tattered, and there were many cuts and burns on his body. The dozens of knights he brought with him were even more bloody, with serious injuries of varying degrees.

“You guys seem to have had a tough fight, too,” Palamidis said.

General Selnas couldn’t help but interjected: “The Hungarians have started a large-scale attack. Who knew they would hide such a ferocious hand. I am afraid the battle will be more intense in the future.”

“We’ll see.” Hall replied casually, looking at the petrified Greenville: “How did Leon Dickens’ daughter do this. What about His Majesty King Arthur?”

“He is in the Avalon Pure Land.” Bedivere said, “He seems to have unfinished tasks and refuses to come back with us.”

“Got it.” Hall patted the dust on his armor, “I hope he can come back before we fall. According to this trend, Brindisi may not last for half a month.”

“Is it that serious?” Bedivere wanted to say. But he looked at the corpses on the battlefield, and immediately swallowed the words back in his stomach.

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter in such a hurry?” Merlin received the order, and a teleportation magic came to the crowd.

“Well, Mage.” Vivian patted the stone statue of Greenville next to her, “According to Arthur’s instructions, we brought this to you. Next, we will go to Athens to deliver some [Goods], you can figure it out.”

The mage looked at the petrified Greenville: “The outer shell of the body is petrified, is the inside still alive? Well, I will think of a way.——You guys go to Athens?”

“My sons have been left there as hostages to be brought back,” said Palamidis anxiously. “Come on, Vivienne. There is no time to delay. Bedivere, you guys. Do you want to follow, or stay in Brindisi?”

“Um…” The werewolf boy hesitated. He wanted to go to Athens to continue his unfinished circus of peace, but was worried about Albert being locked up in Brindisi.

“You just stay here.” Vivian said in a low voice, seeing through the werewolf boy’s mind.

“I…” Ledra pulled the corner of Labedi’s shirt, “I’ll stay here too, okay?”

Bedivere was silent, watching Vivienne and the others get on the spaceship and flew away.

“Beddie!” Tristan and Evan had already arrived, but before Bedivere could react, he was hugged tightly by the murloc prince.

“And the rabbit! Haha!” Tristan saw Ryder, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hugged the rabbit and patted his furry head.

“Ow, you have some respect!” Ryder tried his best to push Tristan away, but the petite rabbit had no way of resisting the opponent’s strength, so he could only let the murloc prince keep playing.

“Tristan, that’s enough, Ryder is not a puppet…” Bedivere reluctantly advised.

“Well, at least, our expedition team has another new member.” Evan stared at the werewolf boy and was happy to see this surprise that fell from the sky.

“The expedition?”

Half an hour later.

“Really?” After listening to Tristan and Evan’s narration, Bedivere unconsciously glanced at Tristan’s injured arm again. The plastered arm looked very painful, and the mermaid therapist on the side was using magic to restore the broken arm non-stop.

“Come with us, Brady. My submarine is so cool, it must be an eye-opener for you.” Tristan said triumphantly, and when he saw Bedivere, he seemed to be able to forget the pain on his body.

“Um… Are you leaving tomorrow?” The werewolf boy was noncommittal.

If the foxes really developed something terrifying like [Dark Slime Mold], the battle would be even more one-sided. If the research on the dark slime mold is not destroyed soon, it may become a major problem.

Bedivere knows very well that the Romani (Fox people) are pure evil. These cunning foxes do not know what peace is, and will never be able to live in harmony with humans.

Foxes are a big nuisance even to other orcs: they deceive Elephants, entrap leopards, do dirty deals with tigers, keep werewolves and polar bears in captivity, kill a lot of bunnymen, and deceive rabbits the survivors.

If possible, it would be no exaggeration to let these despicable fellows exterminate their families.

But for now, the expedition is just going to see what’s going on. Bedivere really wishes they could do more.

However, there is a sequence of events. Bedivere’s biggest concern right now is something else: “I need to go see Albert first.”

“Your big cat friend? Hmph, that guy is dead arrogant. I went to see him and brought him delicious food. That ungrateful guy didn’t even want to answer me.” Tristan gets angry when he talks about Albert Don’t do that. Al has been through a lot lately, and he’s justifiable not to trust strangers. “Bedivere out of the barracks,” call me when you’re ready. Ryder, what are you going to do? “

“Me?” The bunny boy was stunned when asked, “I won’t help you deal with the orcs. No, I won’t join the war. But I have an unfinished relationship with the foxes. “

The fox people used to treat Ryder in various cruel ways. They transformed the rabbit boy into a monster, imprisoned the rabbit’s parents and clansmen to threaten Ryder’s actions, and finally executed Ryder’s parents and clansmen. ——No one in the world hates foxes more than Rabbit boy Ryder.

“Oh, so you’re coming with us, that’s great. Brother is with you tonight, hehe.” Tristan put his arms around Ryder, his eyes shining.

His intact arm was rubbing violently on the rabbit’s body: “Little bunny, you look dirty all over, wait a while, brother, take it with you to take a bath, hehe——“

“Oh, damn…” Ryder cast a look of help at Bedivere with a pitiful look on his face.

“Pfft… I’ll be right back.” Bedivere held back a laugh and left the barracks as if fleeing. He would never have imagined what Tristan would do to Ryder in the shower.

“No——!!” Ryder screamed and was dragged away by Tristan.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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