Light Spirit Epic Chapter 495: Fighting at the Celestial Pole (12)


Chapter 495: The Fierce Battle in the Celestial Pole (Twelve)

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

When Arthur woke up, he found himself lying on the top floor of the White Santa.

The wounds appear to have healed. He didn’t die in the duel with the Holy Lizard, thanks to the super healing ability that the King’s Sheath gave him.

He got up, only to see a Holy Spirit quietly waiting ten yards away.

That’s rare, a human-shaped Holy Spirit. Wearing a classic silver-white knight armor, holding two swords in his hands, he was filled with a sense of holiness.

It didn’t attack when Arthur was unconscious, perhaps because of its noble knighthood; or perhaps it was too confident in its own strength that it never thought it would lose—let It’s fine with Arthur.

This guy is certainly not King Other. But just by looking at its intimidating aura, Arthur knew that this Holy Spirit’s strength was several levels higher than the Holy Spirits he had encountered before.

It’s probably the last guard.

“Where the **** is King Orser hiding?”

The Holy Spirit did not answer.

“It’s useless to ask you, right?” Arthur drew out the sword of the Holy King, “It seems that King Orser won’t come out to see me unless I get rid of you.”

Seeing that Arthur was in a state of tension, the Holy Spirit calmly raised the two swords in his hands and put on a fighting stance.

No, not two swords.

The Holy Spirit White Knight just raised the sword in his left hand, and his right hand was lowered, as if he did not intend to use it.

He wanted to fight one-handed, throwing water at Arthur.

Damn it! Arthur was angry. He hated being looked down upon the most. If his opponent did not fight with all his strength, it would be a great insult to him.

The knight shouted, dashed up, and slashed with the sword of the holy king.

Glitter. Three golden lights hit the opponent’s head, chest, and calf.

However, why is there no real sense of hitting?

Arthur felt that something was wrong, and when he tried to distance himself, the white knight of the Holy Spirit came to Arthur’s left side and slashed his sword!

Touch! With a low muffled sound, the sword of the Holy Spirit White Knight had already slanted into Arthur’s left shoulder, and Arthur felt pain only after the sword was inserted. Arthur was shocked and rolled to the right, pulling away.

When did that guy dodge to the left? ! The moment he was hit, he was still in front of Arthur, but the next moment he appeared to the left of Arthur, and he attacked with his sword at the same time!

The shoulder injury is not too serious. The sword slashed on the shoulder deck of the black dragon armor, and the dragon scales offset the sword power of the Holy Knight to a large extent.

No. That guy is perfectly capable of hitting between the gaps in Arthur’s shoulder armor. If it had done that, Arthur’s left arm would have been chopped off!

“You bastard, are you releasing water again?!”

The Holy Spirit did not answer.

So strong! The mind-eye technique was completely unable to predict its attack, and his movement was as fast as a phantom!

To make matters worse, the moderately soft and hard ground on the top of the tower absorbs all footsteps, and Arthur, whose hearing is at the level of an ordinary person, absolutely cannot detect where his opponent is coming from!

Arthur was full of anger. He endured the pain in his left arm and drew out the Dragon Martial Dagger.

The opponent uses two silver swords of equal length, and the attack is extremely fast. On the other hand, Arthur also has an extra weapon, especially such a lightweight weapon, to block a deadly attack in a pinch.

Hope this works…

The Holy Spirit attacked again. He flashed to Arthur’s right side and swung his sword diagonally down with his left arm, hitting Arthur’s right shoulder.

Arthur, of course, raised his sword to block. But he was deceived again. At the moment when the sword he raised and the opponent’s sword collided, the opponent’s sword passed through Arthur’s sword like a ghost and slashed towards the boy!

Arthur was so startled that he had to dodge with his left side in the nick of time.

However, the Holy Spirit has moved to the left side of the boy in an instant, and the sword stance has changed to slash from the upper left to the lower left towards Arthur’s left shoulder!

“What?!” Arthur raised his dagger to block, but the reaction was already a beat late, and most of the opponent’s sword was stuck in the boy’s shoulder! This time, he blocked with a dagger, so that the entire shoulder would not be cut off, but he also received a heavy blow, and the wound kept spurting blood!

Arthur reluctantly swung a sword and forced the Holy Spirit White Knight back. His mind was spinning fast, trying to understand the opponent’s attack.

Teleportation? An attack from the right moves instantaneously to the left?

No, no! Something is wrong!

Arthur and Morgoth have fought against each other, and Morgoth will also use teleportation to dodge attacks, but her abilities are limited.

Momentary movement, to put it bluntly, means that the whole person is quantized, and in this quantized state, travels at a speed close to the speed of light.

The moment of movement requires a lot of mental energy, and even a magician as powerful as Morgos cannot adjust his attack posture while moving.

While the caster moves, he keeps his original posture for quantization, and when he restores it, his posture will also be restored.

Trying to restore another pose is a huge risk. The body of the practitioner has a great chance of [dislocation], the head may be dislocated to other places, and the neck will not be connected, and it will fall and die.

The white knight of the Holy Spirit in front of him is not a magician, and the range of movements he adjusts while attacking is amazing! This is definitely not an action that a person can make while teleporting!

Is it the [law] of the Holy Spirit?

That’s not right, it feels like something completely unrelated to controlling teleportation! Moreover, the Holy Spirit’s sword went straight through Arthur’s sword when blocking, how could this be explained?

Arthur became more and more confused, but the Holy Spirit White Knight didn’t give his opponent time to think, and already rushed up with his sword.

Wait a minute. He raised the sword in his right hand…

Arthur raised his sword in confusion.

The sword of the Holy Spirit White Knight once again passed through Arthur’s sword and slashed at the boy.

Arthur stepped back, trying to see the mystery of the matter clearly.

The Holy Spirit suddenly appeared behind Arthur!

“What?!” Arthur was startled and wanted to turn around to block, but it was too late. The Holy Spirit’s sword cut an inch deep on the boy’s back!

“Ugh!” Arthur groaned, and at the same time he had already swept out with a backhand sword!

Can’t cut it. The sword pierced through the body of the Holy Knight once again, like slashing through the air.

The moment the image of the White Knight disappeared from Arthur’s face, it had flashed to Arthur’s right side, and stabbed Arthur’s right abdomen with a sword!

Arthur, who hastily dodged, moved his waist a few inches to the left, thinking that would be enough to avoid.

Crack! The long sword of the Holy Spirit pierced deeply into the left abdomen of the boy!

“What…?” Arthur was startled again. He kicked the opponent away with one foot, and both swords came out, sweeping across a large area. The Holy Spirit had already retreated more than a dozen yards away.

“ Arthur suppressed his anger and thought quickly. He carefully observed the other party, trying to decipher the clues in the other party’s tricks.

Well, blood?

The left hand sword of the Holy Spirit White Knight is stained with blood. The other sword was clean and free of blood. Left hand? Or right hand? But the moment he attacked just now, he really used the sword in his right hand…

The Holy Knights attacked again, and their momentum was very fierce. He raised the sword in his right hand and stabbed Arthur’s right chest! wrong! Why is the sword in his right hand stained with blood? ! Isn’t the left-handed sword stained with blood? !

You can’t block, and don’t dodge to the left. There must be some kind of mystery in it. Once you are deceived, you will definitely be pierced through the heart this time! !

Arthur didn’t think much of it, he directly raised the scabbard of the king, and a griffon shield blocked everything!

The Holy Spirit once again disappeared from Arthur’s presence. This guy must be planning something!

Keng! Arthur drew a sword with his backhand, and his sword collided with the sword of the Holy Spirit White Knight evenly.

Finally blocked the attack. Arthur did not give the opponent the fear of running away, and the dagger stabbed at the same time!

Keng! The Holy Spirit White Knight had to use the sword in his right hand to block. Only then did Arthur clearly see that the opponent’s double sword was only the one in his left hand stained with blood.

That’s right.

After suffering a lot, Arthur finally saw through the [Fa] of the White Knight of the Holy Spirit.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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