Light Spirit Epic Chapter 470: Fighting in Heaven (3)


Chapter 470: Battle in Heaven (3)

“Impossible!” Palamidis subconsciously reached out to protect his sons, “I will never give the children to your leopards again. That old fellow Hackett took our family How bad it is, you know?!”

“Then, let’s not talk about it.” Argus said in a very strong tone.

“Okay, let’s stay, meow.” Saifer said suddenly, “Dad, you have to come back early to pick us up, meow.”


Seglade also said: “It’s okay, meow. We won’t be able to help you much if we go, but it will become a burden to you, meow. Staying here is the best meow.”

Vivienne looked at the two kittens silently. She was going to stop it, but as Seglade said, it was better. It was too heavy a burden to protect the safety of these two children in the fierce battle of Morgos.

“That’s it.” Kaos held the baby in his arms, “I took this kid as a hostage for you. Now, everyone is at ease, right?”

Seeing that the matter was basically settled, Vivian immediately stood up and walked out: “I’ll go check [Nagyrfa]’s navigator. The sooner you leave, the better, and make reservations for tonight.”

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

At the bottom of the lake, Arthur’s crisis is just beginning.

Arthur uses all fours, even wings, to swim desperately.

He is a landslide, and fighting the Holy White Shark in the water has a decisive disadvantage. He can only wait for the opportunity to escape, while swimming up to the surface, at least take a breath. If he can jump out of the water, he can flap his wings and fly into the air to resolve this crisis!

How could White Shark let Arthur escape. It approached the knight at high speed, biting fiercely as soon as it came up.

Arthur uses the mind-eye technique to predict the trajectory of the shark’s attack, but he knows that he is slow in the water and can’t completely avoid the shark’s attack.

——Even if you dodge part of it, you will definitely be bitten off by a leg or an arm by the Holy White Shark! Having lost a lot of blood and a limb for action, it will be even more difficult to escape the attack of the Holy Spirit once again!

If you can’t dodge it, block it! One second before being bitten by the shark, Arthur quickly pulled out the scabbard of the king and unfolded the griffon shield!

Touch! A huge muffled sound could also be heard at the bottom of the water, and Arthur’s griffon shield successfully deflected the white shark’s attack, causing the shark to change direction and slide past. But the strong current brought by the impact of the white shark made Arthur dizzy for a while, and he flew back dozens of yards!

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off together together together through direct light by the shock of the water to Arthur’s lungs, he can hardly hold his breath any longer! In fact, his lungs had already lost a lot of precious oxygen in the shock.

Not good! Eat a few more attacks like this, and you’ll definitely lose all your oxygen and immediately suffocate! Arthur couldn’t help but blame himself for being careless when he stepped into the lake just now: if he had taken a deep breath first, considering that there might be traps in the water, the situation would have been much better!

Arthur had no time to hesitate. The Holy White Shark swam out about ten yards, and immediately turned around and continued to attack Arthur! What a sensitive guy!

Even a skilled warrior would have to suffer in the face of such a shark, let alone Arthur, a landlubber? !

Arthur had to try his best to go upstream, and before he could rise a yard, the shark had already attacked!

Touch! Another low and dull sound, Arthur deployed the Griffon shield to defend at the critical moment of being attacked, and then was knocked flying again, and the strong water pressure that followed pressed on Arthur again, as if there was an invisible animal. The big hand grabbed Arthur, trying to squeeze all the air out of his lungs!

Not good! So bad! Arthur found that he did not float to the surface of the lake, but sank deeper and deeper! The shark knew about Arthur’s intention. It adjusted the angle of the impact from top to bottom. Even if it was blocked by Arthur, the strong water pressure raised was enough to drag the knight to the bottom of the water!

It’s all over! Arthur knew that this battle was doomed to fail. The oxygen in his body was getting less and less. As long as the white shark was still nearby, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t swim to the lake!

He was destined to be buried at the bottom of this lake!

The great white shark was still swimming near, and at one point struck. Arthur took out his last will and deployed the Griffon Shield to block at the juncture of life and death.

Touch! Block is blocked, but…

Arthur could only feel his limbs go numb rapidly. That’s right, he’s already deprived of oxygen.

No way! How painful! It was as if the body was filled with lead, it was so heavy that it was difficult to even move it! Summoning the Griffon Shield from the King’s Sheath takes more energy than expected, not to mention in such a severe hypoxia environment? !

His limbs didn’t obey his commands, and his whole body was like being pierced by thousands of sharp needles. The water pressure made Arthur unable to move. The dark and cold abyss has caught him!

Whoops! Arthur could clearly hear the horrible sound that took his life. The Holy Spirit White Shark roared and rushed towards the knight, a mouthful of blood that was able to swallow people directly, making a terrifying rustling sound in the water. Its two rows of incomparably sharp teeth can slice off all human flesh from bones just by rubbing it!

The Holy White Shark devoured Arthur in an instant, and there was a trace of blood from the corner of its mouth, which gradually melted and dissipated in the lake…

That was, one day more than ten years ago.

“Arthur, Arthur?” the man’s voice called.

“Um… Dad?” The little boy was sitting by the pool in a pair of swimming trunks.

“What are you doing in a daze? Jump into the water now?” Uther, the knight wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, was waiting beside him, “Didn’t you ask me to teach you how to swim today? Are you flinching?”

“Well… I think it’s fine,” Arthur said, his feet shaking involuntarily.

“What [forget it]? I asked for a long time to accompany you, just to hear you say [forget it]? Brat!” his father said angrily.

“But—” The little boy looked at the dark pool water and began to act like a spoiled child, “The bottom of the water can’t be seen, it seems that something is in the water…”

“’s just a lighting issue.” Uther jumped first into the water, which was about five feet deep at his chest, “Look, there’s nothing, I’m here too, I won’t let you drown.”

“But…” The little boy was still hesitating.

“Everyone can swim before they are born. Why did your swimming ability degrade after you were born? Don’t you feel ashamed?” Uther sarcastically said, “Hurry up and jump down!”

“Ugh…” The little boy was even more frightened when he said this.

“Don’t move, what’s behind you? Is that a spider?” Uther threatened.

“Wow!” The little boy jumped into the water in fright.

“Huhuhu, little idiot.” Uther smiled smugly. Finally tricked my son into the water.

However, he did the opposite.

“No! Don’t! Stop it, brother!”

The old fear exploded in the little boy’s mind. He struggled desperately in the water, and in panic, he choked in more water and sank deeper into the water.

Uther waited for dozens of seconds and still didn’t see his son surface. When he felt that it was not good to reach out to fish, the little boy had surfaced motionless.

Although he knew how much his son would choke when he fell into the water, his son was drowning in a coma in just a few dozen seconds, which was an unexpected change for Uther.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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