Light Spirit Epic Chapter 45: Chasing for Yukino (inside)


Chapter 45: Chasing Yukino (inside)

Early morning.

Tristan opens his eyes, feeling pain all over his body.

“Beddie…?” Only then did he realize that Bedivere was grabbing his hand. Bedivere, on the other hand, hangs in a delicate balance from a bush that sprouts from the cliff.

The murloc boy looked at his feet.

Beneath the abyss is a sea of ​​ice. Above the sea of ​​ice, there are countless sharp stalagmites composed of volcanic rocks that have been eroded by ocean tides. If you fall, you will be smashed to pieces, and you will die without a place to be buried.

The murloc boy raised his head and looked again.

The small tree on the cliff doesn’t seem to be able to support the weight of the two people, and most of the roots have been pulled out in the air.

It’s only a matter of time before it falls.

So, Tristan dared to take on a threatening attitude: “Let it go, Brady.”

“No… let it go!” Bedivere replies stubbornly. He was also injured all over, and when he was swept away by the avalanche, he must have hit various hard rocks on the cliff. It’s a miracle that this kind of injury can still hold another person from falling.

The blood of the werewolf boy dripped on Tristan’s face.

“Let go! If we continue like this, we will both fall!!”

“If you don’t let it go, you won’t let it go!” said the werewolf boy, “Arthur will definitely come to save us. I will definitely persevere to the end. If this doesn’t work, then let me fall with you. We’re friends, aren’t we?”

Knowing how slim hope is, Bedivere won’t give up hope until the very last moment.

The murloc boy’s eyes were wet, and the blood dripping on his face, mixed with tears, slid down.

“Idiot. What if I’m saved? Do I still have to go back to the palace? In that prison-like place, for the rest of my life?! No! If that’s the case, I’d rather die!”

“You won’t be left alone.” Bedivere whispered, he had lost a lot of blood and was a little delirious: “I’ll stay if it’s a big deal, I can do whatever I want, and I’ll always be with me. Tristan, you won’t be lonely…”

“You… idiot!” the murloc boy cried.

“I’m an idiot.” The orc boy also cried.

“So, idiots,” cried Arthur from the cliff, “can I pull you up? Or do you want to hang there for a while longer?”

Half an hour later, it was full daylight.

“I’m sorry, I know I’m wrong.” Tristan said this with an aggrieved expression on his face.

“What’s the use of telling me I’m wrong! Look at you hurting me!” Sha Xing said angrily, and the red fire dragon almost wanted to pounce and bite.

“You guys don’t make a fuss!” Arthur pushed the little red dragon down on the table, “I can guess what you are thinking, but this time it went too far.”

“You don’t understand at all! You have been locked in a palace since you were a child and never allowed to go out!? You will go crazy after being locked up for a long time!” The murloc boy pouted and pretended to be pathetic .

“In the end, isn’t it because you are too weak?” Arthur sneered disapprovingly, “If you are strong enough to survive alone in the outside world, your mother doesn’t have to worry about you at all. Safety, didn’t you just do what you love then?”

“No! You don’t even know!” Tristan said, “What mother! That woman is not my mother at all! I was taken to the palace as soon as I was born, and I don’t even know who my own mother was!” /

These merfolk—(Tristan points to Wendina), they never thought of me as human! They just treat me as a rare animal, a valuable thing, kept in that **** cage for good preservation! Queen Mother, no, [that woman], she never loved me!

——I’m just their toy! “

“No! Her Royal Highness actually…” Wendina wanted to say something, but——

“Don’t say I don’t want to hear it!” The murloc boy yelled, covering his ears.

“Stinky brat is just ignorant,” Baishuang Long Xianvia said, “it’s useless for you to say anything to him. Just tie it up and **** him back. But with this injury, it’s hard to escape.”

“…Anyway, take the holy spear back and exchange it for the hostages.” Arthur said, “but you can’t go back so easily, Wendina, you go and report a letter and ask you to take Kay over there. Bring it out and exchange your princes with our knights in the open sea. Is that fair?”

“Want me to keep His Royal Highness here?! No way!” Wendina categorically objected.

Arthur also refused to back down: “If you don’t go, no one will go, and we will never step into Iceland again. If Her Majesty the Queen gets the holy spear and turns his face and doesn’t recognize anyone, we will all be dead. , this is absolutely not possible.”

“Humph.” The court magician was still full of dissatisfaction, “If the prince suffers any more harm…”

“It would trigger a war, of course I wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that.” Arthur continued with a disapproving sneer, “and Bedivere won’t let me hurt his friends.”

The orc boy bandaged like a mummy waved his hand.

“Hmph…waiting for my signal on the coast at noon.” Wendina replied reluctantly, her eyes glancing once again at Her Royal Highness, the prince, of course, full of unease and sympathy. Reluctantly, he jumped into the sea.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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