Light Spirit Epic Chapter 446: Moving to disaster (6)


Chapter 446: The calamity (six)

One o’clock in the afternoon.

The East Seventeenth Street in Rome is a street made of marble. It is polished to a smooth and shiny surface. The marble floor tiles of uniform size are paved with beautiful pavement. The gaps between these stones are gilded with metal, so that the stones can follow Climate change expands and contracts, without exposing too large stone cracks.

The street lamps lined up neatly on both sides of the street consist of jet-black copper lampposts and equally jet-black lamp sockets. These street lamps are several years old, and green rust splatters from time to time on the finely carved bronze. These patinas not only did not affect the aesthetics of the streetlights, but instead filled the streetlights with a quaint flavor.

In addition to the street lights, the streets are also full of dazzling shops, most of which are coffee shops and dessert shops, which makes the East Seventeen Street always full of sweet and attractive atmosphere throughout the year. .

This street is also a date spot for Roman lovers. Countless couples walked on this street, leaving their romantic footprints.

Charlotte was waiting on the treaty street, but not her lover. Even she felt that it was stupid to do so, and when she was still hesitating whether she should leave the appointment, Sha Xing had already rode a beautiful white horse to the girl.

The girl looked at the evil star who had turned into a human: The blond boy was dressed in a luxurious dark blue rust-gold silk dress. guy.

Charlotte’s face flushed instantly. But she put away this shyness immediately, thinking that Shaxing’s name is not long, she couldn’t help but feel regret.

The complex expression on Charlotte’s face was beyond the Fiend’s comprehension. He just jumped off the horse swiftly, as if he had ridden countless times before.

“Hi, Charlotte. Am I late?” he asked.

“No, it’s just that I came half an hour early.” The girl wasn’t angry because of the late arrival of the evil star. She was upset and didn’t want to stay at home, so she just came out on the street and waited. Give yourself some quiet time by the way.

“So, why did you ask me out? Is this a date?” Charlotte asked bluntly.

“Well…it’s a date.” Shaxing looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head subconsciously: “I…want you to teach me to have fun. I don’t know how human life is lived. , I don’t know what fun things you humans usually have to do. I want you to take me to play, you can eat, drink and have fun, in short, play for an afternoon.”

“…Dragon also likes to live a human life? You are really a strange dragon.” Charlotte looked puzzled, “Can’t you have fun in your dragon’s way?”

Shaxing’s face can’t help but show embarrassment. He really didn’t know how the dragons had fun. Even among dragons, he is excluded, let alone “playing” with other dragons. He knew that the only pleasure in being a dragon was flying in the sky. And now, he can’t even do that.

Seeing the malevolent star with a gloomy face, Charlotte knew she had said the wrong thing. She sighed, “Forget it, let’s go. Fortunately, you only have half a day, you have to keep your promise, and don’t bother me again after this time.”

“Definitely.” Shaxing replied in a low voice, trying to hide the pained expression on his face.

Ten minutes later, the two sat down in a very romantic cafe.

A large glass of chocolate milk ice cream is placed in front of the evil star. The snow-like milk ice cream is sprinkled with chocolate chips, and it looks very sweet and delicious.

“You know I’m a fire dragon, right?” Shaxing complained dissatisfiedly, “I actually asked a fire dragon to eat ice…”

“Just eat, idiot.” Charlotte scooped a tablespoon of ice cream and stuffed it into Shaxing’s mouth.

The ice cream instantly melted in the dragon’s mouth. It was a very pure, sweet taste of fresh milk. Freezing did not destroy this sweetness, but sublimated it even more attractively. When the ice cream changes from cold to hot in the dragon’s mouth, it emits a sweet and incomparable aroma, which makes people unforgettable!

The chocolate shreds that are gently sprinkled on the surface of the ice cream have an incredible variety of textures. It was crunchy at the beginning, but after this exciting crunch, the chocolate melted obediently, instantly becoming silky smooth, intertwined with the milk ice cream, and played a dreamy symphony of light and shadow on the tongue.

Gumbling. Shaxing swallowed the ice cream in his stomach. At this moment, he was extremely moved.

The next second, his tears dripped involuntarily.

“You, you don’t need to be so exaggerated, right?” Charlotte couldn’t help but be taken aback.

The evil star whispered: “This taste… very good. I always feel… alive… to be able to eat this kind of food… it’s really nice.”

The other guests in the cafe can’t help but turn their heads in confusion to look at Shaxing and Charlotte, much to the girl’s embarrassment. The boss came over at this time and placed a large cup of ice cream in front of the evil star, “If you like it, eat more. This is for you.”

“Thank you, thank you.” Sha Xing took the ice cream and ate it happily.

Charlotte hides her face in shame when she sees the evil star gobbling up the food and making a fool of himself in front of the other guests.

(This guy…maybe a simple idiot?—— Simple as a child?!)

(Or is it because I don’t live long, there is no need to care about my behavior at all, I just pursue pure happiness?)

(Just to be happy for the pursuit of happiness, how pure to live.)

(——The so-called dragons are all such creatures?)

Charlotte couldn’t understand what the dragons were thinking. She is just human.

Having been tortured by petrification since childhood, and spent every day in despair of waiting for death, Charlotte’s only wish is to get rid of this cursed disease.

Her wish has now been fulfilled, her purpose of survival no longer exists, and the future has become confused. Kong has a long life, but I don’t know how to spend it.

The blond boy in front of her was the exact opposite. His life is not long, but he is using his last days, desperately pursuing happiness.

In the eyes of others, Shaxing’s behavior may be stupid and clumsy, ridiculous and pathetic.

But from the clumsiness of Xinghuilong, the girl saw some kind of light inside the evil star.

—— That pure, desperate light of [will] for happiness.

It’s so dazzling that girls can’t look straight. It was so striking again that the girl couldn’t take her eyes away.

When she noticed it, she had already developed a special feeling for Xinghui Longshaxing that could not be parted.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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