Light Spirit Epic Chapter 440: Awakening to Yehui (6)


Chapter 440 Awakening to Yehui (6)

At the same time, Rabbit Ryder led a large group of monsters to the outskirts of the city. Due to the huge army of beasts, the leopard guards on the side could only stare in stunned eyes, daring not to step forward to stop Ryder, nor to attack the group of beasts.

Bedivere followed the team of monsters to check the situation, and quickly chased after the bunny boy at the front of the team: “Ryder?! Why are you in such a place, and what have you done to these monsters? !”

Ryder ignores Bedivere and keeps playing the flute. He walked to a suitable place in the suburbs, and immediately drew a huge circle on the ground with the [Lord of Time and Space – Andrew Lalot]. The circle took shape in an instant, turning into a black subspace entrance.

Ryder played the Hameron flute again, and the beasts followed the direction of the flute and walked into the circle, all fell into it, and never came up again.

It took about half an hour and after dealing with the remaining about 800 monsters, Rabbit Ryder stopped and said to Bedivere in a hoarse voice: “Who is Ryder? Sir, you are wrong. people.”

“Ryder…” made Bedivere awkward.

“So, goodbye, sir. I’m really glad that I happened to pass by and let you pick up your life.” The rabbit boy bowed and jumped into the circle himself. The entrance to the warp closed immediately. Everything disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened.

The wounds on Bedivere told him that it was unquestionably true.

No matter how many festivals there have been in the past, Ryder still forgives Bedivere… right? Otherwise, Rabbit wouldn’t have taken such a huge risk to help the werewolf boy — when Bedivere needed it the most.

The great clock in the city of Athens rang, and it was past twelve o’clock in the evening. This [Yue New Year Festival] full of turmoil and frenzy is finally over.

This festival, people are not happy.

Athens was ravaged by an army of monsters, many people died, many buildings were destroyed, and it was shrouded in a gloomy fog.

However, witnessing their [Sottnes] show great power, the leopard people comforted themselves, and there is still a glimmer of hope in this despair.

Religion, miracle, myth, legend. These things were originally fabricated by human beings in the dark days to inspire themselves, false superstitions.

After knowing the principle of photons, human society no longer believes in superstitions such as gods and ghosts, but treats magic and miracles with a more scientific attitude. Their hearts have lost their reverence for the mysterious.

Because of this, human beings have entered an age without gods, and their souls are empty and without support.

Because of this, people’s hearts are degenerate, and their lives are extravagant, rotten, unwilling to make progress, and greedy for enjoyment.

——They are in the light, but what they see is [dim darkness].

The Orcs, on the other hand, are in the dark, and all they see is the stars at the end of the sky. It is precisely because the Underdark is so dark and boundless that they need God, faith, and spiritual trust.

Their reliance will occasionally be answered by Karma (fate), and what Karma gives these orcs is [Light in the Darkness]—[Sottnes].

——In a strange way, the Hungarians were happier than humans.

Late at night. Inside a cabin on the grassland.

A voice woke the little boy.

Arthur got up from the bed and looked at the woods outside the window, stunned.

——In the dark night, on the dark branches, there is a beautiful white bird.

She looked at the six-year-old boy with her bright green eyes, as if telling Arthur something.


“Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, come and come!” a voice said in the child’s mind.

“Who the **** are you…” Arthur covered his head in annoyance and scolded in a low voice, “Why are you here to disturb my life!”

“I can obviously live happily——“

“Arthur?” Hearing a strange noise in the middle of the night, the mother came in from outside the room to check on her son’s condition: “What’s the matter, have you had a nightmare?”

“No, no.” The little boy promised his mother and lay back on the bed at the same time.

“Okay, let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow we have to go camping.” Iglin comforted her disturbed son and covered the child with the quilt.

“Mom…” the little boy asked in a low voice.

“Huh?” The mother agreed gently.

The child let out a sigh of relief and asked timidly: “…I have been living so happily…Is there really no problem?”

He is often terrified of his everyday life. Life with my parents is so happy, it’s like a dream.

The more I have such a sweet dream, the more I am afraid, I am afraid that this sweet dream will wake up one day.

Once awake, he will fall into some terrifying [reality], and the cruel reality will once again swallow Arthur.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the little boy, he just didn’t want to be separated from his parents. Such a happy dream, even if he used all his life to exchange it for one more continuation, he would be grateful to Dade and nodded in agreement.

He just wants to be happy.

Iglyn looked at her son pitifully, as if she could vaguely sense something.

The woman hugged her son and said softly, “Arthur, don’t be afraid. No matter what happens, mom will always stay by your side and protect you forever.”

Egglyn sang a lullaby softly:”

Ah——the stars in the sky——

Why are you

In order to find the shimmering hope, the bright light.

The light shines on the earth, the light of God whispers,

If there is hope, there is a moment to see through the darkness.

Ah——the wandering traveler,

Why are you looking around, looking around?

It’s to remember the passing feeling in your life.

You stand on the ground and travel all over the world,

If you have the courage, you will find the moment of light.


After the song, Arthur gradually fell asleep.

Iglin looked at her son’s round face, which was a little quiet and handsome in his sound sleep, and lovingly made the quilt for the child.

Then, she looked back at the white bird on the tree in the distance outside the window.

Shiratori still stands still on the branch, her green eyes meeting Ygglyn’s black eyes, sparks of hostility.

“Come on!” the woman warned, “No one wants to take my baby from me!”

As if feeling Iglin’s unshakable obsession, the white bird finally spread its wings and flew away from here.

Iglin sighed in relief. She would never lose Arthur again—a woman’s obsession with keeping her precious son can be terrifying.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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