Light Spirit Epic Chapter 419: Explore in the magic realm (5)


Chapter 419: Exploring the Demon Realm (5)

As the saying goes, cats have nine lives, and they won’t die if they fall from a height. This is because cats have thick pads on their feet, which can cushion the impact at the moment of landing.

As a big cat, what Albert has to do is to follow his own nature, not to resist falling, but to keep his limbs balanced, squat down and roll when it comes into contact with the ground!

Bounce! He landed on a cloud of white mold and rolled out dozens of yards! His limbs were in pain as if they were broken, but he only broke his left leg.

“Ugh!” Al endured the pain and got up, and saw the Snow Leopard girl get up as if nothing had happened. She was as light as a swallow. Such a landing would not hurt her!

“Broken a leg?” Jack rushed over to help Al, “I told you not to be greedy.”

(Did you say that?)

Albert’s broken left leg is the one with the gem in his trouser pocket. The tiger man boy was shocked for a while: If he greedily took more gold and silver jewelry just now, he might have fallen into a muddy flesh now, instead of breaking a leg!

“Let’s run! It’ll come after him!” Jack cried. The two began to run fast, and Al barely kept his balance on that good leg, running under the support of Jack!

The giant armored golem that didn’t catch the intruder was furious, swinging the giant sword in his hand, smashing the castle to smithereens, while turning his head and looking around.

It was the night, and the pure white coat color of the white tiger and snow leopard that saved them, making them almost undetectable in this cloud of mold. But they didn’t get very far, and after about thirty yards, the Colossus had spotted them.

When the colossus dropped the weapon in his hand to catch up, the two had already begun to climb up the roots of the peas.

When the colossus saw this, it also became a ten-foot-tall giant, climbing up the roots of the tree, and chasing after the two!

“Climb fast, fast!” Al shouted, but Jack, who was ahead of him, was crawling very slowly!

“I, I’m dying!” Jack gasped. She had to help Al to escape again, and climbed so high again, the girl’s physical strength bottomed out in an instant!

There is no other way. If this goes on like this, the giants will catch up!

Albert pulled out his Hydra dagger without hesitation and watched the roots of the tree behind him slash away!

Those peas were originally a kind of artifact or golem, and they could not have been easily destroyed. But the dagger made of hydra teeth has a powerful enchantment, it can cause damage to the artifact!

Clap! After a few sharp cuts, the root of the bean was cut off by Al! The giant fell down into the bottomless abyss, and the incomparably flexible tree roots contracted like a spring, flying up with Al and Jack!

“Wow ah ah ah!” The two of them screamed at the same time, grabbing the roots of the tree with all their strength—if they fall from the roots, they will die!

They swiftly passed through the entrance to the submagic realm, flying a few yards away! The entrance to Typhon made of peas closed instantly after the two escaped, and turned back to the original dirt. The vine died instantly, and only three small beans fell on the ground.

“Ugh. It’s over, it’s over.” Al sighed breathlessly.

The snow leopard girl Jack walked over to collect the beans on the ground, put them in a box, and then came over to check El’s injury. Al’s broken leg was bleeding, and the fracture looked serious.


Albert felt that Jack was wrapping himself with wood and bandages. Al lay on the slate floor, looking at the clear night sky after the rain, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Late at night.

A shadow walks down the street and throws a small stone. The stone hit the wooden window frame with a muffled sound.

Bedivere was awakened, climbed out of bed, raised his head and looked out the window.

The shadow flashed by, leaving only a “gift” on the street.

Bediver was startled, jumped out of the window, jumped from the second floor of the hotel, and approached the “gift” to check it out.

Albert was lying there dying with a lot of bandages all over his body.

Ten minutes later, the Glick (Panther) patriarch’s house.

The old man held a torch, waiting for her return. When the girl’s figure appeared at the end of the street, the old man couldn’t help but greet him.

“Master priest, why did you come back so late from the game!” Butler Simmons scolded the other party when he saw him: “Tomorrow’s [New Year Festival] will be very exhausting, why don’t you have a good rest?- —–Wow, what’s the matter with this dirty clothes?!”

“Well, I know, I’ll go take a shower and sleep right away, Simmons.” The Snow Leopard girl walked into the patriarch’s house as if nothing had happened, “Never mind, the sacrifice tomorrow is just a show for the brothers to buy people’s hearts, I Just pretend to be on the side.”

“How can you be so irresponsible, Master Priest——” The old housekeeper followed the girl into the room and closed the door.

Their conversation gradually became blurred and indecipherable, and soon, Winter Night returned to silence.

The next morning. Avalon Pure Land.

Greenville looked at Arthur. She thought that the knight would get better if he lay down for a night, but the knight has not woken up yet, it has been all night. It’s not good to go on like this.

She carefully observed the red spell patterns on the knight’s body. The erosion had spread all over Arthur, but there was nothing she could do. She’s a healer and knows how to heal wounds, but she’s not a magician and doesn’t know how to break spells.

The only thing she can do now is to take care of Arthur and hope that the knight will wake up with his own willpower.

——And at this time, Arthur was on a beautiful prairie.

The big golden dog Poppy is circling him, and the six-year-old boy is chasing the dog and playing in the grass. There is no cloud in the beautiful blue sky, and it stretches for thousands of miles on this equally beautiful green grassland.

In a small cabin not far away, his mother, Iglin, was making delicious muffins. The sweet and savory smell of half-cooked muffins in the oven spread across the prairie.

Tired of playing, Arthur sat down, looking forward to the muffins that would be available soon. And next to the woods in the distance, a figure came riding a white horse and gradually approached the chalet.

“Hi! Dad!” Arthur swung his arms, trying to get the attention of his father in the distance.

The knight also waved his hand from a distance, and the horse was getting closer. The armor on his body shone silver in the sun, the image the little boy Arthur aspired to.

“Arthur!” The father jumped off the horse when he got close, and lifted the little boy up as soon as he got up, “Hahaha, little guy! Did you listen to your mother?”

“Wow, hahaha!” The little boy was lifted up, but he was not afraid at all. The father always held his son up like that and threw it around. For Arthur, this was an exciting game.

“Arthur is so good! Mom made Arthur a new coat yesterday!” The little boy said with a smile. The father always used those sturdy arms to throw Arthur up and down, but he was always safe and reliable, never hurting his precious son once. The little boy knew that his father would do everything in his power to protect him, so he never worried.

The knight held his son and pushed the door in.

“Iglyn?” the knight said with a smile.

“Oh, Uther!” The woman put down her work and came over to hug her lover, “Long time no see, you seem to have lost a lot of weight recently. Are the Knights very busy with work?”

“A little bit.” Knight Uther put his son down, sat on the wooden bench, and picked up a muffin to eat, “Well, crunchy and delicious, sweet but not greasy, really good! Arthur It’s so good to be late every day for my mom’s dessert!”

The little boy is sitting next to his dad eating muffins and kicking his feet happily: “Yes, mummy’s muffins are the best!”

“You father and son are so eloquent!” The woman pursed her lips and turned to continue to do the housework, “Uther, you always come to us during work hours, and you were caught and punished. The last time was People caught you being lazy when you were working, so you were demoted from a golden knight to a silver knight. If you go down to a black iron knight again, what’s the face of the family?”

“Let’s demote, let’s demote, how could I not take time to spend with my lovely son and beautiful wife?” Uther teased his son’s belly, making Arthur giggle.

“You said that again—Barbara is going to be angry again.”

“Just make that **** angry. I married her first because of my parents’ arrangement, and I never loved that woman. The only one I love is you, Iglyn.”

“…It’s not fair to Barbara to say that. She gave birth to Gunther for you after all.” Iglyn murmured a few words.

But she knows that love is never fair.

Even though she was kicked out of the Pantoracken mansion, she was a winner. Uther’s heart will always be hers.

In the evening, the little boy Arthur fell asleep under the embrace of his parents. It was another happy day.

Even if it was a dream, he prayed that such happiness would last forever.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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