Light Spirit Epic Chapter 4: Awakening in the first battle (middle)


Chapter 4: Awakening in the first battle (middle)

Ten minutes later, in the mechanical warehouse of the Northern Heaven Knights. Also surrounded by steel, the pungent smell of engine oil and gasoline wafts in the inorganic mechanical warehouse. —— This is Arthur’s main work environment on weekdays.

This place is always cold and empty. The mechanical warehouse that could have parked six iron cavalry was occupied by the famous knight alone. The anti-gravity gunship, the Iron Cavalry, originally only worthy of the title of Black Iron Knight and above, was also occupied by this Bronze Knight.

“Are you all ready?” Richard the Bronze Knight sorted out his equipment and asked casually.

“System check completed. The cavalry is ready to go.” Arthur said while fiddling with the dashboard. He tested the engine again. The photon reflector gathered photons and emitted a silvery glow. These photons ejected by the high-pressure explosion in the engine can generate powerful propulsion.

“Where’s the weapon?” The knight put on his helmet.

“The application for a new lightsaber has not yet been approved. Young master, you should use the photon cannon on your iron cavalry.”

Arthur answered with his mouth, but in his heart he cursed the knight not even worthy of a lightsaber.

“The knights only use guns to attack, really——“

Before he could finish speaking, a sudden shell hit the window. A blast of air from the explosion shattered the windows and shook everything in the room into disarray.

“Wow. That’s really–” The knight tried to straighten up, stubbornly trying to finish his words.

“—–touch!” The rubble that fell from the ceiling hit the knight heavily.

“…Too poor…” The knight fell dizzy as soon as he finished speaking.

“Master?” Arthur sniffed the knight’s breath. Still gas, just a slight concussion.

The teenager shook his head helplessly and dragged the knight to a safe place, “Useless guy. If you weren’t wearing such a high-performance helmet, you would have died long ago.”

“So, what should I do next…?” Arthur looked out the window at the flames of war. After the battle with the giant dragon, his hands were itchy, and he wanted to find the enemy to kill him.

At the same time, a white light descended on the world.

It appeared at 300,000 feet above the earth, and then slowly fell in mid-air, transforming into a human form at the same time.

It absorbs the photons of this world, and obtains the [common sense] of this world from the endless sea of ​​information in the photon world, so that it assimilates itself with this world.

“Huh?” When it was able to speak, it let out a grunt. The low male voice was full of doubts.

“Similar?” He muttered to himself, “It’s a faint scent, but a very strong presence. Interesting.”

After speaking, the light flew away into the distance.

The far place pointed by the white light is Edinburgh Castle, the base of the Pantoracken Royal North Sky Knights.

Chief of Staff Gaia Knight Duke Cameron walked into the command room of the Knights of the North.

Continued bombardment by enemy fire, Edinburgh Castle’s impregnable defenses began to fail, the castle trembled, and the ceiling was falling with dust in a strange rhythm.

“How’s the battle going?” asked the duke.

“Very bad. The Vikings have a large fleet, and their gunboats have higher performance than our iron cavalry. I wonder where they got the new model.” The deputy staff replied.

“Originally, only the iron cavalry, which has excellent defense power but poor mobility, can only be beaten passively, and the casualties will be great.” Duke Cameron’s brows furrowed even more deeply, “At this time, Leondy even more The Grand Duke of St. Petersburg disappeared…!”

He straightened his sophisticated and steady face and looked up at the sky intently. The night sky was already dyed red by artillery fire, and the light was as bright as day.

At the same time, Arthur had put on his helmet and sat on the iron cavalry. “System check completed. There is no abnormality in the whole system. The 26th Squadron of the Northern Sky Knights, Ya… No, Richard Leon Dickens —— Attack!”

The cavalry’s photon engine started at full speed, making an ear-piercing sound. The gate of the mechanical warehouse was opened by remote control.

Bang! ! —— A large number of photons explode under the compression of the engine, producing a powerful driving force! The iron cavalry whizzed away, drawing a silver light in the night sky, like a shooting star.

There are more than 100 Vikings’ anti-gravity warships, including the vanguard’s destroyers alone. They are aggressive, and this time it is inevitable.

The iron cavalry of the Northern Sky Knights are constantly being chased by the opposing gunboats. Although their protective shields can save their lives, they make them slow like turtles, and they are just moving targets in this dense artillery fire. If this continues, the Northern Heaven Knights will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

However, a white meteor galloped through the air at high speed, changing the tide of the battle.

  "哈啊啊啊啊!!!!"亚瑟疯狂扫射,他的铁骑发射出去的光弹精准地命中远处的敌人,敌机速度减慢的同时他就冲过去,同时举剑One stroke, one blow and then high speed escape! Dozens of enemy planes were instantly knocked down by this method!

But he’s still not satisfied. At the current speed, it is probably impossible to go into a war zone with dense artillery fire.

“The speed is too slow. Navigator, can’t you increase the speed a little more?”

“It is already the limit of the photon engine. If the speed is increased, the output of the protective shield will drop significantly.” The system’s artificial intelligence replied.

“It’s okay. Turn off the shields, and remove all the turrets and ammo compartments!”

“However, Lord Knight——“

“Do as I say! And—-” Arthur tore off the armor with one hand, and Richard’s expensive armor was thrown into the sea by him, “This should increase the speed. Right?”

The white meteors in the night sky have become more dazzling. It rampaged through the Viking fleet as if it were no one.

“What the **** is that!?” Duke Cameron was stunned when he saw the amazing scene in the command tower. “Do we have such a high-performance iron cavalry in our knights? This speed and powerful firepower——“

“No, just cancel the protective shield to increase the speed output.” A voice sounded behind But the powerful firepower is——? “

“No firepower. That guy—he just bounced all the enemy bullets back with his lightsaber.”

“What a crazy guy.”

Duke Cameron only realized who the voice was at this time, and he immediately stood up and saluted: “The Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens!”

“I’ve already been told to be the [Captain].” The Celestial Knight said displeasedly. “Deputy commander, follow the signal of that cavalry, I want to know which team this crazy guy belongs to.”

“That——is the landline belonging to the twenty-sixth squad…Bronze Knight, Viscount Leon Dickens?”

“Richard? Haha, don’t be joking.” Celestial Knight Leon Dickens laughed, “That kid is most afraid of death, how could he do such a lifeless act. Who the **** is there? In order to get rid of Richard’s iron cavalry and run desperately to the deepest part of the war zone? It’s so interesting.——Prepare for my battle.”

“Are you going? Or is it better to wait for the alcohol to dissipate?” The deputy commander waved his hand to drive away the alcohol and asked in disgust.

“These Viking pirates have been running rampant for too long. It’s time for them to be honest.” The Grand Duke of Leon Dickens threw the wine bottle and saw the knight beside him clumsily caught it. Laughing: “It will be a good sober exercise.”

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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