Light Spirit Epic Chapter 394: A war against the devil (3)


Chapter 394: Rebellion in the Demon Realm (3)

Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! ! ! ! The whole institute was shaking constantly!

“Damn ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!” Leonard was in the Warg Golem, watching himself be engulfed by the light!

The strong light also made Bedivere unable to open his eyes. He closed his eyes and prayed in his heart that Merlin’s shield was really useful and could save everyone’s life!

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds. The vibration ended, and the light gradually weakened.

Bedivere opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

He was surprised to see the photon bomb blasting a huge crater around him, at least a hundred feet deep! The entire institute was destroyed and completely turned into ashes!

He looked again, and the white bears under the transparent floor were safe and sound! The piece of floor that Bei Di and the others were standing on was just a small piece that protruded from the deep pit that was blasted out, like an island standing in the vast sea!

He looked again, Merlin on the side had used such a powerful magic, he had already exhausted his strength and turned into petrification! It will take half a day for him to recover!

He looked even more astonished, hugging Merlin’s side, it was the tiger boy Albert!

“Al?!!” Bedivere couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Beddie…” The tiger man boy wasn’t knocked out by Tristan just now! He was just pretending to faint, and when Merlin teleported back again, he rushed towards the mage, clinging to the mage! The mage has already started teleporting, but in desperation, he brought the stubborn big cat again!

“Do you really hate humans that much?!” Bedivere said incredulously.

The Grand Duke Hall sat down next to him, took back his right leg, and used magic treatment, “Don’t you want to let humans give alms? A boy with a backbone.”

“Grand Duke! Don’t you speak for him!?”

“Beddie, sorry…if you can’t do it, you just can’t do it.” Albert sat weakly on the ground.

“You lunatic!” Bedivere had no choice but to sit beside Al, “Let me see your injury. What have the foxes done to your body?”

The tiger boy just turned his head and was about to say something to his friend. A frantic laugh interrupted him.

“Ahahahahahaha!” Patriarch Leonard was very proud. His wolf golem spreads its wings, shoots photons from between the wings, and rises at the bottom of the blasted pit.

The Warg Golem is nearly intact, with only a few scratches. Its protective shield is so powerful that it can resist the big explosion of the research institute!

“See!? This is the power excavated from the ruins of the ancients! With this power, more than a human being? I can even conquer the world!!”

“Conquer the world?!” Bedivere frowned. Leonard’s fox tail was exposed.

“You didn’t intend to help the orcs win the war, did you!?” Bedivere scolded, “You enslaved the werewolves, kept the white bears in captivity, invaded the territory of the elephant people, and captured young people from the leopards and tigers. People, so that you can create your own army.

You’re doing all this **** to conquer the world, right? ! “

“Hahahahaha! Don’t talk nonsense!” Leonard laughed even more proudly. He didn’t take Bedivere and others into his eyes at all. Now he has absolute power and wants to kill Bedivere and others. Silence is easy!

“Seeing that you are about to die, I will tell you mercifully! Conquering the world? That is just the first step in my plan! When I have conquered and raised all the humans and orcs, and have assembled enough troops, Just open the wall of the world and conquer the dark continent on the other side of the world!

What is a dark spirit? ! I already knew how to control Anko, and Pandora’s plan was successfully completed. I can even use [Boundless Darkness] with ease! With that power, it is more than conquering this planet. I can conquer even the universe and even gods one by one! ! “

Bedivere looked coldly at the fox. Leonard was crazy, totally crazy. Does the arrogant fox really think that he can control Anzi?

“I can’t pretend I haven’t heard what you just said.” A voice said.

“Who?” Leonard looked up in surprise.

Tut, the patriarch of the elephants, led dozens of elephants and slowly descended from the clouds in a giant warship.

That battleship was completely different from any human battleship that Bedivere had ever seen. It was an ark.

Wooden, three hundred feet long, huge ark.

The huge magic crystal (the original stone of the photon mirror) at the bottom of the ark emits an emerald green light. This light extends upward in the shape of a special lightning spell, wrapping the entire ark like a fork in a tree. In addition to generating anti-gravity to make the ark float in the air, the spell pattern should also have a strong protective effect on the wooden hull.

“Tutan, [Skidplatney’s Ark] is really in your hands!” Leonard said viciously.

“You also dug up the [Fenrir Golem]?” The Elephant Man sneered, crossed his arms, and stood majestically at the front of the ark, looking at the cunning fox with cold eyes: “Since we are each other It’s all hidden, even if it’s the end of the two!”

“Who killed you! I’m going to kill you all and take the Ark!” the fox roared, and he controlled the Warg Golem, emitting a powerful beam!

This is more powerful than the beam weapon used to deal with Bedivere and the others. It was not used before, it seems to be to avoid damaging the research institute!

The beam hit the ark, but was blocked by a strong shield! As a legacy left by the ancients, the ark also has a strong protective ability!

The Warg Golem spreads its wings, soars into mid-air, and suddenly accelerates, turning into a scarlet meteor and slamming into the ark!

Touch! ! ! The shield of the ark and the shield of the golem collide! The excess light of scarlet and emerald burst everywhere, illuminating the sky!

Touch, touch touch! ! The Warg Golems were running around, knocking on the shield of the ark, and shooting with beam cannons!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! ! The ark also has numerous turrets, and the beams emitted by them are streaked in the air, forming a magnificent green light network.

Both sides have powerful attack Both sides have powerful defense power, this kind of battle can only go on forever!

The cunning fox will not let the battle drag on, he has already thought of a way. The sprinting golem dodged the ark’s artillery fire, instantly got to the bow of the ship, and slammed into Tut who was standing on the bow! Of course, blocked by the shield of the Ark. The strong protective shields of both sides are rejecting the other side, so it is only futile to continue the confrontation!

However, Leonard sneered, because he knew that the outcome was already divided!

The two shields collided violently, creating a small gap at the colliding joint! This gap was enough to take Tutan’s life!

The Warg Golem opened its mouth, and an astonishing number of photons gathered in the mouth of the Golem, and aimed at Tut, the chief of elephants, and sprayed away!

The powerful beam cannon penetrated the protection of the ark, and the giant light was about to devour Tut!

But Tut was holding a long spear and threw it at the oncoming giant light! The spear was hidden in the beam, and Tutan’s figure was also hidden in the giant light!

A few seconds later, the giant light passed.

“Humph!” Tut dodged to the left the moment he was hit by the beam, his entire right body was burned black by the residual heat of the beam, and a large piece of flesh was missing from his right shoulder. Being so badly injured, he still smiles!

——Because he knows that the outcome is already divided!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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