Light Spirit Epic Chapter 390: Preparation for the dark night (4)


Chapter 390 Preparations for the Dark Night (4)

In the evening, the Elephant People held a small-scale ceremony to celebrate Albert’s coming of age, and welcomed the tiger boy, who had just turned sixteen*, to join the Turkic people.

(*Note: Orcs are considered adults at the age of sixteen. Some clans with shorter lifespans will also advance this age of adulthood.)

Because the patriarch and most of the warriors were absent, the ceremony was relatively simple. After the elephant people finished dancing, the elder who presided over the ceremony said a few words in the Elephant language that Bedivere could not understand, and began to pick up the paint in his hand. , apply on the tiger’s face to complete the painting.

A large blue circle is drawn on Albert’s forehead, and his rite of passage is complete.

After that, the crowd began to form a circle and feast around the bonfire.

A large bowl of meat is placed in front of Bedivere.

“This…could it be…” Bedi looked at the bowl of meat with an ominous premonition.

“Yes, Hydra meat.” Albert looked delighted, sitting beside Bedivere, holding a large bowl of meat in one hand and a bottle of liquid in the other, “Eat Well, like people have processed this to remove the toxicity. The taste is ok.”

He grabbed a piece of snake meat and ate it with relish. “It tastes better with wine. Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are not an adult and can’t drink.”

The tiger gushed and ate and drank happily. Bedivere didn’t say anything, just lowered his head and ate the flesh of the Hydra. The meat was really delicious, and it was hard to imagine that it came from the body of that ferocious monster in the swamp.

The meat of Warcraft is delicious. It is estimated that it is because they are so powerful that they have almost no natural enemies, and the food they eat is also a creature that desperately survives in this harsh natural environment. Eating and being eaten, the flesh is refined to some extreme heights in this harsh nature.

The creatures that survived desperately in the Underdark are actually great and towering.

Beddy looked at the elephants in the square, of whom only Papho was known to him. This taciturn Elephant Man is not easy to talk to. Al, who was on the side, was also half-drunk, and began to talk nonsense, and those like people were talking a lot of language that Bedi didn’t understand.

The bored Bedivere looked at the night sky, which was still drizzled with drizzle, but there were dozens of light spots in the sky.

Getting closer?

That’s not a star. what is that?

“Ahahahaha, Bedi, why are you in a daze alone? Come, come and drink more!” Albert, who was drunk, hugged the werewolf boy, and he was no longer in the dark. I remember that Brady wasn’t an adult yet. He held Brady’s face and poured the fruit wine in his hand directly into Bedivere’s mouth!

“Stop! Hey!——” Bedi still wanted to resist, but he choked when he opened his mouth, and when he tried to speak again, he couldn’t help taking a sip of wine down his stomach.

Now, the problem is serious. The werewolf boy, who had never drunk alcohol in his life, only felt that the spirits started to explode in his throat, making him spin.

“Ugh!…” Before he could resist, he was drunk by Albert.

It was the early morning of the next day when Bedivere woke up again.

He is surprised to find himself in a cage.

The hangover gave him a splitting headache, and he thought he was seeing a vision.

However, all of this is an unavoidable truth.

A fox-man stands in front of Bedivere, triumphant. Of course, Bedi knew this guy. He was Leonard, the patriarch of the fox people.

But the werewolf boy didn’t have time to take care of the fox. He looked around, looking for the figure of the tiger man boy.

“Don’t look for it, the white tiger has already been sent to the research room for surgery. When you escaped, his surgery was only halfway done, let’s continue with the other half! “

Bedivere’s eyes widened and he looked at the fox patriarch with fierce eyes: “What did you do to the people?! What did you do to El?!”

“How dare I attack people, they are my most loyal allies!” Patriarch Reynard sneered, his fox’s mouth turned up comically in the process of laughing, “I’m just taking advantage of them to drink too much. I just came to get my [property] when I was drunk and slept. It’s no big deal.”

Bediver felt a pang of nausea: “Who’s your property! Damn bastards! We’re-“

“Hehe!” The fox man opened a document. A contract was printed on the thin document, clearly stating:

“I hereby acknowledge the transfer of Albert Roble to the director of the Third Research Institute of the Fox People, Chief Renard.

Assignee Gilbert Roble. “

The lower right corner of the document also clearly bears the signature of Patriarch Roble.

Bedivere is speechless. Patriarch Roble did indeed [sell] his son Albert to the foxes. This document has legal force, and even if people come to look for it, it is estimated that they will not be able to beat the cunning Leonard.

Bedivere immediately put down his momentum and asked in a low voice: “What are you doing to Al? Why do you have to do this to him?”

“Why? Hahaha, don’t look at me like this, I’m a good man! He was originally a useless trash, but after my transformation, he can also become an excellent fighter now!

——You should have seen it, the little brat who can’t do anything at first, after transformation, he can activate wild beast at will! “

Sure enough, it’s not accidental that Albert was able to use mad The fox people must have buried something in the tiger man boy’s body to force him to become a warrior.

“If the experiment is successful, we orcs will have the absolute power to crush everything. Humans don’t have to be afraid at all! Understand?” Leonard grinned, and his madness made Bedivere worried for a while.

“The only side effect is that these guys are all consumables. After three transformations, their whole body will collapse and die. But well, three times is enough. There are not many people who can come back alive from the last three battles!”

The werewolf boy sucked in a breath of cold air and was speechless. He could only stare blankly at the fox patriarch leaving.

“Oh, by the way, your disposal will start soon. You are really an interesting sample, I will not use your body to modify it, it would be too wasteful. —— I still dissect you, so that you only have one head left, and take the other parts to study! Hahahaha!——“

The fox laughed wildly, left Bedivere behind, and went out on his own.

“Al…” Bedivere sighed, he finally saw that Albert was able to capture such a little happiness, but now he saw that Al’s happiness would depend on him slipped between his fingers.

My heart hurts. The misfortune of a friend is the misfortune of Bedivere, and the sorrow of a friend is the sorrow of Bedivere.

—–What can he do for his friends?

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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