Light Spirit Epic Chapter 376: The Holy Spirit (1)


Chapter 376: The Holy Spirit (1)

“Wow, what did you and dad talk about for so long?” Albert waited in the room, wearing only a pair of shorts.

“You didn’t go to the hot springs, and you started to run naked…?” Bedi stared at his little friend in astonishment.

“It’s raining heavily outside, do you want me to get dressed, meow?” Little White Tiger said a bunch of delusions for granted. If this guy knew Tristan, they would definitely make a pair.

“Beddy, you’re naked too! Let’s run naked in the rain together, ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

“I’ll take an umbrella, thank you.” Brady looked around for an umbrella.

Of course, no.

How come. The family of Patriarch Roble is not poor and white, but Roble is very strict (indifferent) towards Albert, and basically does not leave too many living materials for the tiger boy.

It’s not that he’s poor, but that El is dizzy when he sees blood, so he can’t be a good fighter at all.

Such waste materials, if they can’t find a way to show their worth after the rite of passage, they will die miserably.

Isn’t it necessary to love a son who is going to die soon?

Thinking of this, Bedivere couldn’t help but feel sad. —— This is the same as his family’s practice of doting on the eldest son and ignoring the younger son. Even now, with Robert long gone, it still cannot reverse Albert’s despised situation.

Why is this guy able to smile so innocently, as if he has never been dissatisfied with his unfair fate?

At least for now, go crazy with this kid. No matter what the future holds, now, in this moment, let’s create happy memories together.

With mixed feelings, Bedivere also took off a pair of pants, put on a happy smile, and rushed out of the house with Albert. The two teenagers were running wild in the torrential rain, treating the rain as a kind of fun.

A black figure came quietly, closely following the two of them.

At noon the next day.

“Are you really okay?” Greenville asked worriedly.

“How long will the painkillers you inject me last?” Arthur asked casually.

“…Two hours. However, your body has developed resistance to the medicine, and if it goes on like this——“

“That’s no problem.” Arthur ignored Greenville’s advice and reached out to touch the tombstone.

The Holy Spirit. Throne of Temperance is a giant flower bud.

Fifty feet tall, its white buds are closed, and its gray-white thorns stretch out across the ground for a full hundred feet.

Arthur narrowed his eyes at the Holy Spirit. Simply put, as long as you don’t approach it, you won’t be attacked.

It’s really that simple.

Arthur raised the King’s Sword in disbelief. Three hundred feet long, the giant golden lightsaber blade takes shape in a second. He swung his sword towards the center of the flower bud, thinking that this would solve the battle.

Of course, it is impossible.

The buds opened the moment they were hit.

Among the pure white roses, there is a pure white one with only the upper body of a female body, but her lower body is attached to the stamen. This is the true form of the seat of asceticism.

She instantly raised the two swords in her hand and blocked Arthur’s huge light blade. The light blade in her hand was sprayed directly from a protruding bracket in her arm, and from this light, Arthur could understand that this woman was really not human.

I’m afraid it turned out to be a female Knight of the Round Table. Having lost her humanity and fully transformed into the eternal Holy Spirit, she still wants to maintain a part of her female body. Moreover, the beautiful and elegant figure remains.

This is an incomparable obsession with beauty.

Assault on such a beautiful Holy Spirit made Arthur feel sympathetic. But that’s not human after all. The seat of abstinence smiled at Arthur, and on the woman’s fair face, those emerald green eyes were staring at Arthur.

That smile seemed to mock Arthur. Arthur was instantly enraged.

He charged with his sword.

Then, the thorns flying in the sky. They swept, slashed, penetrated, coiled, and attacked Arthur by all means of attack!

More than 3,000 tentacles attacked Arthur, each of which is extremely flexible, each is as dexterous as a butterfly, and each has a sharp steel thorn that is indestructible!

If you are scratched by these tentacles, your skin will be ripped apart and your flesh will be blurred! Being caught by these tentacles is bound to be like being stuck in a meat blender, instantly being whipped into minced meat by sharp steel thorns!

Arthur is carefully dodging in the tentacles flying all over the sky, surviving in the cracks!

——“Coordination? Is that also a law?” Last night, Arthur muttered in confusion just after listening to King Oser’s explanation.

“Don’t underestimate this [coordination].” King Oser’s spirituality said, “Humans have a limit in their response, and it is already very good to control two weapons to attack at the same time… What kind of ability is that? ?”

“Skillful hands.” Arthur replied immediately. He knows that the only person who can bring out the combat skills of [Double Hands] to the extreme is Sword Saint Lancelot.

The guy can attack with two swords smoothly like water, with no flaws in the movements of his hands, and the perfectly coordinated two swords are both offensive and defensive, and can deal with any situation.

“Then, think of the [Seat of Asceticism] as [Three Thousand Skillful Hands].” King Oser replied, and this strange statement may not be without Greenville’s clever translation.

Arthur rolled his eyes at the girl, then turned to look at King Oser: “Even so, using the mind-eye technique can also sense and evade one by one…”

“You can’t dodge.” King Oser said disdainfully, “How do you dodge the tentacles attacking from 360 degrees from your body? Able to stretch. They are incredibly flexible, extremely flexible, and can dance to the will of the Ascetic Seat, attacking you from any angle.

Even if you can dodge the first wave, there are second, third, fourth… countless waves. Until it forces you into a designed dead end, there is no way to avoid it, there is nowhere to escape! “

——That’s right. Countless tentacles attacked Arthur. Their trajectories gradually became organized induced Arthur’s movement.

Until, lure Arthur into a dead end!

Three hundred tentacles coiled horizontally, limiting Arthur’s retreat. Three hundred more tentacles rolled up into **** and began to wrap Arthur in them. Three hundred more tentacles pierced through the gap between the thorn balls, forcing Arthur to run around in this small space! At the same time, the ball of thorns is constantly narrowing, and it begins to besiege Arthur!

Pop sand! ! Just as Arthur was exhausted, countless spikes pierced from the ground! Arthur barely avoided a rollover, but he still suffered a little scratch on his arm!

That’s right, the steel-sharp tentacles are so easy to dig through the ground! Hidden underground, a sudden attack is almost inevitable!

More than 3,000 tentacles are squirming frantically, and the chaos of their information has already made Arthur’s mind-eye technique no longer brave!

More tentacles penetrated into the thorn ball from every angle, and the thorn ball shrank smaller and smaller, reducing Arthur’s movement space to dozens of feet. Arthur has no room to escape, no matter how agile his skills are, he will inevitably fall into an embarrassing situation where he has nowhere to escape!

If he doesn’t do anything, he will be caught in this ever-shrinking space and hanged!

Touch! Seeing that Arthur had no way out, the seat of asceticism immediately narrowed the encirclement! The ball of thorns that shrank in an instant, wrapped Arthur who was imprisoned in it, and crushed it!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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