Light Spirit Epic Chapter 366: The first battle against the Holy Spirit (1)


Chapter 366 The first battle against the Holy Spirit (1)

At the same time, Avalon Pure Land.

Arthur looked at the tombstone beside him, which had a series of names engraved on it: Knights of the Round Table Alcatel Ferrer. Capa Xuan. Leon Dickens Buried here.

Another Leon Dickens. Arthur looked at Greenville Leon Dickens, Greenville also shrugged and gave Arthur a helpless smile.

“The Knight of the Round Table, Leon Dickens, was one of the knights who initially became the Eternal Holy Spirit.” King Oser’s spirituality said, “At that time, the technology was not mature, and their spirituality soon lost people. Their consciousness has become the pure and eternal Holy Spirit. Their power is thus greatly limited.”

In short, this impure Holy Spirit is relatively weak.

“A good opponent for practice.” Arthur muttered to himself.

“Even so, he’s still very strong. Be careful when facing him.” King Other said, waving his hand, motioning Arthur to touch the tombstone.

Indeed, let’s start with Leon Dickens, Knight of the Round Table. If there is no way to deal with such incomplete eternal beings, it is even more impossible to win against those perfect Holy Spirits.

Arthur reaches out and touches the tombstone with trepidation.

With the weightlessness, the scene in front of him changed rapidly, and soon came to a white subspace.

A pure white gryphon appears in front of Arthur. The Leon Dickens family is really related to the Griffin. Even if they became the ancestors of the Holy Spirit, did they choose to become the form of the Griffin?

“Hush!——” The griffin hissed upwards, flapping its wings and rising into the air. After the thirty-foot-long Griffin took off, it looked even taller and more powerful.

Arthur drew his King’s Sword, “Come, ancestor of the Duke of Leon Dickens,”

He pointed at the Holy Spirit with his sword and spread the wings of a dragon on his back: “You will pay for the duel your descendants owe me!”

The white gryphon yelped, unfolded a shield, and rammed into Arthur. That shield, surrounded by a rainbow-colored excess of light, was very, very tricky.

Arthur estimates that the shield is similar to the [Seven Heavens] principle used by the previous platinum griffin, Patrick – that is to use the photon vacuum area between the double shields to deflect Fold all attacks.

The only difference is that this Holy Spirit Griffon can move at high speed while activating [Seventh Heaven]!

All normal tactics have no effect on it. All the means of attack have no way to take it.

According to King Orser, the Holy Spirit is like that. They are no longer living creatures, but infinitely close to divine beings. Such a monster has one or two abilities like cheating against the sky, which is not surprising at all!

The only way to restraint, as expected, is that!

Arthur’s left hand grabbed his [King’s Sheath] tightly, concentrated and activated the ability of the [King’s Sword] stored in the scabbard!

Ten hours ago.

“Seal of the Holy Spirit?”

“That’s right.” King Oser said while biting his chicken thigh, “[The king] wants to tame the four holy spirits in this pure land, in addition to relying on the king’s own holy spirit to fight against it, there are still others left. This is one way.

——If you can’t summon the Holy Spirit, you can only take this path. “

“What should I do?” Arthur was drinking wild vegetable porridge, which was bland and tasteless, neither unpalatable nor delicious.

“It’s simple. Let the King’s Sword [explode].” King Oser said.

Another sentence that he didn’t understand. Arthur quickly turned his head to ask Greenville for help, but the girl kept shaking her head, indicating that she had not made a mistake in the translation.

That was a [explosion] indeed. Let the king’s sword overtake, let a large number of photons pouring out of the other world unshackle, and release it into this world in an instant.

What originally bound the golden light blade was a [photon vacuum region] extending from Arthur’s physique.

Once the vacuum area that binds the photons is released, the golden light blade that originally formed the King’s Sword will instantly disintegrate, and those golden photons will be ejected like a torrent.

Touch! ! ——The golden light exploded in front of Arthur, and the huge golden light surrounded Arthur and the Holy Spirit Griffin at the same time!

Dazed by this powerful light, the Holy Spirit temporarily lost its power. The photons coming from another world impact the [laws] of this world, and can temporarily invalidate all the laws of this world.

The Holy Spirit is indeed powerful enough to customize the laws of the world and develop various abilities against the sky. However, as long as the [law] is nullified at the same time!

Yes, this is the scabbard of the king (sword) specially used to deal with the hidden power of the Holy Spirit.

Use the [law] of another world to impact the [law] of this world, and the photon explosion that can instantly invalidate all the [law] in this world——[Law Breaker] (Rule Canceller).

It can not only impact the heaven-defying laws of the Holy Spirits, but also instantly cancel all magic in the world! (But it only has a cancellation effect in the middle of the magic activation. The magic that has been activated, such as the fired fireball, has become a phenomenon and cannot be canceled.)

When used well, it can even completely restrain the magicians in the world, making them unable to perform any magic!

The golden light flashed, and Arthur saw that the [Seventh Heaven] shield on the Holy Spirit Griffin had disappeared without a trace. He was very happy, and immediately rushed up to give the Holy Spirit Griffin a sword!

Chong! ——The sword was still deflected, and Zhi lightly shaved off a little feather from the griffin’s wings. The Holy Spirit Griffon is not stupid either, it knows that its [law] has been invalidated, so it immediately recreates a new [law] to remedy it.

“Tsk!” Arthur flew out dozens of yards, and then opened a little distance before saying, “Sure enough, it is impossible to do it without grasping the timing.”

The Holy Griffin also flinched. It learned the power of the King’s Sheath in Arthur’s hand, and was instinctively afraid, and did not dare to make another move.

It spreads its wings and fires a myriad of feathered arrows. This is the same as the feather arrow of the platinum griffin that Arthur fought against before. It can track the target under the precise control of the griffin, and a big explosion will occur after hitting it!

“Very good!” Arthur clenched the sword of the Holy King in one hand and the scabbard with the other, “Let’s have a good fight!”

Countless arrows of light flew towards Arthur, Arthur flapped his wings and hovered in the air, sometimes flipping, sometimes leaning back, sometimes swinging his sword to block, sometimes one stepped on and quickly fled, those feathered arrows flying all over the sky No one could catch up with him, and they all exploded behind Arthur!

However, the Holy Spirit Griffin is tireless, it has infinite power and energy, and constantly launches more arrows to shoot at Arthur! The dense arrows surrounded Arthur, and this density made Arthur nowhere to escape! The feather arrows were about to hit the explosion together, frying Arthur into meat sauce, but Arthur launched [Spellbreaker] again at a critical moment!

The golden light flashed, and all the arrows flew out of control, colliding with each other and exploding together. The explosions began to rise and fall, and the Holy Griffin lost Arthur’s trace!

“Looking for me? On your head!” Arthur’s voice called.

Griffin looked up and saw Arthur swing his sword down!

It unfolds [Seventh Heaven] with all its might, hoping to block this blow!

Too late! Or rather, it’s too early! Once again, the golden light flashed, and the [Spellbreaker] canceled the [Seventh Heaven] shield of the Griffin! Before the next shield took shape, Arthur had seized the opportunity and slashed hard, splitting the Holy Griffin in half!

“Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo out out out there” echoed in the infinitely extending world of the warp. The eternal Holy Spirit turned into white light, wrapped around Arthur’s side, and finally condensed on the sheath of the king, which was completely absorbed by the sheath.

The scenery around Arthur also changed quickly, and he immediately returned to Avalon’s cemetery.

When King Oser saw Arthur’s safe, he immediately smiled at him: “Congratulations, you have tamed the eternal Holy Spirit of the Knights of the Round Table Leon Dickens!”

“Did he… just die?” Arthur swallowed. He seems to have done a very bad thing. Isn’t this killing God? !

“Death? No, don’t worry. The Holy Spirit is just a mind, there is no absolute death for them. You just let it taste the taste of being killed in the process of defeating it, watching it to you I have surrendered, and I am willing to serve you.”

Arthur felt an indescribable stickiness in his throat. Let God surrender to himself. It was a beautiful thing he had never thought of. Although this is but an incomplete “little god”.

“However, this is a very easy to deal with the Holy Spirit, after all, it is not a perfect body.” King Oser also did not forget to pour cold water on Arthur, “Those powerful Holy Spirits are not so easy to yield to you.

You have to kill them several times, even hundreds of times. You can’t really kill them, all you can do is weaken their will. “

It sounds like a lot of trouble. Arthur sighed deeply: “How many Holy Spirits do I have to deal with?”

“This time it doesn’t count, the Knight of the Round Table Leon Dickens is too weak.” King Oser laughed mischievously, and Greenville laughed mischievously, and translated mischievously: “Work hard, boy! You have to tame the five eternal spirits!”

Arthur nearly fainted from vomiting blood.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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