Light Spirit Epic Chapter 359: Traveling in the dark (3)


Chapter 359 Travel in the dark (3)

“I… I see myself?” said Greenville in surprise. She stared at the white self in front of her, dumbfounded.

“Thank you for your hard work, miss. You can go back first.” King Oser said to Greenville spiritually.

The white Greenville nodded to the crowd and disappeared immediately. The white light surrounded Greenville again, and finally merged into the girl’s body.

“You now understand what [spiritual] is?” King Oser laughed.

Arthur vaguely understood. This pure white King Oser is not the deity of King Oser, but a part of King Arthur. Using this special device (altar), an independent personality was stripped from King Oser’s body.

Spirituality should be a thought body composed of photons.

The sophistication of ancient people’s science and technology can actually strip off the soul and create a missing body (spirit body), which is really amazing.

“To be honest, King Oser’s deity is not a good person.” King Oser’s spiritual commentary said, “He is cruel and ruthless. In order to fight against the darkness, he can sacrifice countless subordinates. But that cruel era was We need such a man of iron and blood.”

He commented on his deity as if he was commenting on others, and he made no secret of his deity’s shortcomings. This surprised Arthur.

“Spirituality can be said to be a product of a person’s virtues,” King Other’s spiritual way, “so, even if Other has been dead for thousands of years, it has nothing to do with me. I can always stay here, wait and see. Guide the next [King] to gain the power he uses to fight the [Darkness].”

Arthur instantly thinks of Merlin as [Light Spirit]. Merlin himself said that he is a living body composed of photons. So, is he a kind of existence close to [spiritual]?

In other words, Merlin, the light spirit, is a more complete existence than spirituality. Spirituality is only a half-god, while Light Spirit is a complete **** with a complete personality (including his rhetorical rudeness).

“Now, do you understand?” King Oser continued, “The round table system is a system for creating spirituality, it can extract and sublime [spiritual] from anyone’s body. The refined spirituality is re-embodied. The demigod form that comes out is called the [Eternal Holy Spirit].

——If used reasonably, [Eternal Holy Spirit] is the most powerful combat force in the world, capable of sweeping away thousands of troops.

——This is our last resort against the [Boundless Darkness]. “

Arthur is still puzzled: is it just a spirituality, does it have such great power?

King Oser’s spirituality also saw through the young knight. He walked to a tombstone and said, “Come on, I will show you directly.”

“Uh, what?” Arthur was still wondering, King Oser’s spirituality had already reached out to touch the tombstone, and when his hand touched the tombstone, he disappeared.

“It should be some kind of teleportation system. You’d better follow along and have a look.” Greenville reminded with her arms crossed. She seemed unwilling to follow. God knows what terrifying things are on the other end of the teleporter.

Arthur walked over helplessly and looked at the “tombstone”. It is engraved with the name of Orser D. Pantoracken, and this is the place where King Orser rests.

He learned the spirituality of King Oser and stepped forward to touch the tombstone. The moment the knight’s hand touched the tombstone, he only felt weightlessness all over his body.

He came to a huge arena. The stone floor is engraved with runes of resistance and self-healing, as if to keep the battlefield intact.

This is somewhat similar to the Colosseum in Rome: Even if the arena is severely damaged, the administrators can restore it to its original state in a short period of time.

The battlefield seems to be floating high in the sky. Arthur couldn’t see the boundaries of the battlefield, only that it was enormous. Surrounded by a clear blue sky, not a single cloud. This terribly clean world is simply a time and space that exists only for combat.

This may just be a special warp.

Arthur looked at the spirit of King Orser about ten yards away in front of him. The tall man shouted from a distance: “Young man, get ready! Although my attack is serious, it is very dangerous! Don’t lose your life!”

Arthur draws his sword. He didn’t have to fully understand the ancient Kelton language spoken by King Orser to know what it meant.

King Oser is saying that he can’t even fully control the weight of his strike, so Arthur should pay attention to dodge and don’t lose his life!

King Other’s spirituality instantly transformed into a giant silver dragon hundreds of feet tall!

The dragon looks very similar to the Iron God Dragon that Arthur saw in the warrior’s tomb! The only difference is that the dragon golem in the warrior’s grave is a machine and can be controlled by humans;

Now, in front of Arthur is the spirituality of King Oser. He has his own consciousness. As an enemy, he will not stop until the last moment if he does not fight!

This thing is the so-called [Eternal Holy Spirit]! A powerful monster embodied by spirituality—

No! To use [monster] to describe, I am afraid to blaspheme [eternal Holy Spirit] is holy. This is [God] embodied by spirituality!

King Other’s Holy Spirit roared and attacked Arthur! Arthur was not to be outdone, he raised the sword of the holy king and sprinted with extreme speed!

He dodged the dragon’s fireball with a right dodge, avoided the dragon’s tail sweep with a jump, and swayed back from the scratch of the dragon’s right claw!

When the giant dragon was about to stretch out its left claw and grab it to end Arthur, who had not yet landed in the sky, Arthur had already spread his wings and slammed his wings into the air! The dragon has caught the air again! Arthur has raised the sword of the Holy King high, and a large number of photons overflowing from the sword formed a huge golden light blade of 100 feet. With the high-speed rotation of Arthur’s whole body, he slashed down, and he was about to split the dragon holy spirit in half!

“Hahahaha!” The Holy Spirit raised his arm high, with amazing photons gathered in his claws, instantly pushing away Arthur’s blade of light!

“Hoo!” The dragon spit out powerful plasma flames! This is very similar to the plasma flame of the evil star. Arthur saw the white flame and knew its danger, so he had to flap his wings and dodge with a rollover! He didn’t dodge completely, and one of the wings had been burned to ashes! Before he had time to regenerate his wings, the giant dragon had already rushed up, and his claws were clawing wildly, as if to tear Arthur to pieces!

Arthur had to turn the light blade of the King’s Sword into ten feet long, and danced at high speed, fighting the dragon to the death!

Bump bump bump bump! The sword and the claw collided instantly, making a low and muffled sound! Arthur thought he was wielding his sword as fast as the speed of sound, but the opponent was able to catch up with this speed! Moreover, he was still dragging that huge body, waving his claws at a speed close to the speed of sound!

Powerful! Too strong! The current Arthur simply cannot fight against the gods as high as this mountain, fast as lightning, and hard as steel!

While Arthur was still hesitating, the giant dragon slapped Arthur with a single paw, and Arthur lost his defense, and then swept his tail over!

Although Arthur could raise his sword to block, the opponent was a blow that gathered the strength of his giant body! Strange to stop it!

During Arthur’s tail sweep, he flew out hundreds of yards and kept rolling after landing!

“Ooooooooooo!” Arthur raised the sword of the Holy King and thrust it into the ground! The sword dragged a long gap on the stone bricks on the floor. After this sudden braking, Arthur finally stopped sliding!

“Wow, that’s great!” Arthur stood up and looked at the dragon, the Holy Spirit, in the distance again. That guy really has boundless power, and it is likely to be stronger than the Iron God Dragon last time.

The round table system can create such a powerful eternal holy spirit, which should be enough to deal with dark child creatures(?). The remaining question is quantity and quality——

When the Holy Spirit saw that Arthur had, he stopped showing his teeth and claws and turned back into a human form. King Oser’s spirituality slowly walked over, “How about you, do you still want to learn from each other?”

Arthur doesn’t have to answer at all. He couldn’t beat a Holy Spirit like King Oser at all. King Oser is probably also a great warrior in human form. After becoming the eternal Holy Spirit, his power has been magnified thousands of times, and his speed has not fallen at all. This is so powerful that it has broken the laws of physics!

The Eternal Holy Spirit is an existence close to the gods. They can interfere with the laws of the world with their own [laws] and break the laws of the world within a certain range. Therefore, they can be powerful against the sky.

“Very well, I know how strong [Eternal Holy Spirit] is.” Arthur took back the sword of the Holy King, “I just want to know, how many Eternal Holy Spirits can be produced by the round table system? Such a powerful existence, the number I’m afraid there is a limit?”

Three hundred people. No, maybe a hundred people would be enough. It should not be a dream to have one hundred such [Eternal Holy Spirits] to fight against the army of three billion in the Dark Continent.

Although he did not understand modern English well, King Oser’s spirituality, with its own intelligence, understood Arthur’s question about the number of the Holy Spirit.

“Twenty-five.” He gestured with a raised finger. “Including the king, a total of twenty-five people.”

Arthur fell into despair after hearing King Other’s words.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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