Light Spirit Epic Chapter 357: Traveling in the dark (1)


Chapter 357 Travel in the dark (1)


The iron cavalry carried the werewolf boy to the eastern border of Rome.

“It’s delivered here. Be careful yourself,” said Justinian.

“Thank you, Lord Justinian, and Lancelot.” Bedivere looked at Justinian, then at Lancelot.

“It’s not Lancelot, it’s Knight X.” Lancelot fiddled with his mask subconsciously.

“…Is this thing really unrecognizable?” Bedivere looked at the sapphire ring on his right index finger. The silver ring has countless tiny pits and grooves. At first glance, it is a very simple handicraft, but upon closer inspection, it is extremely fine.

“It was prepared by Master Merlin. It has already used a special structure to hide the lines of magic, and even checking the magic can’t find it.” Lian Yin said, “and it only responds to your brain waves, Only you can open it.”

Beddie taps the sapphire. The sapphire began to glow, opening a small portal to the warp. The werewolf boy stretched out his hand and groped for a while. In that small warp, an ancient wooden bow—Bedivere’s magic bow [Nal’s Fire] could just be hidden.

“Okay.” Brady tapped the sapphire on the ring again and put away the entrance to the Warp, “I’ll take good care of it.”

“Bedivere, pay attention to safety.” Lotus said mechanically. She was obviously worried, but she still couldn’t express her mood well.

“Got it. I’ll go.” The werewolf boy returned an affectionate gaze to the girl, then turned around and stepped into the Underdark.

The dark realm in front of him was incomparably desolate and desolate. Approaching Rome, the territory of the Fierce Fangs (Kigans), least affected by the shadow of the Wall of the World, is still dark.

Affected by the high wall far to the east, the “sunrise” time in spring and autumn in this area is around 9:00 a.m., about three hours of sunshine a day, and in winter, the situation is even worse . The surface eroded by the wind and frost has opened up cracks.

That’s pretty good. Bedivere has seen real hell. He once lived in the territory of the Esquimer (werewolves), and there was only six hours of sunshine a day on average, and the rest of the time was spent in cold and darkness.

This is the Underdark. A harsh and desolate world, a world where only the orcs can barely survive. Bediveville, who was accustomed to a comfortable life in the Territory of Radiance, suddenly remembered the hard days of his childhood.

A few hours later, the village of the Fierce Fang, the home of the Roble Patriarch.

“What? Caught the silver wolf Belveref?” His golden eyes were particularly conspicuous against the dark gray and black hair. “Why? Are humans idiots? They actually sent Bevelf over on their own initiative? Is the fighting in the northwest still going on?”

“Lord Patriarch,” said the tiger soldier who sent the order, “the foxes have checked and there are no key fragments on the silver wolf.”

“Well, of course.” Roble rubbed his chin and thought for a while, “Humans wouldn’t be stupid enough to take the initiative to send us the last key fragments——“

“That, the patriarch?” The messenger said, “Silver Wolf said he wanted to see the patriarch. Do you want permission?”

Roble narrowed his eyes, puzzled. What the **** is this Silver Wolf Bevelf thinking? On the eve of the death-and-death battle between the Huns and humans, he actually ran into the enemy’s base camp. Is he an idiot?

However, the Fierce Fangs, who advocate etiquette, will not just refuse the visitor’s request.

“Okay, let him come.” Roble was also full of curiosity about what Bevelf had planned.

Ten minutes later, the werewolf boy was tied with his hands behind his back, disarmed, and walked into the living room accompanied by two tiger guards.

Roble fiddled with the coals in the circular stove in the center of the living room with an iron rod, and looked at the silver wolf Bevelf in the faint flame.

The werewolf boy was wearing no armor, just a plain grey cotton top and black cotton pants. His only “arm”, a small photon dagger, has been taken.

The cloak he originally owned was also taken away because he had detected a magical reaction, just in case.

This so-called Silver Wolf Bevelf now looks like an ordinary folk boy from the human world. He is not as evil as rumored.

“Hehe, isn’t this the silver wolf Belveref?” Roble gestured to the guards beside him, telling them to retreat, “What’s the matter, come to the Underdark at this time, do you want to take the initiative to surrender? “

“Please call me Bedivere, Patriarch Roble.” Beddy said quietly.

“Bedivere?” The black tiger man was displeased, and the white tiger stripes on his forehead twisted into a W shape while frowning, “That’s the name of a human. You boy, you live in a human world. It’s been so long that they’ve been assimilated by humans?”

“That’s the name that my grandparents gave me. At that time, my people were dying and were living in a small village on the French border. It was these people who saved me and gave me the name.”

“So, you’ve been submissive to humans, serving the monkeys as their loyal dog. Good.” Roble sarcastically.

The werewolf boy shook his head: “Humans are not as bad as you think, patriarch. Humans also have many good people.”

“I’m not going to waste time arguing with you about this, boy.” Roble said disdainfully, “Boy, since you took the initiative to surrender, you should be ready to be tortured, right? I’ll save some time and ask you directly. All right: where is the last key fragment on the World Wall? Who did you give it to?”

Bediveville smiled: “Where you’ll never get it.”

“Stinky boy, don’t give me quizzes!” Roble grabbed Bedi’s shirt with one hand, and a tiger man about seven feet tall hoisted the short werewolf boy into the air: “You can answer directly. , you can also be tortured to death in the torture room and then answer, or you can even not answer——Fox people can squeeze the information out of your brain just like using brain probing way It’s easier, you choose!”

“You can torture me half to death, squeeze my brain again, and get the information in my brain.” The werewolf boy was calm, and he was hanged in the air without struggling at all. “But you will find that all this is true. in vain.

——I have given the key fragment to a powerful human mage, who is not anywhere in the world. If he really wants to hide the key fragments, you will never find them for the rest of your life. “

Roble stared at the big blue eyes of the werewolf boy. The eyes were clear and clear, without a trace of turbidity. The tiger clan leader was convinced that the other party’s words were true.

Orcs who can’t use magic always have a bit of awe and fear of magic. In their eyes, every human mage is a bomb ready to explode: short-lived and devastating, dangerous and unpredictable.

In order to prepare for the war, he, like many orcs, has thoroughly studied the cultural history of human beings, and the more they understand, the more wary they are of people like mages. He knows very well that if a high-level mage really wants to hide an item, he can seal it in the subspace, so that no one in the world can find it.

Finding the key fragments is probably more difficult than I imagined. Even if the human world is flattened, the fragments that cannot be found will still be found.

The war will be a futile farce.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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