Light Spirit Epic Chapter 348: Awakening to the Holy Spirit (middle)


Chapter 348 Awakening to the Holy Soul (Part 2)

Ten years ago. The woman brought the corpse of a teenager and came to Morgos.

“Please, save Arthur!” Iglyn cried and begged.

However, Morgoth did not agree. She saw through it at a glance, Arthur’s heart was pierced, and he had been dead all day.

——The dead can never be brought back to life. No one can come back from the dead.

Moreover, Morgoth has lost her love for her mother. All she had left for her mother was indifference.

She chose not to care, no matter what Iglyn pleaded.

Not only did the mother not avenge her father’s hatred, but she also betrayed her daughters and fell in love with the enemy, the Heavenly Knight Uther, and gave birth to the evil breed of Arthur.

Why do you want Mogos to love her again?

On what grounds are you only now having the guts to beg Mogos for help?

Morgoth had completely given up on Ygglyn. As Vivienne said, what Morgos has is just indifference.

She sees the world surrounded by pain and still smiles so coldly because she doesn’t care about the world anymore. She treats the world as a big joke.

She looked at the pleading, dull-looking Iglin and smiled.

She knew that Iglin’s death was not far away, and before Iglin died, she had to play a cruel trick on her.

Instead of saving the dead boy, she used magic to cut the boy into countless pieces, adding his genetic information to the androids she was studying.

——Create these false [Arthur].

Then, she gave Yglyn the only successful [research result] of them – Cyborg Nine.

Seeing her mother’s grateful and tearful face, Morgoth smiled maliciously.

Then, Iglin willingly went to the stake.

Commands placed within this [Arthur] are also triggered. All his feelings have been reformatted to nothing, and he should have died without support.

Morgoth originally intended to construct such a tragedy in which his wife and son were separated and the whole family died, in order to strike down the Heavenly Knight Uther. —— This is her revenge for Uther.

A childish, malicious, and purely joking joke.

She and Ben didn’t know that the Celestial Knight Uther no longer loved that [Arthur]. He abandoned that [Arthur] like garbage and left it to his lieutenant, Ser Arctor, to take care of him.

However, fate went round and round, and the waste boy who had no [soul] and no [heart] and was created by the witch’s mischief, once again, had his own will.

He also falsely believed that he could regain everything he had lost.

He also foolishly thought that as long as he could defeat [God], he would be happy.

A tear falls from Arthur’s face. He finally understood everything.

He is not [Arthur]. He is not even [human].

He’s just a little puppet. Driven by fate, it dances wildly and never stops for a moment. He thought he was laughing at the world, but he was actually being fooled by the world.

——He, not [lost everything], but [never had it all]!

At the same time as he learned the truth, Arthur’s [heart] was completely broken.

—— His [heart], lost the consciousness called [human], and returned to nothingness again.

He lived, but never really lived.

Everything, has become no longer important.

Since I don’t have it, I don’t care about losing it.

If you don’t live, you don’t care about death.

Lost the meaning of existence, living like a corpse.

To live, just to wait for every day of death.

——That is, how unbearable!

At the same time, outside the door, Bedivere, who just arrived, also witnessed all this.

He saw all the truth about Arthur while watching Arthur lose his [heart].

He looked at the tears of despair drawn from the corners of Arthur’s eyes, and at the fading light in Arthur’s eyes.

“Arthur!!!!!!” the werewolf boy yelled, naively thinking that calling this way would bring back Arthur’s consciousness.

“Number Nine, restart, enter [annihilation mode].” Morgoth sneered cruelly.

“Kill this furry child.” The demon girl calmly gave Arthur the cruelest instruction.

“Yes, Lord Morgos.” Arthur replied mechanically, and every word that came out of his mouth was cold and baseless.

He raised the Sword of the Holy King and walked towards Bedivere.

“Hey, hey, the slave family didn’t immediately dispose of this waste material android. It’s really lucky.” Mogos sneered, “Who would have thought that after so many disasters, he would actually grow into a What does it look like now?”

A little puppet created by Mogosi’s malicious intentions, struggling to survive in the torrent of fate, and finally became what it is now.

The one who defeated the four celestial knights of Pantoracken,

Became king of Pantoracken,

The one who defeated the undefeated swordmaster Lancelot,

Become the strongest swordsman on earth,

A mere puppet.

And now, this little puppet is about to take his holy king’s sword and kill Bedivere, the werewolf boy he once regarded as his own younger brother.

“No!” Arthur slashed with a sword, and Bedivere scrambled frantically. While dodging Arthur’s attack, he tried to rescue Arthur.

Morgoth was watching the play, and once Brady or Arthur approached, she would teleport to hide away.

Arthur’s speed is very fast, although his current movements are rigid and mechanized, he is still very threatening, so Brady has to use the wild beast, transform into a giant wolf, and run fast.

It seems impossible to catch up with Morgoth. And Arthur gradually caught up with Bedivere. A streak of golden and cherry-red sword light approached from behind the silver wolf.

Are you going to die?

Dying at the hands of Arthur?

Bedivere is not happy. He didn’t want to die, especially, didn’t want to be killed by Arthur. He didn’t even want to let the witch, Morgos, get her wish.

The thought of Arthur’s loss of heart caused a sharp pain in Bedivere’s heart.

Bedivere’s heart lit up at the thought of the witch Morgoth sneering on her own corpse.

He could only fight as hard as he could, and ran desperately. He couldn’t give up until Arthur caught up.

He waited until the last moment for a miracle.


Then, a miracle really happened.

A rock hit Arthur’s head hard.

The usual Arthur has long avoided it with his mind-eye technique. Now this heartless Arthur can’t avoid it!

“It’s now! Catch him!” a voice shouted.

Being hit by a stone, Arthur hesitated for a moment. At this moment, Bedivere has rushed over, changed from a giant wolf back to a human form, and hugged Arthur tightly!


Arthur wanted to struggle, but the werewolf boy used all his strength to make Arthur unable to break free!

“Arthur! Wake up! You are yourself, don’t listen to that witch’s orders again!”

“The action is restrained—annihilate the target, annihilate——” Arthur wanted to break away with more strength, but Greenville hugged him from behind and pulled him.

She gently hugged the knight.

“Arthur, don’t go. Come back to me.” The girl whispered in his ear.

“Arthur, no matter what you are, what we have experienced will not change.” Bedivere also whispered in the knight’s arms.

The knight, who was hugged tightly by the woman and child, didn’t stop struggling for a moment, he was about to break free.

“You said you didn’t know what love was, but that didn’t matter at all.” Greenwell murmured, hugging tighter, “You can’t love me, doesn’t mean I can’t love you. “

“You don’t have a past, it doesn’t matter at all.” Bedivere also muttered in a low voice, and he hugged tighter, “Without a past, we can create a future together.”

“Always together, never apart——“

“For a lifetime, best friend——“


Morgoth sneered, expecting Arthur to go mad and kill the two who got in the way. But what she saw was another scene:

A sort of milky shimmer, radiating from Arthur’s body. The light became stronger and stronger, and it instantly became impossible to see directly.

“What?!” Mogos squinted and looked at the white light that was spreading in surprise.

It devours the darkness.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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