Light Spirit Epic Chapter 341: The final battle is in the abyss (true)


Chapter 341: The decisive battle in the abyss (true)

At the same time, London’s dungeons.

The battle between Evan and Aoyun continues.

The half-dragon boy ran and fired dozens of slow-speed light bullets. Then he slashed over with the infinite vacuum blade. The light bullet was interfered with by the enchantment of the vacuum blade, and countless vacuum waves erupted.

These vacuum waves, which are as thin and sharp as knives, spread out and fly towards Aoyun, and they are about to cut Aoyun into countless pieces!

Ao Yun changed the magic sword Fafnir into a huge tower-shaped shield, protecting his whole body, and using the strongest form of Longwu to resist these vacuum waves!

When the vacuum wave hit the shield, apart from the muffled sound, not even a scratch was left on the shield.

How tough! Evan was worried. The attack of the infinite vacuum blade is already the most powerful attack that Ivan can come up with. If Aoyun keeps blocking with his shield, Ivan will not be able to help his brother at all.

Ao Yun, while Evan was still in a daze, turned the Longwu Fafner on his hand into the shape of a sword whip and swung a blow.

The countless blades on the blade are separated, each of which is extremely sharp, like the tail spine of a dragon, which can cut a person in half with a single blow. This is the [Thorn Tail Whip] of the magic sword. It has a huge range and a fast speed. The opponent will be beaten to death if he hides slowly!

“Wow!” Evan crouched down on the ground, finally dodging. It is a bit unexpected for Ivan to be able to scan such a long distance! It’s almost impossible to predict this attack with the mind’s eye technique!

After the magic sword was drawn out, the blade was immediately pulled back by the powerful dragon tendons, and instantly contracted into the original long sword, and the attack returned very quickly! Ao Yun, who had already withdrawn his attack, had already swung his backhand before Ivan could stand up again, and the sword whip slashed towards Ivan again! !

Can’t escape! It’s too late to jump! If you don’t want to do anything, you will be chopped by the sharp blade!

Ao Yun often uses this style of play when he accompanies his younger brother to practice: one blow to lure the opponent into revealing flaws, making the opponent lose his posture, and the next blow to immediately make a killing blow, in the situation where the opponent cannot dodge Down to the other side to death!

Why is a gentle and honest person like Ao Yun so ruthless when he fights? !

And, it’s still a real battle now!

Really, do you want to kill your brother? !

Ivan is angry: my brother really wants to kill Ivan—whether it is from Aoyun’s original wish—it’s really abominable!

“Humph!!” The half-dragon boy opened fire frantically. The firepower of the two guns was very ferocious. The two bullets exploded on the blade of the sword whip at zero distance. After the explosion, the trajectory of the sword whip actually bounced off. !

“Wow!” Although Evan was spared his death, he was affected by the explosion and was seriously injured! His hands were numb for a while, and it was a miracle that he could continue to grasp the two guns, not to mention the red and swollen fingers, unable to pull the trigger on the gun at all!

Ao Yun didn’t care about his younger brother’s life or death at all. He had withdrawn his sword and whip in an instant and struck again!

What to do? ! Dodge sideways? That’s too late! At least one leg will be shaved off, possibly worse!

The only way Ivan thought of was not to sideways, but instead to rush directly to Aoyun!

The distance is about another ten yards, and an ordinary person will definitely be split in half before arriving! But the half-dragon boy, Evan, has a powerful explosive force. He jumped ten yards in an instant and came to Ao Yun!

The sword whip also fell on his head! Just an inch above his head——

Ivan crossed his two guns, called the two vacuum blades on the gun head and stacked them into an [X] shape, and went up!

Keng! ! !

Blocked the fatal blow from the head at zero distance!

“Ha!” When his brother hesitated, the half-dragon boy collapsed and gave Ao Yun a hammer!

The head hammer slammed on Aoyun’s chin, causing Aoyun to fly out!

“Ugh! Brat! —” Ao Yun spat out a mouthful of blood in the air.

“Are you more awake, idiot?!” Evan had just landed, covering the top of his aching head and yelled, “It takes more fights to get smarter!”

“Humph!” Ao Yun volleyed and flipped, and the magic sword Fafnir in his hand had turned into a crimson dragon!

“Javier!!” Ivan also shouted, and the Green Wind Dragon came out in response. As soon as he passed through the portal, he turned into a giant dragon and took Ivan on his back!

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!” “The dark dragon hovered in the air and dived down!


Touch! ! ! ! Crimson Dragon Fafnir and Choi Fenglong Javier collide! collision! Collision again! !

The violent shock wave that raised up shattered the surrounding ancient ruins! The dust was flying, the wind was fluttering, and the rolled up stones and sand made this ancient dungeon a haze!

Touch! ! ! The two dragons collided violently!

“It’s now, boy!” Javier yelled.

Ivan had already responded, raising two infinite vacuum blades and stabbing at Aoyun!

Ao Yun wants to control the magic sword and has no time to focus on other things, so he can’t avoid this sneak attack from Evan!

The infinite vacuum blade stabbed on Aoyun’s breastplate, instantly raising countless slashes, slashing and swiping—cutting Aoyun’s armor like cutting wood, slicing away, Cut it off again!

Touch! Under the attack of the vacuum blade, Ao Yun’s armor was completely shattered! The remaining impact blew the knight out and fell heavily to the ground!

“Cough!” Unarmored Ao Yun spat out a mouthful of blood.

“The outcome is already divided!” Evan landed on the ground and pointed his gun at his brother, “How is it, Ao Yun? Do you want to fight again?”

“Hum hum hum hum…” His older brother burst out he vomited blood while laughing, “You really grew up, Evan.”

“You weren’t hypnotized by Morgos at all, were you?” Evan whispered, his voice vaguely filled with anger.

“Hum hum hum, it was there at first. But after eating your head hammer, I already woke up.” Ao Yun said.

“Then why are you——“

“Because it’s interesting, isn’t it?” Ao Yun hurriedly replied, he vomited again, but he looked relieved, “I just want to know how much my brother has become. strong.

The kid who was scolded and only knew how to hide in the corner and cry, was able to control the dragon and compete with my Fafnir.

—This is, what an interesting thing! “

After speaking, Ao Yun lost consciousness.

“Interesting? This kind of thing is not interesting at all.” Evan picked up his seriously injured brother and cried in a low voice: “I almost killed you! Aoyun…”

Cui Fenglong, who was beside him, looked at Evan who was sobbing, and his heart was unbalanced: “You almost killed me last time, why didn’t you cry?”

“You bastard! You are a hard bone that can’t be killed no matter how hard you fight!” Evan scolded, “Human life is very fragile——“

He doesn’t want to lose his brother again.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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