Light Spirit Epic Chapter 340: The Battle of the Abyss (Part 2)


Chapter 340 Decisive Battle in the Abyss (Part 2)

At the same time, Rome.

Boom! ! !

The evil star, who was sleeping late, was awakened by a burst of artillery fire.

When he found out, half of his body was already buried in the rubble! One of his legs was crushed, and the pain made him sweat.

“Damn!” He tried in vain to move his body out of the rubble. The severe pain made him unable to exert himself, and the rubble was heavy again.

“Ouch!” He took a deep breath, trying to turn back into a dragon. It was also in vain. This cell has not been completely destroyed, and it still has a magic formation that is enough to suppress the transformation of the evil star.

(Damn. It hurts!)

The rubble continued to fall, and the weight on the Shaxing became heavier and heavier.

(Will die here?)

(Am I going to die in a place like this for no apparent reason?!)


(You are still… alive in me, right?)

(Please give me a little… the strength to live!)

Like a revolving lantern before someone dies, the memory flashes into the evil star’s mind in an instant.

What he thought of was not the days when he was with the Dragon Emperor, the Dragon Queen, or his younger brother Xianvia.


His childhood was empty, dark and cold. It was in the indifference of my parents and the ridicule of the dragons that I spent alone.

Even when he grows up, he still lives alone in a cave, watching the world change, time passes, and seasons change.

The rare thrills in his life are the adventurers who dare to break into the dragon’s lair to hunt dragons.

The evil star lived, but never really lived.

Living alone, waiting for the day of death.

——That is, how unbearable.

A teenager stands in front of the evil star.

He escaped from the kidnappers, but he broke into the dragon’s lair by mistake. The kidnappers were ambushing outside the cave, and the boy did not dare to go out, and the kidnappers were afraid of the dragon in the dragon cave and did not dare to come in.

So, it became the current situation.

“What the **** do you want to do, human kid?” Sha Xing opened his eyes slightly and looked at the little boy, “When you saw me, why didn’t you run away?”

He asked knowingly. He knew that the boy in front of him couldn’t run at all.

The young man had several arrows stuck in his body. His internal organs had been injured.

Weak human beings will die so easily. The dragon was disdainful.

“…weird…monster.” The boy whispered, “I…I’m not afraid of you. You can eat me. But…. ..I have a request.”

“Oh? Let’s hear it?” The red fire dragon just replied casually, he didn’t care about the request of the young man, he didn’t need to fulfill it, he just listened to this to pass the time.

“I know…I’m not long to live.” The boy whispered, “But…I still have a wish…I want to fulfill… I want to say one more word to my dad…[sorry].”

The dragon was silent for a while. He didn’t know the youth’s experience, but he vaguely felt that his life experience was somewhat similar to the youth’s, so he was touched.

“Dragon… please eat me. I dedicate all my body and memory to you, but when you see my dad, please be sure to say to him [Sorry, Alexander knew it was wrong]. …is it okay?”

Long was still speechless, he got up and opened his mouth with blood: “Is this your last word, boy?”

The boy smiled and knelt on the ground. That’s right, that’s his last words, he’s already lost too much blood, and by the time he’s finished saying those last words, he’s already dead.

Long did not hesitate, and swallowed the boy’s body in one bite.

At the moment when the dragon swallowed the boy, he recalled the boy’s short life.

That’s a memory magic. The young man was right, he gave all his memories to the evil star.

At that moment, Shaxing’s soul was completely shocked.

The dragon lived for ten thousand years, a long ten thousand years. All indifference, all blank and boring years.

The boy lived for six years. The short six years were full of hardships, but also full of warm memories.

Humans are such an interesting race, their lives are so short, yet so wonderful!

Because they know that life is short, they will live desperately day and night.

Live and fight, just to live a better life and live a more wonderful life!

The meaning of life is not how long it is, but how brilliant it is!

Even if there are only ten years of life, those ten years are as wonderful as thousands of years!

This is human!

This is the essence of human beings!

This is the way of human existence!

Exactly. Why forget it? !

At that time, the evil star was already envious of human beings. envious of the human way of life.

At that time, the evil star was already waiting for Arthur’s arrival.

A sturdy arm lifts up the boulder that was on the Shaxing. The Roman Emperor Justin I was powerful.

“Are you alright, Jin Shining?” The emperor dragged the evil star out of the rubble. “Damn orcs, they went around in a circle and sneaked up from the waterway. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

“Cough cough…” The raised dust made Shixing cough a few times, he whispered: “Alexander said to you, [I’m sorry, and…thank you] .”

The Roman emperor was silent for a while. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said: “…that kid always likes to cause trouble.”

“…No. Thanks to him, I know some very meaningful things.” Shi Xing tried to stand up, and he used healing magic inside himself to let his crushed Legs heal quickly.

“If it weren’t for him, I would never be in this place now.”

If it weren’t for that boy, the dragon would have been nesting in his own dragon’s lair until the end of time. ——There will be no more adventures to follow.

All of this seems to be the guidance of Karma (destiny).

“The king of Rome,” the evil star whispered, “it’s okay for me to help you fight before Arthur comes to pick me up. But I will never make any contract with you.

My contractor is only Arthur, and it will never change——even after he dies, it will not change for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. “

“It is really a stubborn boy. Just like Alexander. Hmhahahahaha! Let’s bring down the orc fleet.”

“You have to prepare enough rewards for me.” The evil star responded with a small smile. He leaped out from the ruins of the castle, transformed into a golden dragon, and flew out.

More than 10,000 warships are floating in the Tirenia Sea. Although the Hungarians did not have many anti-heavy engines, their navy was still large and powerful.

Intense artillery fire engulfed the sky, and the Roman army and the Hungarian army were fighting deadly at sea and in the sky, and the firelight dyed the sky and the sea the same crimson.

“Hu—” Xinghuilong took a deep breath.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ——!!”

Shake the The powerful dragon roar echoes in the sea. This shock wave caused a tsunami on the sea, and the Hungarian fleet at sea began to shake, and there was no way to maintain stability.

The huge waves raised even overturned some medium-sized ships!

The enemy seemed to be aware of the huge threat of Xinghuilong in an instant, and countless artillery fire was concentrated in the direction of the evil star.

The dragon is like the morning star in the sky, emitting an extremely dazzling brilliance, reflecting the dizziness of these beasts from the dark, and the artillery fire is completely deviated.

After using the strong light bomb, the dragon had already rushed towards the Hungarian fleet at a very high speed, and he spit out plasma flames. The water is also split into hydrogen and oxygen in an instant on the sea surface, and the two gases are ignited at high temperature, causing a more powerful combustion.

The entire sea was instantly surrounded by fire! Dozens, hundreds, thousands of warships were submerged in this terrible fire!

The fire of Rome spreads on the sea. It devours life and blooms death!

When the Hungarians knew that they would die if they continued to fight, and fled frantically, the battle situation was finalized.

The evil star did not pursue the fleeing Hungarian army. He stopped in mid-air, watching the burning sea and the tragic battle.

After a long absence, he found the real sense of existence.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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