Light Spirit Epic Chapter 335: Brightness to the Holy King (Part 1)


Chapter 335 Illumination to the Holy King (Part 1)

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

The clock in London struck seven and it was exactly seven in the morning.

“Hehehe, Arthur, it looks like you can’t keep your promise! The seven-day period has passed, it’s time for you to pay for the crime of destroying the Holy Sword and send you to the guillotine!” He shouted, and said to the old man beside him, “Remember to write down his death, understand? I want people in future generations to know how the traitors of this kingdom were executed.”

Duke Aurel, the imperial official at the side, looked disdainful, but he had no choice but to nod. The paper and pen in his hand records the history, but not necessarily the real history.

The so-called history is nothing but a chapter written by the powerful for the convenience of their own rule, a brainwashing book on the people.

“Boy, while you repent, go to **** to see your witch mother!” Orlando grinned.

Arthur didn’t answer, or rather, he didn’t hear at all. He was held hostage by two big men and staggered to the guillotine.

In the crowd of onlookers, dozens of knights have reached out to touch the swords on their waists, ready to rush up at any time.

Whoosh! Merlin and the two kittens are in the outskirts of London…?

“What?!” Merlin was also a little surprised, he tapped with his hand, and there was an invisible barrier in front of him blocking his way.

“Damn it! How could you use such a powerful barrier!” Merlin was anxious.

“What should I do, meow?! If it goes on like this, Arthur will——” The two kittens were even more anxious.

“You two, get ready to run.” Merlin posed as if he wanted to use some kind of powerful magic.

The two kittens immediately use lycanthropy, and they turn into cheetahs, ready in a sprinting position.

“Begin!!” Merlin performed a magic trick. It was a powerful ancient magic. The black magic ball in his hand smashed into the barrier and quickly opened a small hole in the barrier!

“Run!” Merlin shouted, and the two kittens ran out in an instant, burrowed in through the small hole that Merlin had made, and successfully entered the city.

“Wow.” Merlin looked at his petrified hands, and the petrification continued to spread on him: “I’ll ask you later.”

Clap! Arthur slipped and fell to the ground.

“Help him up! Don’t let him delay time, come up with tricks!” Orlando yelled, the communicator in his ear had already told him that the mission to attack the Vivian Institute had failed.

He was even more anxious, “Even if you need to move him, also move him to the guillotine! Guillotine him!! Now!!”

The giants lifted Arthur up like a lump of mud, and threw the feeble young man on the guillotine, pressed it, and locked it.

The executioner has raised a great axe, ready to cut the hemp rope supporting the guillotine at any moment. Once the rope breaks, the guillotine on the guillotine will fall and cut off Arthur’s head!

“Cough!” Saifer, who was running at full speed, had spit out bright red blood, and his internal organs could no longer be loaded, so he had to stop.

“Seglade, I’ll leave it to you now!”

“Got it, meow!” Seglade, who was running beside his brother, took the Sword of Kings, accelerated further, and ran towards the square.

“Wow! What is that?!” The crowd began to riot, and a cheetah flew through the crowd, jumped on the crowd’s head, stepped on the crowd’s head, vomited blood, and bit a silver sword , rush to the execution ground! !

“Stop it! Quick!!” Orlando screamed.

The ebony knights in ambush in the crowd launched the attack together. They disregarded the safety of the people and only knew how to fire and swing their swords, thinking that they would be able to chop down the cheetah!

However, the heavenly knights who were also in ambush also attacked together and fought with the ebony knights!

“Tsk! Execution now!!” Orlando saw that he was in a panic, and he slashed through it, cutting the thick hemp rope!

The guillotine that lost its support fell at a high speed and was about to cut off Arthur’s head!

Ten yards to go! It’s too late to see Seglade! ——

Keng! ! !

A sturdy arm blocked the falling guillotine!

Palinlor, with his fusion armor, instantly moved to the front of the guillotine! With his strong body and hard arm armor, he took the extremely sharp guillotine that fell abruptly!

However, the guillotine was also caught in half of his arm, and the blood gushed!

Palinlor’s blood dripped on Arthur’s face!

“Ha!” Palinlore yelled, and with a forceful hand, the wooden frame of the guillotine was completely dismantled! The guillotine stuck in his arm flew out, the sharp blade slashed the throat of the giant executioner, and the giant’s head fell to the ground together with the guillotine!

“Palinlor, are you crazy!?” Orlando screamed, stepping back behind the guards.

“I’m not crazy! I don’t care if he’s a traitor or not!” Palinlor yelled, “He’s my nephew! You want to hurt him? No way!”

Arthur’s heart skipped a beat.

Is the effect of anesthesia over? Or ——

“Arthur!!” Seglade threw the King’s Sword he was biting at Arthur.

The silver sword swirled in mid-air, drawing a beautiful arc.

The boy suddenly widened his eyes. As if it was a hallucination, his parents’ voices sounded in his ears:


The boy jumped up and caught the divine sword arcing in the air with one hand.

The scabbard of the holy sword flew out, exposing the blade, emitting light.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

London’s Great Clock Tower chimes at half past seven. In this chaos and noise, it was unexpectedly loud.

Everyone stopped and looked at the golden light that flashed in the center of the square.

Arthur fell to the ground and raised his sword. The golden brilliance from the sword illuminated the entire square so brightly!

A ray of light has emerged on a gloomy winter morning!

Then, there was silence.

—[The king once appeared, the floating world shook]—

—[The king reappears, the world is silent]—

——Everyone present was shaken by the brilliance of this gold, horrified by the emperor’s domineering, trembling, and all fell to their knees and bowed their heads!

Palinlor took off his robe, wrapped Arthur around him, and knelt down, but his low words were especially loud in this dead silence: “Here is the sword of the king, Arthur D. Pantoracken He is the veritable King of Pantoracken! Whoever refuses to accept it, come up and lead to death!”

“Stop being funny! With that kind of imitation, you think you can deceive us?!” Orlando shouted, “We have all seen the appearance of the King’s Sword, what kind of imitation is this?! “

Arthur was holding the sword of the new king, and he felt an infinite power (photons) transmitted into his body, which made him feel a hundred times more spiritual. Not only did the strength come back, but even the physical injuries and colds were healed——

Hey! ! ——Okay…the cold is still there.

Ha——-sneezes! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

He sneezed The sneeze instantly turned into a dragon roar, shattering the stone bricks of the plaza under his feet and shaking everyone around him!

“Orlando, you **** bastard.” Arthur slammed the sword in his hand into the ground, “I’ll give you one last chance, draw the sword! If you can pull it out, you can use it to chop Kill me.

——If you can’t pull it out, it’s my turn to chop off your head! “

Orlando muttered something to himself. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and under the menacing eyes of Arthur and Palinlor, he reached out to draw his sword.

“Woo—uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah —” He exerted the force of sucking milk, but he couldn’t pull the stick that was slanted on the ground at will, it looked as light as a toy The same silver sword.

“Can’t pull it out, right?” Arthur looked on, but his eyes were burning with infinite anger.

“Ah, hahahaha, this must be some kind of mechanism. By the way, you **** liar, you must have added a barb on the tip of the sword to let the sword—“

Before he could finish speaking, a golden light had already crossed his neck.

“—Can’t pull it out?” After he finished saying this, his head was already on the ground.

“Keep your **** in hell, scum!” Arthur rushed up and chopped Orlando’s head with a few swords.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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