Light Spirit Epic Chapter 325: The riots in the winter night (Part 2)


Chapter 325: Riot in Winter Night (Part 2)

At seven o’clock in the evening on the same day, Vivian’s research institute, in the research room.

“This, this—–” the leopard boy Seifer leaned into Merlin’s ear and muttered a few words.

“What?” Archmage Merlin looked puzzled after listening to Zephyr’s words, “Of course it can be done.——But, what do you want that kind of thing for?”

“Hehe. That that—-” Seglade also whispered a few words in Merlin’s ear.

“Okay.” Merlin was reluctant, but he still agreed, “It’s okay to give it to you, but you have to pay attention to the limits of tricking people, okay? It’s really fun, and this is the case. It’s hard to clean up.”

“Understood meow. We will never play too much, meow.” Saifel laughed, holding out his three cat claws as an oath.

Merlin looked puzzled. But he is a light spirit, a great god, and he can settle any troubles—at least, that’s what he thinks.

He takes off his archmage hat. This pointed grey hat wears a wide rim with a port for Warp magic inside. He reached in for something, and conjured up a bottle of potion from the inside.

The black potion is contained in an ancient glass bottle and looks very eerie and evil.

“One drop is enough, understand? Drinking too much of this can be life-threatening. Be careful with the dosage, understand?” Merlin warned again.

“Hey, I get it, meow. I’ll pay attention, meow.” The Leopard boys took the potion with a smirk and ran out of the research room.

Is there really no problem? Merlin was still suspicious. But he didn’t have time to think about it, so he focused on the work at hand and continued to manufacture parts for the King’s Sword.

Palamidis is still doing rehabilitation training in his room. While moving his muscles and bones, he cooperates with breathing, so that his body can be adjusted in moderate exercise.

Then… a kitten poked its head in from the door and snickered: “Dad, we made some grape juice, come and drink meow.”

Palamedis looked at Seglade’s sly face and knew that the kid must be thinking something bad. But he wanted to know what the two brothers were going to do, so he replied calmly and casually: “Okay, come right away.”

When he entered the kitchen, he saw Vivienne there, seemingly invited by another kitten.

The lady has worked all day and looks tired because she needs to manipulate her hair with precision, clip those dust-sized parts with her hair, and install them on the sword of kings. This process is more tiring than Merlin’s magic to create parts.

“Come on, come on, meow.” Saifer smiled, poured a large bottle of juice into four glasses evenly, and distributed it to everyone, “We use freshly squeezed grapes from the kitchen. Juice, drink more to get rid of fatigue!”

Palamidis looked at his eldest son coldly, and suddenly said: “Okay, let’s drink it and test the poison first.”

“Woo meow—” The leopard boy was stunned for a moment.

“Hurry up.” Palamidis urged, “Don’t you dare to drink it? You know it’s too bad to drink, and you don’t have the confidence to drink it?”

“…Okay, okay meow.” Saifer reluctantly picked up a glass of juice and took a sip.

“Delicious meow,” he said, then found a place to sit, trying to hide his gaffe.

Palamidis sighed when he saw that Saifer was a little dizzy: “Is there any alcohol in it?”

“Ahahaha, there is no meow, absolutely no meow.” Seglade on the side laughed in apology.

“Don’t be so arrogant, brat. Are you trying to get me drunk by asking me out for some juice so late?” Palamidis scolded, “Hurry up and take your brother back to bed, this kind of thing. It’s not something your children drink.”

“But meow—“

“Come on!” Palamidis shouted, and he saw Zephyr, who was on the side, almost slipped from the table to the ground.

“Okay, okay meow.” Seglade helped his brother up, “Dad, Aunt Vivian, good night meow.”

Then they went out.

“It’s really two ghosts.” Palamidis said, while planning to clean up the [juice], “You can’t be smart with small actions. Is my child that stupid?”

“But, it’s cute.” Vivienne on the side covered her face and smiled.

“They all grew up in a closed environment, they haven’t seen the world, and they are very simple.” Palamidis said, “What should I do with this? Should it be dumped?”

Vivian put away her smile: “It shouldn’t be poisonous, right? Would you like to drink a little? It’s not good to waste food.”

“However, there is alcohol in it——“

“Oh, you’re a poor drinker?” Vivian asked.

Palamides is stinged by the woman’s words. His drink is not bad. The orc’s physique is resistant to poison, and his liver can easily decompose such things as alcohol.

“Okay, ma’am.” He poured the wine into his glass. “A glass or two, I think it’s fine.”

On the other side, Saifer, who was walking in the corridor, has hurriedly covered his eyes with cloth strips, and walked back to the room accompanied by his younger brother.

“Do you think Dad and Aunt Vivienne are going to be meows?” he asked with a smile.

“Don’t worry, brother, your acting skills are so realistic, they will definitely think that it is grape juice mixed with wine.” Brother Seglade replied, “then they will definitely want to drink a little to try. Try meow. Hehe——“

The drug Merlin gave the two of them wasn’t alcohol, but a magic trick that would make the victim fall in love with the person he/she first saw—–[Love Drug~IndoMTL. com~ It is colorless, odorless and odorless, and it is effective for up to twelve hours.

The two kittens figured that even the shy and timid father who dared not confess to Vivian would be bold after drinking this medicine. When they wake up tomorrow morning, they have a new mother.

But they don’t know, they asked Merlin for the wrong medicine.

What they were saying to Merlin was, “Give me [the medicine to make a bold statement].”

Merlin, who was busy making the King’s Sword at the time, didn’t hear the two kittens clearly, so he gave other things to the leopard boys.

What Merlin gave was [the medicine that makes people brave] —— [the medicine of heroes]—— a kind of anesthetic spread among the Turkic (elephant people) tribes. It is very powerful, which can make the user’s physical potential explode instantly and become a powerful warrior.

……At the same time, the strong side effects will make the user lose their minds and attack the target within the field of vision indiscriminately. Just like a puppet that can’t be stopped once it starts and can only dance wildly forever, after destroying everything that can be destroyed around it, the body will eventually be overwhelmed and destroyed.

Thinking that it was [just an ordinary alcoholic drink], he drank that glass of juice foolishly, and Palamidiston felt hot and hot all over his body.

Father Leopard was brutally beaten by his two sons.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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