Light Spirit Epic Chapter 301: Being trapped in the mess


Chapter 301: Trapped in Chaos (Part 1)

An hour later, in a tavern in London.

By the way… is this really a pub?

The dark tavern wafted the smell of smoke, alcohol, men’s sweat and the strange smell of squid (presumably a snack?), and some vulgar pop music was playing in the tavern.

There is a raised prototype stage in the center of the tavern. A group of scantily clad bunny ears danced hotly on the stage, blowing kisses to the audience from time to time. While drinking, the men looked at the bunny girls with lewd eyes under the stage, focusing on their swaying upper bodies, their flying legs, and their winks.

The dancing figures are mixed with the fluttering stage lights, making people dazzled.

“Oh, you must be joking with me—-” Arthur quickly turned his head away when he saw this scene.

“Don’t be afraid, Cousin Arthur. —Come, come, sit down.” Jaglowe smiled, pulling Arthur to force him to sit down, “On this level, what are you afraid of? What an innocent little boy!”

“I’m only seventeen——“

“I was [that] when I was sixteen. You are still afraid of this at seventeen. Are you still a man?” Jaglowe said while holding Pasiva: “You too Don’t try to run away, Pasiva! You also give me a chance!”

“But, brother, I still have research today——“

“We’ll talk about that later!” Jaglowy pushed the two boys down on the chairs, “Sit down and don’t run away! I’m going to buy a drink. What do you want?”

“Orange juice.” Arthur said. “Milk.” Pasiva said.

“Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my god, the two of you are really a pair of strange work! Running to the tavern called orange juice and milk? — Pasova, you have been an adult, at least you should also drink some bar! If you order more milk to drink, you won’t be afraid of other people’s jokes?”

“Ugh…give me a liqueur,” Pasiva replied reluctantly.

“That’s what it looks like. —Wait for me.” Jaglowe went to buy wine.

“Um…” Pasiva looked shyly at Arthur. Arthur was looking awkwardly at the ceiling of the bar, deliberately avoiding the dancing bunnies.

“Arthur’s cousin——“

“Just call me Arthur.” Arthur interrupted with a cold answer, hoping this would scare off the troublesome guy Persiva.

“…Arthur.” The sluggish Persiva didn’t take this set (he didn’t notice that he was being fooled by Arthur at all), and then said: “I always think, where did I meet you before? I passed you.”

“No.” Arthur replied coldly again, “We never met before you came to me.”

“…Really?” Pasiva said hesitantly, “I always feel that you are a bit similar to a girl I like… Arthur, shouldn’t you be- —–“

A drop of cold sweat ran across Arthur’s forehead. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the muscles all over his body began to tense, and he held his breath.

Persiva looked at Arthur’s face, and he searched carefully from the contours of the face, hoping to find the sameness as the girl he had fallen in love with that night.

He really is a talent for learning magic. His eyes are very sharp, his insight is very strong, he can almost read people’s hearts.

Arthur knew there was no way he could fool the man. With the meager makeup and fancy clothes at the time, there was absolutely no way to deceive this person!

(—to be seen through!)

(He doesn’t think I’m a pervert who specializes in male disguise!?)

However, Pasiva gave a completely unexpected answer to Arthur: “You shouldn’t be, Artoria——

—‘s brother? “

“Uh…” Arthur glanced at Persiva with a depressed look.

It is possible to do so.

Saved. This guy is an idiot, really good!

“Yes, yes. How did you know Artoria?” Arthur replied with a fake smile, “Oh, what a headache, is that crazy girl swindling outside again?”

“Trick, trick?”

“——Listen, Cousin Persiva.” Arthur had left it alone. He disregarded the lower limit and smeared this [Artoria] to his heart’s content, hoping that Persiva could deal with this Give up:

“My sister and I are both the illegitimate children of the Grand Duke Uther Pantoracken. When we were young, we were driven into the countryside to avoid people’s eyes and eyes and lived in extreme poverty. This is how my sister’s vice of deception was learned. .

Even now, she still pretends to be a lady, swaying in the circle of dignitaries, hooking up with rich sons and brothers, and defrauding them of their money.

I’ve completely given up on that sister. And you, cousin Pasiva, you should also stay away from that girl and don’t listen to her rhetoric. Otherwise, you will be deceived ruthlessly, and you will end up ruined and ruined. “

Pasiva blushed and looked at Arthur with fear and distrust in her eyes: “No, no – Artoria is a good girl, I can see it in her eyes The noble soul in her. She’s not the liar and **** you call her!”

“Whatever you say, my dear cousin.” Seeing Jaglowe coming over with a plate of wine, Arthur quickly stopped the conversation: “Anyway, that girl will never appear in front of you again. With me around, she would have stayed away. You escaped from her clutches, congratulations.”

All the loopholes in the lies are plugged, everything is seamless, and even Arthur is satisfied with his performance. He can’t wait to find someone to brag about his talent.

“Oh, what are you two talking about?” Jaglowe put the wine on the plate on the table, two glasses of clear wine and a glass of orange juice in front of Arthur and the others.

“Looks like you guys are already familiar with each other! Very good——let’s watch the show for a while, and then find a girl to play with——“

“No.” Arthur expressed disdain for Jaglowe’s lewd thoughts. After being questioned by Pasiva just now, he felt thirsty again in his throat, so he picked up the glass of juice and gulped it down.

A good juice with a mellow apricot flavor.

But what about this burning sensation in the throat?

“Ah! That’s my Apricot Brandy*!” Pasiva exclaimed hastily.

(*Note: a kind of liqueur (Liqueur). It is made of brandy and fresh apricot juice, which is sweet and delicious. The alcohol content is about 25%)

“Blanc—?” Arthur shook his head.

Shaking your head? Did he shake his head?

Arthur just felt the world spinning, and waves of dizziness came to his mind. He knew he was tricked.

“This juice is… poisonous!” he exclaimed, and slammed onto the table.

At this time, the girl dancing on the stage with a wicked smile untied something from her body and threw it to Arthur who was lying on the table. Arthur’s eyes were blurred, and he was surprised to see the huge hidden weapon flying, and he felt bad in his heart.

He was hit in the face by that thing, and at the same time he heard the men around him booing, thinking that this time it was over: poisoned and ambushed. These guys turned out to be all assassins sent by the parliament!

——Is it really going to die here? !

But he was powerless to resist. The hidden weapon full of strange smell was thrown on his face. Although it was neither painful nor itchy, it covered his eyes and made his eyes dark. This hastened the rate at which he lost consciousness.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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