Light Spirit Epic Chapter 273: Farewell to the Homeland (Part 1)


Chapter 273 Parting in the Homeland (Part 1)

A little while ago, the base of the Knights of the Southern Sky, a suburb of Ettenberg.

Arthur chops off the head of the last sea monster and withdraws his sword. Others also ended the fight. There were no less than a thousand corpses of sea monsters, large and small, lying all over the coastline.

“It’s a great help, Arthur.” Celestial Knight Youns came over and thanked him, “I didn’t expect so many sea monsters to appear suddenly, which is unprecedented in history. If it wasn’t for your sudden appearance Come to support, my knights will probably die a lot.”

“Uh…you’re welcome.” Arthur said. Of course, he wouldn’t tell Ewans that the large-scale landing of sea monsters is exactly what caused Arthur and the others to come out.

All in all, it’s finally over, whether it’s Elaison’s Pure Land or the sea monster’s attack.

“[World Changer],” Elf Prince Thor came to Arthur and said, “It seems that the matter has come to an end, so we say goodbye.”

“Uh, what?!” Evan on the side was startled.

“We are eleven elves who survived from the Pure Land. To revive the elves, I am afraid it will take a huge effort.” Prince Thor said, “There are still many lost elves in the world, our primary goal is Just to contact them and find a way to reorganize the elf village.”

“Well, good luck to you,” Arthur said.

“Thank you, [World Changer].” The prince bowed deeply, “and good luck to you all. May the stars shine on your path.”

Evan looked at Elison, the elf girl beside him: “Elison, are you leaving too?”

The elf girl also looked at Evan: “Yes, I’m sorry, Evan.”

The two of them looked at each other affectionately, but they couldn’t avoid the sadness of parting. The Grand Duke of Yones looked at him, grabbed Arthur, and whispered in his ear, “Could that kid have done something with that girl!?”

“What are you thinking, Grand Duke.” Arthur replied coldly, with a look of disdain: “They are very innocent.”

“Well, I don’t know. Didn’t the little devils fall in love there very early in the day?” Euns said, “That kid even got elf girls, it’s amazing.”

Arthur shook his head disapprovingly, ignoring Yones.

Elaine took off her necklace and gave it to Evan, “Although we will be separated temporarily, we will definitely meet again. Karma (Fate) will guide us to meet again.”

Evan looked down at the beautiful silver necklace, the silver star pendant on it shimmered immortal. He saw that as if he saw Elaine. Just when he looked down, the girl had come up and kissed him gently on the face.

“Uh, that girl is really bold.” Ao Yun said on the side.

Arthur was speechless, looking at Evan and Elison, who were blushing there.

Is that love? Arthur couldn’t understand. He had never felt [love] like this, so his heart was always cold.

“The world loves you as much as you love the world.” Dragon Emperor’s words echoed in Arthur’s mind again.

He just couldn’t do it. Love and pity are completely different things, he can pity the little brothers like Bediveville and Tolville (Safir), but he doesn’t know how to love anyone.

The world in his eyes is cold and gray, and every day is better than death. He can’t wait to become the strongest right away, can’t wait to defeat God right away and get back all his feelings.

Besides, Bedivere looked at Arthur, and he saw Arthur’s rare expression of indifference and pain. He saw the unbearable pain in Arthur’s heart.

“Then, goodbye.” Elaison said, and the elves left.

Evan reluctantly watched Elason leave, then sighed.

“That kid will not end well if he falls in love with an elf.” The voice of the evil star said, “The lifespan of elves is hundreds of times that of humans. In the eyes of humans, elves’ time is almost static. Yes. People living in two different worlds want to have an intersection, but in the end they can only end in tragedy.”

“…Even then, they will still be together.” Arthur sighed, he turned to look at the evil star, he thought he would see a shrunken golden dragon, but unexpectedly saw a A young man with blond hair and golden pupils, with slightly golden skin, wearing golden armor, and shining golden all over. He was stunned and said: “…Uh, evil star?”

“What’s the matter?” Xinghui Longshaxing said with disapproval, “This is the transformation of the father. This form is more conducive to restoring strength, and it can also respond to any emergencies (challenges). ).”

After absorbing the power of the three dragons, Xinghuilong’s strength soared, and he even learned the magic of the Dragon Emperor.

“But… why is it a teenager?” Bedivere said badly: “Shoxing, shouldn’t you be an uncle*?”

(*Note: The evil star is more than 10,000 years old, and the age of human beings should be young adults in their twenties.)

“I have lived for so long, but I have never really lived.” The evil star said, “What do you say about the red fire dragon evil star, in fact, even a human like Arthur is not as good as a human being like Arthur. It seems that I need to continue to show you more and more Learning is right. Although your human life is short and your strength is weak, you can actually burst into infinite possibilities. I have a different view on your race.”

“Stop pretending to be cool, your kid just died and the whole family was hit, right?” Arthur scolded without asking, “Enough, go back to your lair and have a good rest. The day after tomorrow. There’s still a duel.”

Sha Xing sighed, he couldn’t hide his sad expression: “Just let me stay with you for a while… I don’t want to go back to the lair for now… alone… People…”

“Do what you want.” Arthur said disapprovingly, “Even if you were to live in a farmhouse, it would be a sleeping stable. You can live there as you like. But if you’re just asking for comfort from a dead relative, I’ll do it. Give you a slap and wake you Um…”The evil star rarely refutes Arthur’s poisonous tongue,”…saying, [Pandora] Do you know this woman?”

“What?!” Arthur was suddenly electrocuted: “What did you say?! Pandora?!”

Shaxing scratched his head: “Do you know? You should be very aware of your human history. If you know that there was this person named Pandora five thousand years ago, tell me quickly.”

“Where did you hear the name?!” Arthur asked, “Come on!”

“Well, I have it in my mother’s memory. Although it’s very vague, I can see the woman with black skin, stabbed the mother with a black dagger. The mother called the woman’s name at that time, [Pandora] .”

Pandora. Merlin, who was in the Foxman Research Institute at the time, was stiff and at a loss when he heard this name. What does he know.

The fox people are the [Pandora Project] who create dark creatures.

The dragon queen Ayaris, who was infected by Anko, and the pure land of Elysian, who was destroyed by darkness, were created by this woman named Pandora.

——There must be some connection to it all!

Arthur vaguely felt that there was a huge conspiracy hidden in it.

A conspiracy that began more than 5,000 years ago! ?

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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