Light Spirit Epic Chapter 258: Fight to the Shadows (Part 2)


Chapter 258: The Shadow (Part 2)

Elaison’s Pure Land, the night of the sixth day, the first broken star.

The two battleships moved silently, and the shields they had had illusion magic applied to them, which seemed to be transparent from a distance, and subtly integrated with the environment.

Everyone in the battleship kept quiet, for fear that a little noise would reveal their whereabouts.

The two warships have slowly approached [First Fragmented Star Point], only one kilometer away from the volcano.

Arthur rides on the back of the Red Fire Dragon, waiting on the deck. He lowered his voice and commanded from the communicator:

“It’s now! Let’s fire together!!”

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom rack ! ! !

More than 2,000 guns of the two warships were aimed at the same point, and thousands of beams converged into a giant light and shot towards the volcano!

Together, the Red Fire Dragon and Howling Star Dragon spit out countless huge fireballs! Cuifenglong accelerated the huge fireballs one by one with wind pressure bombs and sent them to the volcano one kilometer away!

pound pound pound pound pound pound pound! ! ! !

A huge light has opened a gap in the mountainside of the volcano. Fireballs flew to, smashed into the gap, and exploded inside the volcano!

Arthur and the others heard the terrifying explosion a kilometer away. The earth then shook endlessly, and the volcano was on the verge of erupting due to the stimulation of this attack!

Arthur knew that this moment was the key to success or failure.

“Senvia!” he called.

“Understood, don’t rush!” Hoarfrost roared, and he was concentrating on creating a huge ice hockey puck, a hundred feet in diameter, and it was extremely spectacular to place on the plywood.

“I just hope this is really useful!” Baishuang Long said, while rolling up an ice storm. The puck rolled off the cleat, accelerating.

At the same time, Javier the Green Wind Dragon had already inhaled a lot of air, and the air was compressed in his lungs.

The huge ice ball grew bigger as it rolled, almost rolling to the edge of the deck of [Sword of Damocles (Yang)]. The ice hockey is now on the tip of a sword.

Cuifenglong saw the opportunity and spit out his strongest wind-pressure bomb [Air-to-Air Wave] at the ice ball that rolled out! The giant ice ball with a diameter of 200 feet was accelerated to an incredible level under the huge compressed air, and it flew out at super high speed and shot directly into the gap just opened by the volcano! !

Pounds! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The mountainside of the volcano was hit hard. The huge volcano of [First Fragmentation Point], stimulated by the sudden huge impact and the coldness of the ice sphere two hundred feet in diameter, it erupted! !

It didn’t just erupt, this skyscraper-tall volcano collapsed! !

The volcanic rocks were scattered like a meteor shower, and the hard and sharp rocks smashed to death and injured countless dark creatures crawling on the mountain.

The magma spurted out like boiling hot soup, and the fiery viscous lava burned the monsters flying in the air into ashes!

The high-speed volcanic rock stirred up countless magma! The high-speed magma sprayed out more hot rocks like shotguns, either scorching the dark creatures to death, or shooting them through and smashing them!

More than half of the 100,000 infantry were destroyed, and 1/3 of the tens of thousands of dragons were instantly destroyed!

Arthur saw that the momentum of the volcanic eruption began to weaken, and the dark creatures were also in a panic, he shouted: “It’s now! Dash!!”

The two battleships fired innumerable artillery fire, covering the dragoons’ attack. The four dragons flew out together, dodging the lava rain of the volcano, while rushing to kill in the enemy formation!

Cannon fire roars, splashes more lava flint, pierces the enemy, melts the enemy, and burns the enemy army!

While spitting out fireballs, the red fire dragon did everything possible, tearing with its claws and sweeping with its tail, tearing apart the dark dragons that were close by, causing them to fall; and sweeping away the flying volcanic boulders, Use boulders to kill countless enemies! Arthur raised the giant golden blade of the King’s Sword on the dragon’s back and swept it everywhere, causing the attacking dragons to die.

The hoarfrost dragon Xianvia spit out frosty breath while dodging. Although his frost breath cannot destroy dark creatures, it can freeze them all! Countless giant dragons were attacked one after another, turning into huge ice cubes and falling to the ground!

The Elf Prince Toya sat on the back of the Rime Dragon, firing arrows continuously. When he pulls the bow, he will send three arrows. The arrows are all physical arrows that the elves use to deal with the dark creatures. After hitting the target, it will produce super vibration and destroy the target from the inside! Combined with the breath of the hoarfrost dragon, it can even smash the frozen target with one blow! Although his arrows were fired three times at a time, they were all in vain, and every shot they fired could kill a giant dragon!

Jade Wind Dragon protected himself with the storm barrier, while carrying the elf girl Elison, rushing to kill in the enemy line. He flew at high speed, cooperated with Elaison’s [Song of Purification], and purifies the dark dragons in the air. What Elison’s ultrasound can transmit is a spherical sphere with a radius of one kilometer. Javier is actually carrying this spherical area with a radius of one kilometer to rampage everywhere, and the dragons within the range are hit by the ultrasound. , have fallen to death!

At the same time, the nine elves of the elf prince Thor’s entourage also attacked on the magic gunships of the elves. These small gunships are very similar to the iron cavalry used by the knights of the Pantoracken, but their gunfire is a high-heat fireball – modified by the elves to deal with dark creatures.

Nine gunboats ejected from the deck, streaking silver lights in the air, while swept the dragons in the air!

“Roar!” Dragon Emperor Titans rushed into the most densely populated area of ​​the enemy. Similar to the previous play, he first came with a huge roar, shocking all the dragons within a radius of several kilometers. Then he spit out plasma flames, burning everything around him! Hundreds of thousands of dark dragons were killed like this!

“Everyone be careful! The enemy is abnormal!” Arthur shouted. The infantrymen who were still being beaten on the ground were spreading their black wings and flying! Although infantrymen have been seen doing this before, Shaxing is still full of doubts: “Why didn’t they fly in the first place?”

“Probably can’t keep flying for a long time.” Arthur analyzed, “so it was set as an ability that can only be used when you are forced. Last time you escaped, is it a last stand now?!—– -I’m going to jump, Shaxing, take care of yourself!”

“What!? You——” Before the evil star could finish speaking, Arthur had already jumped out of the dragon’s back. The dragon was taken aback by the madness of the knight, but the knight always had his reasons.

That’s right, the enemy soldiers in the sky are flying up, and the infantry can’t sit still and fight back! Arthur rushed over first, and stepped on the head of one of the soldiers who just flew up. The King’s Sword in his hand spurted out a brilliance that had never been seen before, turning into a huge two-hundred-foot-long light. blade.

As Justinian said, because the outer part of the blade is surrounded by a layer of photonic vacuum, this huge and frightening blade can be swung effortlessly. Arthur wielded this giant blade and swept away! Thousands of enemy troops were directly purified!

“Ha!” After one blow, the Sword of Kings in Arthur’s hand returned to normal. He did not forget to get rid of the miscellaneous soldier under his feet, and then leaped out and stepped on another miscellaneous soldier. On the body, continue to kill the enemy, jump, kill the enemy, jump, and kill the enemy again! He treats the dull enemy soldiers as light bullets he often stomps, leaping and flying freely in the air. Sha Xing was dumbfounded, and continued to entangle with the dragons in the sky. He knew that instead of letting Arthur swing a sword on his back to kill the enemy, it was really better for Arthur to be more suitable for Arthur’s discrete guerrilla tactics. Killing monsters is more efficient!

After killing dozens of enemies, Arthur saw that the King’s Sword had regained its strength, and he once again unfolded the two hundred-foot-long golden blade, sweeping away! Thousands of miscellaneous soldiers were purified again in the golden light!

“Warning, the shield of the battleship has been breached. Request support.” Lotus’s voice came from the communicator, and the shield of the [Sword of Damocles (Yang)] had been knocked out by countless miscellaneous soldiers. There is a gap, although the shooting of the battleship is fierce, it is still low enough to hold the tens of thousands of troops!

“Damn! Who can help!?” Arthur cried, but he was too far away to catch up.

The evil star on the side also seems to be entangled by dozens of dragons and cannot withdraw. Javier rushed to a very distant war zone. Howling Star Dragon Titans is killing the enemy near the crater, and he can’t even pull away——

“Let’s go!” The Hoarfrost Dragon, who was closer, had already rushed over.

Pounds! ! ! ! A huge artillery fire passed, and Tristan in the artillery room thought he had wiped out the rushing enemy.

However, he did not see a dragon sneaking around in the other direction!

“Damn!” When Tristan found out, the dragon was already close at hand, and he hurriedly fired a cannon to smash the dragon to pieces! However——

Boom! ! ! A huge explosion exploded outside the gunnery room! It is not a good idea to bombard a demon dragon at close range. The exploding demon dragon skeleton, with high heat, blew the outer wall of the artillery room!

“Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah !!!!!” Trustan only felt a high fever and severe shock, and then he lost consciousness.

“Tristan? Tristan?!” Arthur continued to slash, shouting into the microphone, “How are you?! Answer me!!!”

He saw the artillery room where a large hole had been blown out on the battleship, and then saw that the battleship [Sword of Damocles (Yang)] had stopped all gunfire, and he knew how bad things were: Tristan I am afraid that it has been affected by that explosion and sacrificed!

“No!!!!!!” The anger caused Arthur to explode with unprecedented power.

[Third Miracle – Photon Creation] Activate! Countless photons flowed into the Sword of Kings from Arthur’s body, and coupled with the massive photons drawn by the Sword of Kings from other time and space, these hundreds of millions of photons expanded and became a total length of 10,000. ft of super-giant light blade!

——A 10,000-foot beam of light shines on the battlefield!

The sword of the king is pointed at the sky, and the sky bows its head under the majesty of the king!

The sword of the king stands on the earth, and the earth crawls and worships in the domineering of the king!

At this moment, the legendary **** of ancient gods who can split the sky and the earth finally showed its original appearance.

This is, in the infinite golden light, the torrent of light that destroys everything!

Arthur recklessly swept away with his sword! ! The giant light, 10,000 feet long and 500 feet wide, swept away all the darkness within three kilometers! !

Shaxing watched in amazement as the light swept over him, thinking he was going to die. He was annihilated by the dazzling giant light!


The golden light swept past, and the evil star opened his eyes.

The golden blade did not cause damage to the evil star! It was, albeit huge, a loosely structured photon storm! Just like being blown past by a hurricane, although the evil star was blown away, it did not cause actual damage to the dragon!

And what about the dark child creatures?

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dark creatures, fell to the ground! This golden storm has completely removed the [darkness] from their bodies!

The giant light blade of the Sword of Kings is not designed to kill life. It is something designed by ancient people to sweep away [darkness].

That sword is a special weapon for dark creatures!

The photons of other worlds that flow from countless balanced time and space will be modified by the laws of this world, and will eventually return to their correct time and space. This is the same as the [Third Miracle].

These photons that appear out of thin air, when they disappear out of thin air again, produce a microscopic world in the space where they are located [space-time It is a kind of particle-level microscopic vibration, but it is also a violent one Super vibration, enough to decompose the dark son in the surrounding space! ——The sword of the king can slash and kill dark creatures, which is exactly the principle!

It’s not just a magic weapon that can draw photons from other time and space, it’s also an ancient weapon that can use [Quantum-level Super Vibration] to decompose shadows!

Moreover, this is probably just one of the functions of the King’s Sword!

——Merlin sorted out the recent research materials on the King’s Sword and wrote them on the letter paper in the most simple and easy-to-understand language, looking forward to the recipient of this letter—— -Arthur——Can read.

But he had no idea in his heart: the connection between Anzi and ancient weapons is very complicated and profound, and can be traced all the way back to the [Age of Myths]. It will take two thousand years for modern people to understand the mysteries left by these ancient people.

…… And Arthur, who lived in the fifth century AD, had never received a formal education, just a teenager! ——- Merlin couldn’t help thinking.

With hesitation and trepidation, he summoned his familiar: a crow, gave the letter to the crow, and let it deliver the letter to Arthur.

By the time Arthur receives this letter from his farmhouse table, it will be after he has returned from the Elysian Lands.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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