Light Spirit Epic Chapter 248: The first battle in the pure land (middle)


Chapter 248: The First Battle in the Pure Land (Part 2)

Elysian Pure Land, late at night on the fourth day, the broken star battleship – Sword of Damocles (Yang).

“Evan, are you ready?” Arthur asked over the walkie-talkie.

“Ready.” Evan said, he was sitting on the bridge of the Sword of Damocles (Yin), steering the battleship.

“This is the artillery room, and I’m ready.” Tristan said through the walkie-talkie.

He is sitting in the artillery room of the Sword of Damocles (Yang). In addition to the comfortable tables and chairs, the most important thing in this room made by elves is its nerve conduction device. After wearing the conduction helmet, Tristan felt that the turrets of the entire battleship could be maneuvered as flexibly as his own hands and feet, and his own vision extended into a circle with a radius of two kilometers with the aid of the device.

With such a wonderful experience, the murloc prince could not help but sigh at the unfathomable magic attainments of the elves!

“I’ll leave the artillery command to me, okay? Isn’t Brady’s aiming ability better than mine?” Tristan asked again.

“Bedivere still rides Xianvia outside for guerrilla warfare more efficiently,” Arthur said, “Tristan, you are used to using a lot of ice arrows as a burst attack, so you should be able to control the turret easily. I believe Be yourself.”

“…Arthur.” Bedivere looked at the Celestial Knight uneasily, “Is there really no problem with this? Even if there are two more battleships, to deal with such an army, it is still– —“

“Don’t be afraid, you just need to use the bow in your hand and concentrate on dealing with those dragons infected by the dark son.” Arthur said.

The biggest threat is the three hundred dragons. Since the thousand soldiers on the ground can’t fly, the two warships should be able to get rid of them.

“Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, I still want to ask a question.” Arthur thought, “Those creatures who have been slept and eaten by Anzi, since they have no consciousness of their own, why can they still initiate such an organized Attack?”

“In other words, among their higher-level creatures, there is a certain creature that still has consciousness, and it is this creature who is commanding these heartless puppets?” Tristan replied eagerly.

“Well.” Dragon Emperor Titans snorted, “According to my current observation, these creatures slept and fed by [boundless darkness] are divided into three stages in total.”

“In the first stage, when the infection rate is lower than 50%, the creatures begin to have abnormal appetite and gradually become violent, and at this time they rely on food to keep the dark seeds growing;

In the second stage, the infection rate is between 50% and 75%. At this time, the creature begins to gradually lose its [heart] and is enveloped by negative emotions such as malice and hatred. [Boundless Darkness] uses this as energy to grow explosively;

Fortunately, the [heart] of creatures in this world is very fragile, and the second stage will not last for a long time, and the infected creature will completely lose [heart]. Once the [heart] is completely lost, the explosive growth of the [darkness] stops. For the [Darkness], these creatures are a broken embryo, and the [Darkness] can no longer be greatly cultivated, and the [Darkness] in their bodies can only grow by eating.

The most terrifying stage is the third stage, and it is also the stage that very few creatures can reach: if a creature does not lose [heart] in the second stage, it will persevere with its own tenacious will, and even let the infection rate reach One hundred percent, all the negative mental energy of this creature, will continue to be the source of the explosive growth of [Darkness]. It will be a true breeding ground for [darkness], sucking in photons without limit, creating [darkness] without limit, until it engulfs the entire universe.

…of course, the speed at which a creature of [Phase III] creates [darkness] still depends on how much negative emotion it can generate. If that creature had already hated the world, the world would probably end in an instant.

Arthur swallowed. From Merlin’s previous words, he learned about the horror of Anzi, but he didn’t know that Anzi could be so terrible!

The evil star asked in a low voice: “…Then, it is now in the [third stage], and the people who are commanding this group of dark sons behind the scenes, is it ——”

“Probably, her mother.” Dragon Emperor Titans said with a gloomy face, “Ayaris probably hates this world very much, and she also hates me very much.”

“You broke her heart.” Sha Xing said.

“She broke my heart first.” Dragon Emperor Titans retorted.

Sha Xing turned his face away, not wanting to argue with the Dragon Emperor.

“Come on! There are still ten kilometers! It has already entered the visible range!” Ivan saw the enemy from a distance and shouted.

“Maleficent!” cried Arthur.

“Got it!” Shaxing jumped out of the window, and Arthur jumped out with him.

“Little devil, if it wasn’t because my attack didn’t work for those guys, I wouldn’t let you sit on my back!” Xianvia said, “Follow up!”

“Yes!” Bedivere gave a wry smile and dispatched with the White Frost Dragon.

“Javier…Brother, please protect Elison!” Evan on another battleship also said.

“Got it.” Cuifenglong carried the elf **** his back and was already flying outside the bridge. “I have such a strong wind wall for protection, so I won’t be easily hit.”

“Is there really no problem with your operating system?” Dragon Emperor Titans was also ready to jump out to fight, but he looked back at Lian Yin worriedly.

“The system here is very similar to that of ancient warships,” Lian Yin said while sitting on the control seat. “This machine has operated similar warships before, and it is competent.”

The Dragon Emperor He knew that this girl was actually Patimo, who was left by ancient humans. As a magic weapon, no one should be more familiar with ancient civilizations. So he jumped out of the bridge, changed back to the form of Howling Star Dragon in midair in an instant, and flew.

The enemy is five kilometers away.

Four kilometers. Countless black dragons flew head-on, spitting out dark flames at the elf king!

Three kilometers. The powerful protective shield of the Royal Capital began to be destroyed by the black flames and began to crumble!

“It’s now!!” Dragon Emperor roared.

Evan and Tristan simultaneously operate two warships with thousands of cannons and fire!

The rain-like cannon fire passed through the protective shield that just collapsed, and fell on these ugly monsters when the black dragons had to breathe out the black flames and needed to breathe back! !

Swish Swish Swish! ! ! The high-heat beam that can dissolve metal, kill hundreds of giant dragons, and give the enemy a dismay!

Arthur couldn’t help but marvel at the exquisite command of the Dragon Emperor and the perfect timing! This king of dragons has experienced human-dragon battles and led countless dragons and humans to fight for thousands of years! The Dragon Emperor’s ability to command battles is already at the level of a god!

While Arthur was still in awe, the Dragon Emperor had already shouted and commanded: “Cavalry, sprint!!”

Xiaoxinglong Titans rushed into the enemy line with the Red Fire Dragon, White Frost Dragon, and Emerald Wind Dragon!

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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