Light Spirit Epic Chapter 237: Due to Xingying (Part 1)


Chapter 237: Showdown with Xingying (Part 1)

Frey jumped out facing the underground lava lake.

She plunged her head into the lava, waited less than a second, and floated on the surface of the lava. She took a dip in the lava lake.

The armor on her body is as resistant to high temperatures as hers, and will not melt even in tens of thousands of degrees of heat. For this flaming giant, lava is her most comfortable bath.

She didn’t want to take a bath so early in the morning, even if it can withstand high temperatures, too much soaking in the lava is not good for the skin. However, the intruder recently made her feel very upset. He always said a lot of sweet words to her frantically, making her overwhelmed. She needs more lava baths to calm her mind.

Her family of flaming giants has guarded the flaming magic sword in this underground palace for tens of thousands of years. The giant family is declining day by day, eliminated by the world and its own genes, and finally only Frey is left.

She is not alone. The lava trolls who accompany her and worship her as gods are her best servants. As long as she gives an order, these monsters will go through fire and water for her.

However, monsters are always monsters, and their intelligence is extremely low. They can only understand some simple commands, and they can’t even be the object of Frey’s conversation.

Frey, who is nearly 1,000 years old (in human age, about 18 years old), is in the flowering season of a young girl. She should have ventured more into the outside world to meet more handsome giants. .

However, her ancestor’s mission of guarding the flaming magic sword made her unable to go anywhere.

That sword could burn the earth in seven days, vaporize the ocean, and set the sky on fire. Such a terrifying weapon must always be guarded strictly, and it must not be taken away by people with evil intentions.

However, is that really the case?

The Flaming Sword is sealed at the bottom of a lava lake 30,000 feet deep. Except for the clansmen of Frey, a flaming giant that can withstand high temperature and high pressure, no one else can reach it at all.

It was sealed in an absolutely safe realm, and Frey constantly wondered if she still needed to guard the Fiery Demon Sword.

Perhaps she really should go out for a walk and see the world. Maybe come back a hundred years later, and the magic sword is still sleeping at the bottom of the lava lake! It’s only a hundred years, and for a race like Frey with such a long lifespan, it’s just a blink of an eye.

What the giantess cares about is the human boy. Kilimanjaro has never had a visitor for thousands of years. That boy was the first in history to be able to find such a place. He obviously came for the Flame Sword, but he kept lying, what was his purpose?

Although she knew it was a lie, being pursued by a stranger was the first time in the life of a giant girl. She didn’t know what to do with the boy.

When she was distressed, the boy’s upper body suddenly appeared in her mind, revealing the strong muscles of the boy. In the fire giant clan, when a man shows his muscles to a woman, it is like proposing to that woman. At this time, the woman has the right to use any attack magic to attack the man. If he can accept it through gritted teeth, the marriage contract will be established.

But he ducked. …. fortunately he escaped.

Frey admitted that she was in a panic and made a heavy attack. The other party was just a mortal. After eating that flaming spear, she would definitely be burned to ashes by the high heat. ……If he didn’t dodge and took that attack alive, the consequences would be even more disastrous. Frey will have to agree to the marriage.

Marrying a human… this is a ridiculous thing a girl would never have thought of.

But…why do I have some vague expectation? Frey was ashamed of her thoughts.

Frey had already made up her mind. The next time that boy dares to show his muscles in front of her, she will definitely use her strongest and most destructive magic to blow this **** into slag.

It does what it says.

“Hey!” A salamander jumped in the lava lake, and the lava (water?) splashed up on Frey’s face, interrupting the Giantess’s thoughts.

“Hey, you’re naughty, Luke!” she laughed, pouring lava over it and playing with the salamanders.

The ten-foot-long salamander jumped up and down happily in the lava, its fiery red scales reflecting gold in the lava.

Elysian Pure Land, the elven capital, at night? Time.

Arthur wanders among the elves’ buildings, looking for signs of the evil star.

Originally, to find a small red fire dragon in such a large waste city was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, after the suggestion of Dragon Emperor Titans, Arthur realized that he may also use the photon smell of dragons. If he concentrates, maybe he can really smell the smell of the evil star from the world of photons.

He did feel something. Whether it was a [smell], even he himself couldn’t tell in detail. But he had no choice but to believe this feeling, pursue the source of the smell, and keep going.

The red fire dragon evil star, on a tower-like building, looks up at the night sky.

“I found you.” Arthur dragged his still unhealed body and finally climbed to the top of the tower.

The red fire dragon evil star turned his head and glanced at Arthur, but did not speak.

“What, I just learned about my own background, so I was hit like this?” Arthur sat down and said, “Is this the cheeky red fire dragon that I’ve known all along?”

“[Shaoxing] (Shooting Star)?——” the red fire dragon whispered, “[Shaoxing] is the name I have given myself since I was sensible. In the language of dragons, it means falling from the sky. It’s just a falling star. The name is bad enough.

…no way.

Father… His Majesty the Dragon Emperor doesn’t bother to give me a name, and even the queen mother didn’t pay much attention to me because she was sad. I just have to take care of myself. “

Arthur glanced at the evil star. The dragon’s red scales glowed with a purple-red halo against the backdrop of the night.

“Sometimes I really doubt whether I should be born in this world. As soon as I was born, my mother was alienated by His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. Since I was born, the war between dragons and humans has always been at a disadvantage. Maybe I’m really just a disaster star.”

“…One can’t choose one’s origin, but one can choose how to live.” Arthur sighed, he used to admonish Tolville (Seifer), and now he uses it again On Shaxing, “So, Shaxing, it doesn’t make sense for you to dwell on your past. What you need to look at is the future.”

In fact, this is just a word to encourage Arthur himself.

“Hmph, of course you put it lightly!” Sha Xing snorted disdainfully, “Your boy is a descendant of the royal family of Pantoracken! A natural stallion! There is also the blood of the great Dragon Emperor Titans in his body. Ah ha ha ha ha! —— Of course you can teach me a wild species like me with an infinite sense of superiority!”

“…Do you really think that, Fiend?” Arthur’s face turned serious, “Do you really think we’re so different?”

“Isn’t it?! Even if you are a human, you still have the blood of the noble Dragon Emperor. What about me? Even if it is a dragon, what I have on me is the dirty blood of my mother and her adulterer. Ah!” Sha Xing was full of grief and anger, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became, “No wonder you can beat me, no wonder you can use me casually, it turns out that from the beginning, I was destined to be trampled by the noble you, Pantoracken. His Royal Highness!”

“…No.” Arthur whispered, “I thought we were friends——“

“You’ve never only regarded me as your servant, mount, domesticated animal and ——!” Shaxing said angrily.

Arthur gave the evil star a slap, instantly slapping the little red dragon with stars all over his head.

“Idiot. Well, let’s cancel the contract.” He said, “I won’t serve you any more. Wherever you want to go in the future is up to you.”

The evil star does not speak. His pride made him want to break the contract, but instinct prevented him from doing so. Long knew that if he fell out with Arthur at this moment, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

“…Sorry, I said too much.” The proud dragon apologized. Even he didn’t believe he would say the words to apologize.

“You know, there was once a boy who also cursed his own birth.” Arthur said to himself as if he couldn’t hear the male star.

“His father was a famous celestial knight who climbed to such a high position in his forties. The whole country was once shocked by such a talented person, and everyone expected such a genius to be able to Take on the responsibility of guarding Pantoracken.”

“However, the celestial knight, regardless of his identity, fell in love with a lowly maid. Despite all the opposition from the main room, he continued to have an affair with the maid. As a result, he gave birth to A wild bastard. A boy with dirty blood that shouldn’t have been born into such a noble family.”

“Arthur?” The red fire dragon evil star turned to look at the knight. The knights were hugging each other, bowing their heads in thought. His voice was so low that only he could hear it.

“Although the maid always denied that the boy was born to her and the Celestial Knight. But as the boy grew up, the affair between the Celestial Knight and the maid was finally revealed. The angry main room and the society at that time were exposed. Countless dignitaries at the top all accused the maid and her adultery. The Heavenly Knights had no choice but to stand by and watch those crazy people put the maid to death.”

“…Where’s that boy?” Shaxing asked.

“He lost everything. He watched his mother die, but… eh? No… he was taken away, and he couldn’t even see her last face… .Hmm?…not right?…”

The headache came violently from Arthur’s head.

“Uhh—what happened—can’t remember—did I…did I see my mother die…” Arthur After a dizziness, he couldn’t hold it any longer and fell directly from the tower!


When Arthur came back to his senses, he was already on Shaxing’s back. The red fire dragon flapped its wings, landed slowly, twisted its waist, and violently shook Arthur to the ground.

“Don’t faint in the middle of the story?” Sha Xing said dissatisfiedly, “This kind of anticlimactic narrative is not even a bad story.”

Arthur covered his painful forehead and slowly got up. Seeing that the evil star had grown huge, he stood in front of him tensely: “What do you evil star?”

The Red Fire Dragon Shaxing responded with a low sneer: “You humans are still unbelievable. The only way for me to trust you is to defeat me!”

“You’re very energetic, big stupid dragon.” Arthur drew his sword, “It seems that you won’t be good if you don’t teach your kid a lesson.”

“In the end, strength decides everything.” Sha Xing also said, “Arthur, just fight with the determination to kill me! I will fight you with the same determination!!– – If you can truly defeat me, I will bow down to you, and I will let you punish me in the future without any objection;

On the other hand, if you lose to me, set me free! Whether it is the Dragon Emperor, the Queen Mother, or the Pure Land of Elaison, I don’t want to worry about all of this. I just want to hide in my nest and get a good night’s sleep, one sleep is forever! “

“Slacker, do you think you can escape my clutches and be at ease again? Don’t be naive!” Arthur sneered, “Watch me beat you to the ground and humiliate you! Then I will use you, I will use you. , I will serve you until you die! Accept your fate, little wild kind!”

“You’re the little wild breed!” Sha Xing also roared.

After half a year, the battle between the dragon and the boy begins again. This time, they have to really decide the winner. In this age where power decides everything and the winner is king, the dragon and the boy learned to use their fists to talk.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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