Light Spirit Epic Chapter 226: The Second Coming to the Storm (Part 1)


Chapter 226: The Second Coming to the Storm (Part 1)

The next morning, there were six days left until the duel between Arthur and Palinlor.

The leopard Palamidis, with his two sons, came to a lake.

Isn’t this a lake? Is it really here? He looked at the address and couldn’t help but wonder.

But, indeed, this lake is very strange. It doesn’t have the smell of lake water.

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Palamides took a step forward and motioned for Zephyr and Seglade to follow.

“Yes, but…” Saifer looked at the lake in horror, “I can’t swim, meow…”

“I don’t know how to meow either…” Seglade said in fear, snuggling up beside his twin brother.

“You two landlubbers—-” Palamidis covered his head in disgust, “Come on, Dad has a way to teach you to swim right away.”

“Yes, meow?” Seefer asked suspiciously.

“Yes, come here.” The Leopard Man pretended to be serious and said to his sons, “First of all, you have to look at the lake carefully and feel its flow——”

Two little idiots stepped up and looked at the water. This lake is really calm as a mirror.

“And then?” Seglade asked curiously.

“Then, here it is.” Palamides pushed the twins into the lake with both hands!

Smack! Raised a splash of water.

“Humph, how? Just struggle! If you struggle, you can swim! That’s how I learned to swim when I was a kid!” Leopard Man laughed.

When he was young, he was hunted by humans for stealing and jumped from a cliff into the sea. It is better to be drowned than to be beaten to death by a human being, he thought at the time.

But he did not give up hope of survival. In the desperate situation of being drowned, he paddled and gradually learned to swim.

Man must push himself into a desperate situation before he can burst out the potential necessary for survival for the first time. When you are on the brink of death, it is also the time when a person is most powerful. Palamides has always thought so.


The two little guys who fell into the water never came up, they didn’t even struggle, the water was still as calm as a mirror!

…Impossible! ? The two little guys fell into the water, no matter how flustered they were, they would at least struggle! ?

Did it sink directly to the bottom of the lake? !

Or, is there any terrifying creature in this eerie lake that has bitten, entangled, or—eaten the two children? !

Feeling that something was wrong, Palamidis took off his shirt and was about to jump into the lake to save people.

However, a woman glowing white appeared out of thin air on the lake.

This woman who looks like a god, holding two cats in her hands, said in a calm tone: “Is it this golden cat or this silver cat that you threw into the lake?”

“——None of them!!!” Palamidis cried, crying, “Bring my sons back!”

“You are really an honest person,” the goddess smiled. “Then, these two golden and silver cats are for you. Goodbye.”

The goddess dropped two cats and sank into the lake and disappeared.

“What?!! No!!!!” Palamidis yelled.

“Puhuhuhuhuhu——” Someone was snickering softly.

Although the voice is kept very low, it cannot escape the sensitive hearing of the leopard.

“Zefel, Seglade?!” the leopard warrior said angrily, “You are kidding me, aren’t you!?”

No response.

“Punish you to eat the lunch I made!” Palamidis said viciously.

“This—I’m sorry, meow.” The two kittens changed back to human form and squatted in front of the leopard warrior.

“What the **** are you doing…” Palamidis asked in astonishment. However, a woman who came out of the lake interrupted the Leopard Man’s words, which made the already surprised Leopard Man warrior even more surprised.

Vivienne is indeed a beauty. The flat, boring white lab coat she was wearing couldn’t hide the beauty of this lady at all.

“…This lake is not a place for your group of orcs to come and play.” Vivian said disdainfully, “Don’t come again, go back quickly.”

Palamides blushed for a while. He thought for a moment that Vivian was really some kind of goddess incarnation, but he immediately remembered the purpose of the trip. He hurriedly put on his shirt and cleared his throat. , said: “cough. Is that Ms. Vivian? The villain was ordered by Lord Arthur to come to you to discuss some important matters.”

A haze passed over Vivian’s fair and beautiful face: “It’s Arthur again. Why does he like to introduce all kinds of miscellaneous people here to harass me?”

“But, there is something very important——“

“Understood, come with me.” Vivian said, she turned and walked into the lake.

When the Leopard Man saw that his sons also walked in with confidence, he also stretched one foot into the water suspiciously.

Without the touch of the lake water, nor the feeling of being soaked in water, the Leopard Man instantly understood: this is a very advanced optical projection magic, and even the effect of splashing water can be simulated. But a virtual image is just a virtual image after all.

He plunged into the [water] and saw a mysterious research institute under the lake.

Ten minutes later.

“Really?” Vivian replied indifferently, looking at the two leopard teenagers scurrying around in the research room, for fear that they might mess up something, “Kay came to me, but that was It was three weeks ago, and I can’t guarantee he’s still where I sent him.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Palamides looked at his sons absently. The leopard teenagers have been living in a closed environment all these years, and everything in the outside world is full of novelty to them. So they are inevitably excited.

“Send me there.” Palamidis said, “How to find Sir Kay in the future, I will find a way myself.”

“…Okay,” Vivian threw the map of Africa to Palamidis a little impatiently, and raised her hand to open a portal out of thin air.

“The door will always be maintained with magic, and you can use this teleportation stone to open and close it. Good luck,” Vivian said.

“Well, thank you, ma’am.” The leopard warrior picked up the map and the teleportation stone and shouted, “Follow up, Zephyr, Seglade.”

“Yes meow——“

“Wait a minute.” Vivian narrowed her eyes and looked at the two leopard teenagers, “Have they been infected by Anzi?”

“Uh, it seems so—-” Although Palamidis listened to Arthur and Merlin’s explanation, as a warrior, he was not interested in these complicated things, and basically did not listen to them. clear.

“…Leave them here.” Vivian said, “Maybe there are still dark spots in their bodies that have not been cleaned up. I want to do a comprehensive physical examination on them.”

“What? I don’t want to have a medical check-up meow!” Seefer recalled being abused in every possible way in the Foxman’s research The fear suddenly surfaced in his heart.

“…” Palamides looked at Vivian, and at his sons.

“You are indeed Arthur’s sister, right?”

He shouldn’t have trusted humans. He shouldn’t have left the child in the care of a stranger so easily.

“Yes.” Vivian replied nonchalantly.

“…That’s good. This trip to Africa is also full of dangers, and it’s not appropriate to bring these two kittens. Safe, Seglade, you stay at Ms. Vivian. in the research institute.”

“What meow?! But——” the leopard teenagers cried out in horror.

“It’s no big deal.” Their dad said, “I’ll be back when I go.”

After he finished speaking, Palamidis had already jumped into the portal, and the portal closed immediately behind him.

“Dad!” the boys shouted.

“Next——” Vivian looked at the two teenagers, her eyes showing a cold light, “What should I do with you?”

The two leopard teenagers cuddled with each other, huddled in fear, watching Vivien approaching.

“Meow ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”

A shrill cry echoed in Vivian’s research institute.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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