Light Spirit Epic Chapter 222: Preparation for battle is a daily routine


Chapter 222: Preparation for daily life (Part 2)

Tristan dropped the half-trident in his hand.

He transforms it into a skateboard-like form and drops it on the ground a few feet away. Just as the giant ice behind him was about to crush Tristan, he stepped on the ice skateboard with both feet and galloped out!

Originally, to control the produced ice cubes, photons need to be emitted like silk threads, and the objects that need to be controlled are moved.

This is a very advanced [space control magic] that Tristan has yet to learn. What he will use is a basic [orbit acceleration magic]. This magic is the process of making ice arrows and accelerating them when they leave his hand.

In theory, orbital acceleration can be performed wherever the body touches. Tristan’s skateboard is no exception. There is almost zero friction between the bottom of the skateboard and the ground, so he can accelerate very fast in an instant!

“Oh?” Queen Lilith of Iceland couldn’t help but marvel at her son’s epiphany in the crisis, but she immediately understood that this so-called ice skateboard had a fatal flaw!

It can only accelerate in a straight line. Use Orbital Acceleration to instantly accelerate objects, always linearly. This creates a problem with the sensitivity of the skateboard.

The queen simply predicted the castration of the ice skateboard and fired countless ice arrows on the track it was about to cover!

If Tristan doesn’t do anything, he’ll be shot by a Frostbolt immediately, and he’ll be stabbed to death by hundreds of Frostbolts!

Seeing this situation, Tristan collapsed on the skateboard and suddenly used the Orbital Acceleration Technique to change the direction of the skateboard!

He regards the orbital acceleration technique as the driving force of the skateboard. He also leans his body to match the skateboard’s sliding. With the delicate adjustment of the upper moment arm and torque, he can make a turn in an instant!

He made a sharp 90-degree turn in an instant, dodging the Queen of Iceland’s attack beautifully!

Contrary to the Queen’s expectations, the track of the skateboard is in a beautiful arc, rushing straight to the front of the Queen! Tristan used two orbital acceleration spells from two different angles at the same time, turning the skateboard’s trajectory into an arc. Even for a high-level magician, it is very difficult to cast two spells at the same time, because one can’t do two things at the same time. But Tristan did it with his own amazing talent!

Tristan can’t use ice magic anymore, but he knows he can’t win by dodging all the time, so he decides to give it a shot!

He stands up from the skateboard with a Frostbolt in his hand! This is the ice arrow that the queen shot at him just now and was caught secretly by him! He took this in his hand and used it as his only weapon, rushing towards the Queen of Iceland!

“Humph!” The queen stabbed a shot, but was dodged by Tristan. Tristan took this opportunity to stab the queen’s belly with an ice arrow!

But —–

—————-Fly! ! !

The skateboard suddenly took off. Tristan didn’t know what was going on, but when he turned around, he saw a small ice mound on the ground. Just such a protrusion changed the original track of the skateboard, and made Tristan fly with the skateboard!

The Queen made such an ice mound on the ground at the moment when Tristan attacked, the purpose was to empty the skateboard that Tristan was stepping on! After all, a skateboard is something that slides on the ground, and its trajectory is always affected by the ground conditions! This is another fatal flaw of Tristan’s ice skates!

——Looking at the murloc boy who flew into the air, a mischievous smile broke out on the queen’s face.

——The murloc boy in mid-air also looked at the Queen of Iceland and laughed mischievously.

The giant ice cube is still chasing Tristan, but now it’s crushing Queen Lilith. This is what Tristan wanted!

The Queen raised the golden spear and swiped it with a single blow, instantly slicing the huge ice cube in half!

At the same time, Tristan in mid-air also threw the only weapon in his hand, the Frostbolt!

The overwhelmed Lilith could only dodge sideways, but was still injured by the ice arrow, leaving a thin wound on her face.

Tristan flew over the ice storm created by Lilith and landed smoothly…

Strange. He plunged headlong into the thatched roof of the farmhouse.

——Looking at the murloc boy who failed to land, there was another mischievous smile on the queen’s face. She is very accurate!

“Oh!” Tristan struggled, but his upper body sank into the thatch on the roof, unable to exert any strength. His feet were also tightly glued to the skateboard, and he couldn’t move freely for a moment or three.

“Hey! Who’s going to pull me out—” he yelled, but with his head buried in the thatch, the sound was comical.

“Little idiot.” Queen Lilith was already riding on the ice cubes to the roof. She looked at Tristan and stabbed the murloc boy in the **** with the golden gun, “How about it, do you want the mother to beat you? Ass? I haven’t spanked your **** since you were three years old. I miss you so much.”

“No! Don’t!” Tristan continued to struggle, but he just couldn’t get off his feet, still sticking to the thatch in this comical pose.

“If you are willing to admit defeat, I will let you go.” The queen threatened.

“No, not this one!” cried Tristan, “Never give up!”

“That’s the choice to spank?”


“It’s a lot to ask for.” The Queen laughed, “Well, seeing that your magic has improved a lot, it seems that it’s not a bad thing for you to stay in the Knights of Arthur. I’ll let you here for the time being. Just stay.”

“Nor- uh, what?! Really?!” Tristan exclaimed, but the way he twisted his **** almost made the Queen want to spank him hard.

“The Heavenly Knight Arthur,” the queen swiftly jumped off the roof, “you Pantoracken is really a magical place, a civil war, and then what [Five Kings Battle], and your council is A group of jesters who only know how to eat, drink, and have fun. You are still able to continue to run a country like this!?”

Arthur looked ashamed. Justinian said the same thing, and even the foreign envoys could easily see that it seemed that the internal corruption of Parliament was hopeless.

“However, among your Heavenly Knights, there are some worthy heroes.” When the queen said this, there was a moment of arrogance on her face, “especially the Grand Duke Hall.”

(Well, I seem to understand something——)

“I order you to win the last decisive battle as soon as possible! Don’t delay it any longer! While you are languishing here, our alliance is ready for a decisive battle with the Hungarians. We will not wait for you! “

“This… I will try to do it.” Arthur said helplessly, the last duel will be held in six days, if Arthur can successfully win, it will be fine, if he loses– —That is a new round of five kings battle, until one of the five heavenly knights can defeat all of them.

That would indeed take a long time, and no one can stand this kind of troublesome thing to death. Pantoracken will definitely be ridiculed by other allies, and Pantoracken’s position is not very good.

“Anyway, I will entrust you to take care of that unworthy son. Let’s hone him well,” said the Queen of Iceland.

“Yes, at Her Majesty’s orders.” Arthur saluted.

“Tristan, don’t play here either.” cried the female dynasty’s rooftop, “The Icelandic fleet will be gathering at the French port soon. When the war begins, you have to come and report to As an ambassador, don’t forget your own mission!”

“I know, I know, mother.” Tristan replied gloomily.

“—–Then, Bedivere, right?” The queen turned her head to look at the werewolf boy again, “Please continue to be friends with dogs.”

(It should be “fish”, right?)

“Sure.” Bedivere laughed. Knowing the serious look on the Queen’s face, it was a real smile.

“Then, good night, everyone.” The Queen smiled, turned around, and left surrounded by court magicians.

After the Queen left, Bedivere breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Arthur, honestly, if you fight the Queen of Iceland, do you have a chance of winning?”

“The strength of Her Majesty the Queen should be comparable to that of the Celestial Knights.” Arthur looked at the Queen’s retreating back, and analyzed, “If we competed like we did just now, it is estimated that a tie is barely possible. If we fight with our lives. It’s another story.”

“If you fight for your life…are you the one who wins?”

“No, on the contrary, she has a better chance of winning.” Arthur said, “In my opinion, what she just showed was probably less than one-tenth of her strength.”

“Whatever you say,” cried Tristan from the roof, “can you get me out first?! My nose is itchy!”

He’s still stuck in the thatched roof and can’t get out.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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