Light Spirit Epic Chapter 212: Rapid attack in the morning light


Chapter 212: Assault on Morning Light (Part 1)

At five o’clock the next morning, the battle meeting room of the Southern Sky Knights.

“Tomorrow is your duel with Hall, you really do this without thinking about anything!?” Tristan said in surprise, “If you’re missing an arm and a leg—– -“

“It’s so noisy, you don’t have to worry about me!” Arthur said angrily.

“I’m ready.” Palamidis wrapped a bandage around his abdomen, thinking that this would protect his internal organs from injury when moving at high speed.

“I want to go too, Arthur…” Bedivere winked at Arthur pleadingly.

“No, it’s seriously full.” Arthur said, “Me, Merlin, Liane, Evan, Tristan, Palamedis, and Ryder*. Seven of us, that’s all.”

(*Note: Rabbit Ryder’s memory is required for teleportation.)

“Unless you think your kid’s abilities can replace someone in this team, you’d better stay here obediently.” Arthur said ruthlessly.

“Ugh.” Bedivere, who knew that he was right, shrank back, “Okay…I just want to help Ryder when he needs it the most.”

“…Bevier…” Rabbit was still affected by the operation, and his spirit was weakened. He said indifferently: “I will be fine, you don’t have to worry.”

Hearing Rabbit say this, and thinking of Rabbit’s previous lie to Bedivere about “We are friends”, the werewolf boy couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart.

“Okay, it’s time for us to go.” Arthur urged, “It will be troublesome when the sun rises.”

In fact, the sunrise time in the Underdark is noon, so this kind of sneak attack in the early morning is very stupid, Tristan thought. But he didn’t think much about it, so he teleported out with everyone.

“Whoosh!” The group teleported into a huge space.

“Not good!” Merlin shouted, and immediately put something like a magic shield to protect everyone while falling.

They landed smoothly on the ground, while Arthur looked angrily at the “smuggled” Bedivere.

“Beddie, do you want to die?!” His face became very terrifying, “If you want to die, just slam your head into the wall and die, don’t come to drag everyone! You follow casually, and the teleportation technique is biased. Move, we are all stuck in the ground and a big explosion * was killed, are you responsible?!”

(*Note: Teleportation magic is equivalent to quantizing a group of people to move at a high speed. If the teleportation fails and falls into the ground, it is equivalent to hitting a solid at a speed close to the speed of light, which will produce a very terrifying big explosion. .)

“If it weren’t for the genius of controlling teleportation spells like me, we would have died.” Merlin also scolded, “You brat, you should be a little bit more willful!”

Being bombarded by Arthur and Merlin in turn, Bedivere shrank in a corner, “Yes, I’m sorry——“

“Enough, it won’t help to blame you now, so let’s focus on combat first.” Arthur said.

“By the way, where is this place?”

This huge space should be somewhere underground in the research institute.

Huge iron cages are used everywhere, containing countless creatures.

“This, here——” Ryder saw this place, his legs were softened with fright, he lay on the ground and couldn’t move, just kept shaking, “No! Don’t, don’t hit me! “

Arthur looked at the experimental animals in the cages. They are very miserable, their whole body is pierced by all kinds of sharp needles, and it is estimated that it will be very painful to move!

“What is this doing?” Arthur asked.

“The experiment of cultivating dark shadows.” Merlin said, “The growth of dark shadows by the food of infected organisms is very low. However, dark shadows can react with the quantum waves of the biological brain, and the more negative the spirit is. energy, the more it can accelerate the growth of darkons.”

Arthur looked blank.

“The situation is similar to that of human beings using magic, but the response is not photons but dark sons, and the only ‘magic’ that is activated is to make dark sons grow.” Tristan said blankly.

Merlin, who was still worried and didn’t know how to explain it so that Arthur could understand, could not help but feel happy when he heard Tristan’s (self-made) clever explanation. This saved him a lot of trouble.

Merlin looked at the murloc boy and said with a smile: “Well, I understand it very well, it’s like that, probably.”


“…The speed of Anzi destroying the world is faster than you think. It takes time to study its working principle. It is impossible.” Merlin said with a gloomy face, “Fox people don’t know at all What a dangerous toy they are playing with. They are crazy about winning the war.”

“Ryder?” Arthur said commandingly.

“Ha, ha, ha…” The bunny man, who was panting and shaking, slowly took out one piece after another from the magic pocket on his belly. bomb.

“How many bombs would it take to blow up this basement?” Arthur asked.

“You need at least four.” Merlin said, measuring the size of the basement with his hands, “You can put one in each of the south, south, and northwest. The explosion will ensure that this place will become a sea of ​​fire, and all the dark creatures will be burned. A clean, no trouble at all.”

“Very well, it seems that bringing extra bombs is the right choice.” Arthur looked at Ryder, “You still have a little use occasionally.”

The Rabbit Man was in a cold sweat and didn’t say anything. It looked like this place scared him a lot.

“Beddie, since you’re here, carry that rabbit on your back, don’t let the two of you become a burden on our team.” Arthur said.

“Got it.” Being said to be a burden, Bedivere was angry, but he knew it was his fault, so he swallowed his anger and carried Ryder, who was still shaking, on his back, “Okay, Ryder, Don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

(Even if you don’t consider me your friend.)

“Evan is in charge of vigilance, let’s plant bombs separately.” Arthur said.

Bedivere and Archmage Merlin go to the East Wing to plant a bomb. As soon as he walked to the east wing of the basement, a huge glass container was reflected in front of the werewolf boy.

Countless darkness wiggles in that container. Those black creatures, like worms, devoured each other, bit each other, and then spit out what they ate, giving birth to more dark worms.

They screamed terribly anyway, hated each other and killed each other, but they were all immortal, so this killing was going on forever.

Bediveville was horrified and his scalp tingled. What he saw was not only the monsters in front of him, but what he saw seemed to be the essence of human malice.

“I’m cultivating dark sons.” The archmage explained while setting up bombs. “Put the creatures in containers and let them kill each other, increasing hatred and pain to each other, so as to make dark sons multiply. What a disgusting practice, The person who came up with this kind of thing has a really bad brain.”

“What if—” Bedi swallowed and asked, “If this planet is completely infected by Anko, will all the creatures on the planet look like this?”

“…Not so disgusting, but the nature should be the same.” Merlin said.

“If the entire universe is filled with dark particles, the universe will be surrounded by such chaos, and the creatures (matter) in the universe will devour each other, and the situation will be more similar to this.”

Beddie gasped. This kind of thing should be avoided anyway. How sad it would be if he himself turned into such a terrifying appearance, killing each other with his former friends.

A golden light caught Ryder’s eye.

It was a bracelet on one of the monsters, reflecting the golden color.

The bracelet is identical to the other one that Ryder is wearing.

“Dad, Mom…” The rabbit man looked at the black container and burst into tears.

“Ryder, shouldn’t it be——“

“They’ve been threatening me with the lives of the entire caravan. That’s the consequence of my failure.” Ryder sobbed, “I’m afraid most of the stuff in here is from the caravan.”

“They sold you for three thousand gold coins, why did they end up worse than you?” Merlin asked, “Are the foxes crazy?”

“Because I have good adaptability with [that], I was favored by the elders of the foxmen… and put [that] in my mind.” Ryder said painfully, “then, in order to ensure the capture of the shellfish, Will’s plan was foolproof, and they took the caravan that sold me as a hostage.”

“Don’t talk.” Feeling Ryder’s violent trembling, Bedivere stopped Rabbit from continuing, “Let’s put the bomb and blow this place to ashes. I don’t want anything like this anymore. Take a look.”

“Um…” Ryder sobbed on the back of the werewolf boy. The more he didn’t think about it, the more memories of the past came to his mind.

“I’m sorry, Ryder.” The father said to the rabbit man in the small iron cage, “the caravan has no extra money, and even eating is a problem at this rate.

You just stay here. This is a better place. “


The bunny boy is like an experimental animal, locked in a small cage naked and unable to even turn around.

The researchers pierced his body with needles, electrified him with electricity, and placed the cage in extreme heat and cold. They used every conceivable means day after day to add to Ryder’s humiliation and pain.

To cultivate a heart full of darkness.

Ryder can understand the pain of Seefer (Tol’vir), because he has been in the same **** as Seefer. No, probably more than that. The physical pain far outweighs the mental humiliation. Ryder survived the torture and humiliation year after year.

His heart was not completely broken. Even if he was treated to the death, he still had a will that supported his spirit.

Hatred of Bedivere.

The Fox people had to (buy) to Ryder in order to complete the plan to capture Bedivere. Ryder knew this vaguely.

Just because he was once a friend of Bedivere, it became this tragic end.

(Why? It’s not fair!)

So he couldn’t help hating this old friend.

(Why, when I am suffering, you are foolishly living your happy daily life?!)

Especially now that the guy in front of him was smiling happily, the hatred in Ryder’s heart grew even more.

(I’m going to drag you into the abyss that I’ve been through before!)

When Ryder met Bedivere more than ten days ago, he decided to take revenge on Bedivere.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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