Light Spirit Epic Chapter 209: The plan is in the dark cloud (below)


Chapter 209: The Dark Cloud (Part 2)

Arthur rushed into the battle, and as soon as he got up, he chopped off the head of a knight in black armor. But the knights in black armor immediately discovered the existence of Arthur, and the knight in the lead shouted: “That is Arthur! Take him!”

They really came for Arthur.

A dozen black armored knights immediately surrounded, waving weapons in one hand and releasing magic fireballs in the other, shooting everywhere!

Arthur knows the magic swordsman who cast spells while fighting. They were ebony knights secretly trained by the Council. They fought fiercely and cruelly, and one person was equal to the combat effectiveness of a squadron. This kind of wild magic’s deadly tactics have made many knights afraid of it, and it has made the organization that has always dared to provoke the parliament to have a good life!

“Ha!” Arthur responded calmly, blocking the oncoming magic fireball with his protective knife while blocking the onslaught of the knights with the King’s Sword!

Originally, even if the magic was thrown away, people would still be hurt by the physical phenomena caused by the magic. Fireball’s scorching damage is almost inevitable. However, Arthur, who has dragon photons flowing in his body, has long been able to resist high temperature and severe cold, and coupled with the protection of the black dragon armor, this magic can’t stand him at all!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the Ebony Knights immediately changed their tactics.

“All the way!” shouted the leading black armored knight, “No. 4 magic!”

The ebony knights lined up and launched a very powerful wall of fire together! The wall of fire is like a huge wave, surging towards Arthur!

“Are you kidding me!?” Arthur raised the King’s Sword, intending to use the sword to cut through the huge wall of fire. But he wasn’t sure. If you fail, no matter how hard you can withstand high temperatures, you will definitely be baked into coke by this wall of fire!

“Retreat!” Knight X stood in front of Arthur. He stretched out his palms, a simple push, and separated the oncoming wall of fire on both sides!

Without a bit of heat left, Knight X split the wall of fire in a mysterious way! How on earth did he do it? !

“Long time no see, Lancelot.” Arthur raised his sword and stepped forward.

“It’s not Lancelot, I’m Knight X.” Lancelot said.

“Oh, you’re still playing this game. Thank you for your hard work, Knight X.” Arthur couldn’t help but sneer.

“Let’s leave the polite words until the enemy has been dealt with!” Knight X said, then he and Arthur rushed up and fought in the battle.

“Okay, that’s amazing!” Bedivere was stunned, he hadn’t seen Arthur and someone fighting side by side to this level for a long time. The tacit understanding between the two is beyond imagination. They attacked the ebony knights without interruption, wave after wave!

This is not a level that Bedivere and others can catch up at all. Bedivere knows the huge gap between himself and Lancelot just by watching the game.

Arthur and Lancelot, just two people, changed the tide of the battle.

Lancelot blocked almost all the magic with his bare hands, and the flying magic was beaten back by Arthur, making the Ebony Knights suffer.

With the assistance of Lancelot, Arthur has no scruples. With his fierce attack, each sword can effectively cut off the enemy’s head, arm, or leg. For a while, the flesh and blood flew, and the ebony knights died and wounded, all in a mess!

“Entire row! Shield and armor battle array——” “You want to be beautiful!” Before the ebony knight who led the team could give the order, Arthur fell from the sky and struck the hapless man with a sword. The knight splits in half!

“Ha!” Knight X pushed out several palms, and attacked Arthur, who was going to be besieged, and several ebony knights, who were about to land, flew away one by one!

His push palm should not be an ordinary push palm. Something penetrated the knights’ armor and beat them into internal injuries. These ebony knights vomited a large mouthful of blood and never got up again!

“Huh, is it resolved?” Arthur looked at the ebony knights who were fleeing, and swung his sword away from the blood on the King’s Sword.

“Lancelot, it’s good to see you again.” Arthur said.

“…All said, I’m Knight X…” Halfway through Lancelot, he sighed and took off his mask: “Arthur, it’s good to see you again.”

Arthur gave the old friend a warm hug without saying a word.

He then backed away and asked, “How is your sister? Isn’t she very ill?”

“Charlotte is in the hospital in Rome.” Lancelot looked gloomy, “Her petrification has entered the advanced stage, and it is estimated that she has only one year left to live.”

“…I’m sorry to hear that,” Arthur said.

“I’m sorry too.” Lancelot put on the mask again, “so…Arthur, give me a little more time. I’ll be back to help you when I’m done with Charlotte. Yes. Now I just want to accompany my sister through this final journey, so that she doesn’t have to leave alone.”

“I understand.” Arthur said sadly as he looked at his former friend.

But he knew his friend would come back eventually. Lancelot would not turn his back on Arthur, not now, and never will.

“Master Arthur has changed a lot.” Justinian looked at Arthur and Lancelot from a distance, and said, “He gradually has [humanity] and is no longer the cold person he used to be. “

Seeing Arthur and the others fighting with mud and blood, Toville (Lavis) couldn’t help jumping off the city wall, “I’ll go and see if I can help Arthur meow.”

“Idiot! Don’t come here!” Arthur shouted when he saw Tol’vir

It’s too late! An immortal ebony knight raised his arm, and the hidden arrow shot from the arm armor pointed directly at Tovel (Lavis) between the eyebrows!

“Towell!” Arthur rushed over, but at this distance, it was too late to save the Leopard boy!

Seeing that Tovir was about to die with an arrow in the eyebrows, a blue figure rushed over in an instant!

“Crack!” The poisonous arrow pierced deeply into Coves’ knee, and he spat out a mouthful of blood! Not only because of the arrow in the knee, but also because his damaged internal organs could not bear the heavy burden of such high-speed movement!

“Ugh…” Corvez pulled the arrow from his knee and knelt weakly on the ground, “…To…well…Are you okay?”

When his father turned his head to look over, the Leopard boy recognized the Leopard warrior in an instant.

“——That monster, just disappear soon!!” The voice of Corvis in memory echoed in Toville (Lavis)’s mind.

The smell of this leopard warrior drifted in the air. This unpleasant smell reminded the leopard boy of the hellish years.

He exploded. Anzi swelled rapidly in the body of the leopard boy, eroding the boy and reaching the point of no return.

His heart was once again swallowed by darkness.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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