Light Spirit Epic Chapter 182: Infiltrate into the far border (true)


Chapter 182: Infiltration into the Far Border (True)

“Pandora’s Project?” Arthur looked at the frozen sign and murmured in confusion.

At this time, Tol’vir pulled the corner of La Arthur’s shirt.

“Don’t meow…” The leopard boy suppressed his fear and pleaded softly, “Don’t look at meow.”

“Is this Pandora project the fox people’s plan to create super soldiers?” Arthur asked.

“No…worse than that meow,” said Tol’ville.

“This is… the fate of those who can’t become warriors, and can’t become keys… meow. Useless meow.” Tol’vir said tremblingly.

At this time, Arthur’s hand accidentally touched the computer board beside him. The screen on the computer board began to light up, and a recording was broadcast.

“X month X day, Pandora Project, Experiment No. 0.” A researcher’s voice said, holding a syringe in his hand, which contained some kind of black substance.

The orc boy beside him looked terrified, but he was firmly tied to the operating table, and his limbs had already been amputated, and there was no way to struggle.

A black substance was injected into the boy’s body.

After a while, the orc boy began to be swallowed by black things, and his body changed drastically.

“There is a rejection reaction! Terminate, the experiment is terminated!” Before the fox man researcher could finish speaking, his head had been pierced by the tentacles shot from the monster.

The monsters began to slaughter the researchers in the laboratory, and were finally rushed to the guards and shot into a hornet’s nest, and collapsed to the ground.

The black thing evaporated from the monster’s body, and the monster returned to its original shape and died in the form of a boy.

Arthur was stunned, while the leopard boy Tovir, who was beside him, bowed his head and trembled like a child who had done something wrong and waited for the adults to blame.

“That used to be my friend meow.” Tol’ville whispered.

“I’m sorry,” Arthur said. “Did they inject something into the human body to turn it into a monster? What’s the point of people who can’t be warriors turning into uncontrollable monsters?”

“They stopped later, meow. Instead of continuing this kind of wasteful research, it’s better to sell all the defective products for money meow.” Tovel whispered, his voice blurred by trembling.

“Really?” Arthur continued to play stupid. “That’s good, at least Tol’vir doesn’t have to turn into such a monster. Let’s go, there’s nothing fancy about this kind of thing.”

“Mmm…” Tol’vir walked forward a little bit nervously.

Grand Duke Hall, who pretended to be rummaging for something, secretly glanced at Arthur.

It’s six o’clock in the morning. The crowd gathered.

“No, there are a lot of things that look similar, big and small, and the key pieces of the key just can’t be found!” Tristan said.

“Arthur, what should we do? We’re fine, but you humans will freeze to death if you drag on like this.” Bedivere said, he had noticed Evan whose lips were blue from the cold.

“…Evan, didn’t you see anything?” Arthur asked.

“No, no…” Evan replied tremblingly, “There are a lot of similar shapes, but, but there is no magic, magic reaction. I, I was thinking, since it is Such important things should, should, should not be justified, put them aside, put them aside——“

“There’s no other way,” Arthur sighed, “Although the use of magic in the enemy’s enchantment may trigger an alarm… Lotus, can you please?”

“The magic that detects the spell pattern needs to first find a magic spell pattern of similar wavelength as a sample.” Lotus tone said mechanically.

“That’s not a problem,” said Bedivere, lifting his shirt, “Come on, I have the same magic spell in my heart, you can follow this to find it——“

Before she could finish her sentence, Lian Yin suddenly pressed her face to Bedivere’s chest.

“Wow, what are you doing?!” Bedivere yelled, blushing. The scent of the girl made his heart beat faster, almost excited.

“Be quiet, idiot!” Arthur punched Brady.

Tristan snickered.

“…The capture of the wavelength is completed, and the magic resonance magic is used.” Lian Yin said.

“Evan, strengthen your vigilance! Maybe the enemy has already begun to detect it!” Arthur said vigilantly.

Using magic is really fast. In less than a minute, Lian Yin found the fragment of the key.

No wonder I can’t always find it.

In a huge ice coffin, six pieces of light faintly emitted from the body of a bear boy.

Arthur saw the bear man clearly, only to realize that he was much thinner and shorter than the average bear man. The key shards placed such a heavy burden on the creature’s body that the life force of the bear boy was almost drained by the shards.

“So, the fox people have completed the research on the [Master Key], and in order to prevent the [Master Key] from dying, he was completely frozen?” Arthur said.

The bear boy, who was forever frozen in ice, seemed to be crying out for the injustice of his fate with the painful expression on his face. It was a complex expression formed from a combination of incomparable hatred for the researcher and helplessness for his own destiny.

“I’m sorry. Does it hurt? This will free you.” Arthur suppressed his anger and quietly drew out the Sword of Kings.

“Wait, wait, wait! What do you want to do?!” Bedivere rushed over to stop him.

“Let the child free. Destroy the [Master Key] that the foxes worked so hard to research, and make their plans go to waste. Do you need more reasons?” Arthur said.

“No! If you kill him here, the scattered pieces will attach to—we—we—!” Tristan said quickly, “Even if you think there is no problem, I will I don’t want to have such a disgusting key fragment in my heart! Do you want me to become a little dwarf like Brady who can’t grow taller all his life?!”

(Who is the little dwarf who can’t grow taller all his life?!)

Arthur froze for a moment. Pressing his anger completely into his stomach, he withdrew his sword.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think so much when I got angry.” Arthur said, “What should I do now? It’s impossible to move such a big ice coffin away.”

“Only **** him.” The Duke of Hall said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Hall, silent for a while. No one thought that the kind-hearted Grand Duke Hall would suddenly say such cruel words.

“Uh, **? Grand Duke, did you mean ‘**’?” Arthur asked in confusion.

“Think about it, since they can freeze the heart dug out of the human body to keep the key, that is to say, it is possible to kill the child now and just take the part of the key.” Duke Road.

“No! What to do with this kid! Isn’t he pitiful?!” Bedivere said quickly.

“Poor is pitiful, but you see, he is already dead.” Hall said, “Doing this now will free him from suffering in this eternal freeze.”

“…There’s no time, that’s it!” Arthur drew out his sword, “Beddy, Tristan, you can find all kinds of containers that can keep the temperature. Lotus, use the one just now again. Detect the magic and clearly show the location of the key fragments. . . . I’ll do it.”

After the container is ready, Renine uses magic again to reveal the location of the fragments. The shards were originally in the positions of the various internal organs of the bear boy. Arthur didn’t think much about it, he slashed with a few swords, and cut the broken pieces into pieces of ice bricks precisely.

“Arthur, there’s a large group of guards approaching!” Evan said.

“Come on!” Arthur urged, watching as Bedivere and the others loaded the ice cubes into the container.

Grand Duke Hall suddenly also slashed a sword, beheading the bear boy’s head.

“Grand Duke, is it necessary?” Arthur asked.

“Take all the bad stuff out, don’t you?” Hall picked up the bear’s head and stuffed it into another insulated container, “I also bring this one. to study.”

Arthur didn’t say much, and motioned everyone to run into the vent.

A dozen or so tiger guards finally opened the door of the freezer through a complicated procedure.

But what they saw was an empty, silent freezer.

It looks like nothing happened. They couldn’t find a problem at all. Even the corpse of the bear man, which should have been raped, was re-created a perfect replica by Tristan’s ice-type art.

While the guards were still wondering, Arthur and his party had already escaped from the vent to the upper floor of the institute.

“Wow, there are so many guards, can we escape?” Tristan asked, looking out the vent.

“Looks like it’s really good to drink the pure flavor Arthur said,” but don’t relax, remember to prepare the antidote in advance to avoid overheating during the battle. “

“Okay, this wave of guards has passed, let’s go!” Evan said.

Ten minutes later, everyone returned to the utility room where they had first invaded the research institute.

“Very good, the tunnel has not been discovered, and it can still be used.” Tristan signaled everyone to hurry in as he untied the ice cubes that concealed the tunnel. After the group quickly ran in, Tristan sealed the entrance of the tunnel with ice blocks and simulated the texture on the other side of the wall. Everything looks seamless.

“It’s basically safe to get here.” Arthur said.

“Huh, huh.” Bedivere was panting and blushing red from the heat, as if he was drunk. He was “excited” for a while, and his body was much hotter than his peers.

“Are you all right? Would you like an antidote to cool off the heat?” Arthur asked. He knew that Brady desperately needed cooling or something would happen.

“No, it’s not completely safe yet. Drinking the antidote is too easy to reveal our location. I, I’m fine, I just ran a little hasty.” Bedivere said.

“…Okay.” Arthur sighed, knowing that it was useless to persuade Bedivere now.

Everyone kept moving forward quietly at a slow pace, hoping that the final journey would be safe and sound.

The first release of this book is from 17K, so watch the genuine content for the first time!



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